Thursday, January 17, 2013

Conrad Bain Has Died

Conrad Bain, the actor best known for his long run as father Philip Drummond on the hit series "Diff'rent Strokes," died this week. He was 89. It is hard to believe that of the main family members that Todd Bridges is the last one alive. I think most people figured he would be the first to pass away after all he went through getting his life together after the show.


  1. RIP, a life lived well..

  2. Now, the world don't move to the beat of just one drum,
    What might be right for you, may not be right for some.
    A man is born, he's a man of means.
    Then along come two, they got nothing but their jeans.

    But they got, Diff'rent Strokes.
    It takes, Diff'rent Strokes.
    It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.

    Everybody's got a special kind of story
    Everybody finds a way to shine,
    It don't matter that you got not alot
    So what,
    They'll have theirs, and you'll have yours, and I'll have mine.
    And together we'll be fine....

    Because it takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.
    Yes it does.
    It takes, Diff'rent Strokes to move the world.

    RIP Mr. D

    1. @FSP - that is some of Alan Thicke's finest work right there.

    2. ^ Did not know that, Lucas. Fun fact.

  3. Great tribute, FSP. I'm happily going to be humming this song all day long.

  4. Whoever thought that TODD BRIDGES would be the lone surviving member of that cast?

    RIP Mr. D.

  5. That was a great show, with a really enduring father figure.

  6. I think Mrs. Garrett is still alive?

  7. Isn't Rachel Ray still alive? She was the original housekeeper until she moved to Facts of Life.

  8. Anonymous6:52 AM

    Great show.

    Charlotte Rae is still alive as well at 86, Who knew?

  9. Charlotte Rae, Henriette. Rachel Ray is the annoying talk show host/chef.

    When Charlotte Rae dies, I'm going to cry hard. Talk about someone who was a TV mother figure of my childhood!!!

  10. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I grew up on Facts of Life. Still my very favorite show of all time!!!

  11. He was a World War Two veteran, Canadian Army. Thank you Mr. Bain. RIP.

  12. RIP Mr. D. Also surprised Todd Bridges is still alive.

  13. RIP, Mr D. I read that he was the one who helped Todd get his life straightened out, & he had a hard time talking about his tv kids & their problems b/c he loved them so much. What an wonderful guy.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Deleted my original comment now that I know that Charlotte Rae is still hanging on there. Maybe she and Todd can have a death-off. :)

  16. Thanks @FSP!

    I got a bit verklempt when I read this yesterday, I loved the show as a kid, and thought Mr. Drummond would have been the BEST dad.

  17. Thanks @FSP! :)

    I loved that show growing up!

  18. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Todd has really worked hard to turn around his life. He lives pretty quietly save for the occasional reality show gig. I remember when Gary Coleman died, Todd seemed to be the only person who cared about Gary as a person and not as a payday.

    RIP to Mr. Bain.

  19. I was JUST watching "Maude" and "Diff'rent Strokes" the other night, and I was thinking how cool it was that we still had him. Very sad yesterday to hear this, although it would seem that he had a good long life. Did anyone else love him stealing the scenes he had in POSTCARDS FROM THE EDGE?!

  20. I loved Mr Drummond. That was one of my favorite shows of my childhood. Rip

  21. I watched this as a kid but looking back,shows like "'Strokes" and "Webster" sent out the wrong social message.

  22. Just curious -- how so? I look at shows like this and celebrate how much they influenced society positively for the time. You can't use today's standards to judge it. Remember, this was an era pre-bet. When the idea of a sitcom starring an African American was brand new

  23. God, I loved this show. RIP

  24. Speaking of the OTHER Rachel Ray, her show is on right now (I can't find my remote, which I misplace at least once a day) and she just said that she LOVES Marilyn Manson. Please! What are the chances of THAT? I wish she would just stuff a sock in it.

  25. @FSP, thanks!

    Whatever happened to theme songs anyway?!?

  26. Anonymous9:27 AM

    I barely remember that show, but I like those types of sitcoms that helped people be more tolerant of differences, and taught positive life lessons. What the hell are we teaching kids now with our sitcoms and reality shows? That money and a hot body rule the world? Pretty much.

  27. yes, because Tyler Perry is really doing a stand up job.

    Seachica, well said.

  28. @just curious

    Looking back at it, I see your point. I always thought it was just a vehicle for Gary Coleman, but why couldn't the kids just have been adopted by a black single parent / widower? There was sort of a great white father paternalistic thing going on. I don't remember how Gary and Todd ended up living with the father and the daughter (Dana Plato?).

  29. Tuxedo Cat -

    The plot was the boys' father was friends with Mr. Drummond and made him their godfather. So when the parents died suddenly, the kids moved in.

    Also, Antenna TV shows both "Maude" and "Diff'rent Strokes" each week.

  30. @Zeeky

    Thanks for that, Zeeky, I couldn't remember.

  31. I didn't mean to confuse Wretched Ray with Charlotte Ray. I remember when people were saying this show was cursed. It was a long running gag for many years.

  32. A fun activity is watch some old Rachael Ray videos, maybe about two years apart each, and listen how her voice goes from Lisa Simpson to Patty and Selma.

    A better activity, however, is to watch old Charlotte Rae videos from her "Car 54, Where Are You?" That show is hilarious! She played Leo Schauzer's wife Sylvia. (Al Lewis later played Grandpa on "The Munsters.")

  33. I loved this show (and its theme song!). RIP.

  34. IIRC, Mrs. Jackson had been Mr. Drummond's housekeeper at some point, hence the guardianship.
