Monday, January 28, 2013

Chris Brown Punches Frank Ocean - Runs From Police

Last night at a recording studio, Chris Brown and Frank Ocean got into a fight allegedly over a parking space. Chris punched Frank and then ran away before the police came. Frank stayed and talked to the police because he is a man and is not afraid to talk to the police. I think Chris is just upset because Frank has come out to the world and everyone still loves him and he can be who he wants to be. Chris is probably jealous of that so beats up people. It also could be that Chris has a tiny member and is frustrated about that and knows that if he didn't have a lot of money and fame that he probably would never get to disrespect women as much as he does. The police probably won't do anything, but it does show you that Chris is still an a-hole and that violence is his first answer for everything.


  1. Sounds like a lover's quarrel to me.

    1. That's a really shitty thing to say!

    2. Other sites are reporting that its because frank called rhianna a hoe.

  2. Sounds like Chris propositioned him and Frank turned him down.

  3. I love Frank ocean and admire him deeply. Coming out in the R&B/hip hop community is beyond brave. This just further deepens my hatred for Chris Brown. He's such a scumbag.

  4. I wonder if any gay slurs were dropped by Fist Brown.... Wouldn't be surprised.

    (Longtime lurker)

  5. CB ran away before the police came? You don't say. Snort.

  6. Chris Brown is suuuuch a douche. He is as untalented as he is ugly, yet he has a career? And a fan base? *shakes head* Frank Ocean, stay strong!!!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. They were fighting over a parking space in CB's butt.

    1. Another shitty, homophobic comment!

  9. I was just about to say, yeah..this is TOTALLY about a parking someone's behind.
    (pun intended)

    Seriously though, I agree w/ y'all...resentment by CB, or CB got rejected. My first thoughts exactly.

    Next time, we're gonna hear that Kanye & CB just happened to have a fight in a park restroom. lol

  10. JSIERRA___OMG...We are truly great minds, with that oh-so-highbrow humor! OF COURSE WE CROSSED with that nugget, lmfao!

  11. *snorting and cackling at JSierra's ass crack comment! =))))

    CB is some kinda douchetastic, isn't he? What a pussy! Takes off before the police arrive!

    Frank is a pretty boy...didn't know that!

  12. I can't believe this douche is still around. Ugh.

  13. Even though Chris Brown is an ass he did not initiate this fight. I heard a recording of the incident on one of the Hip Hop radio stations here in NY and Frank Ocean was definetely the aggressor. Ocean is trying to get the story out there b/c he would be more believeable than Chris due to Chris Brown's bad reputation. Sorry Chris Brown's haters, Ocean started this one. Once you hear the recording you will see for yourself. The radio station that released the recording is 105.1.

    1. Anonymous8:50 AM

      @never i'm with you on this one. from what i heard, someone from frank's camp threw the first punch. i'm also hearing that chris really didn't want to fight. i know of the man's past but it's pretty bad how this story is being spun in frank's favor just because he wanted the cops to know his story first. frank and his crew are known bullies but everyone wants to believe he's a peaceful saint. that's really messed up

    2. @nessa & nevermindthat - I agree with both of you, we're gonna be in the minority here. But yea, I heard all that too. That Franks crew was *waiting* for CB to leave the studio and was waiting by his car...starting talking shit, and that Franks team threw the first punch.
      Just because you stick around to talk to the cops does NOT mean you didn't instigate the fight. It just means you're interested in getting your story out first.
      On a personal note, I've seen how people can manipulate a situation by using someone's past as a way to present the future situation. I've been the one who has been made to look like the bad guy, just because I might've made poor decisions on the past, and yes, it involves hitting people. My ex's family thought I was some psycho abuser, till they saw how he used to just push, push, push my buttons, getting in my face, saying nasty mean hurtful things while I begged him to stop, and all he did was push more. Corner me till I shoved him and then he was all "See what I put up with?!?" until his mom said "We'll, if you shut up the first, or fifth time she asked you to, maybe she wouldn't push you around."

    3. Anonymous11:18 AM

      @brooke i'm sorry you had to go through that and i hate to compare it to this situation but that's how my people are saying things went down. i was told tmz has most of the details right on how it happened. that frank was going to punch chris but chris pushed him away. people will assume chris used his fists because he has in the past.

      not defending chris, i just think he gets the short end of the stick everytime. always guilty until proven innocent

    4. I don't really want to *defend* him, either. I can just see how the story could get spun into something that never really happened. And yea, a mature person would just walk away, but we all know CB's critical thinking skills leave something to be desired.

    5. Brooke, been there! I got labeled the hot-tempered one in my family, so then other people got the pleasure of always being the nice ones...and boy did they love to push 'til I cracked! It's like they turn you into a circus freak just for their viewing pleasure!

  14. JSierra and Libby are both winning the day with their comments.

  15. How is Chris Brown not in prison yet?

  16. The 'Google Alert' is the new Batsignal.

    Funny how it's really never a regular commenter. I'm going to have to ponder what it all means!

    Thanks, *karen*, btw.

    1. @ libby, you are winning today with your comments! I'm laughing like a maniac over here!

  17. I wish this would amount to another assault charge. I don't understand how his past conduct has gotten him jail time yet. Regardless of who started it, it sounds like Chris is the one who punched & ran.

  18. It doesn't matter who started it, Chris Brown decided to use his fist to end it. He is a piece of shit. I'll eat my shoe if it turns out no gay slurs were used.

  19. Chris Brown did what? I don't believe it. He's such a great guy, we should just let him off the hook with a slap on the wrist. I have a feeling this was just a one time mishap for him.

  20. He ran away because closed fist is felony assault, and he's got priors.

  21. This might sound bad, but I'm kind of hoping that Chris said something homophobic so the charge can get upped to a hate crime. I just want to see that bastard get the maximum sentence he can.

  22. But y'all...Chris Brown deserves a second chance! He's learned his lesson!

    (Radio broadcasts aside, the police consider Brown the aggressor and Ocean the victim.)

  23. JSierra + Libby - you two are in top form this morning!

    I just don't buy that Ocean was the aggressor - there's more to this story, and I'm glad that Ocean waited for the police and filed a report.

    Bottom line, Brown punched him and fled the scene - that's assault, no matter how you slice or dice it.

  24. If Frank Ocean was the aggressor, then why did he stay to talk to the police, while Brown ran away?
    Can't stand Chris Brown...and I wish he would fall into a deep crack in the Earth and never return.

  25. Well, there's plenty of homophobic comments floating around here under the guise of humor. Hey, but it's just jokes right so that makes it okay?

    Chris Brown is a Jackass and the one thing to look forward to is the story he'll give twenty years in his future when his money's gone.

  26. Hahaha Libby I love me a good dirty joke, especially at Chris Brown's expense.

    I'm sorry but I just can't respect anyone who defends Chris Brown.

  27. Pini, I will make fun of ANY self-hating gays and their self-hating ways. The fact that he's also a beater just clinches it.

    I did NOT say 'clench'.
    I apologize to Anal enthusiasts of ALL orientations, who may have been offended by what could have been a good pun.

  28. A parking space, really?

    He has some serious rage issues.

  29. We can talk about parking penis in my vagina all day, I have no problem with it and am not offended if anyone makes such a comment. We can even talk about parking it in my butt, again I won't get offended. If anyone was offended, I did not mean it to be and apologize.

  30. I didn't see any underlying homophobia in your jokes.

  31. Ugh. Fist Brown is such a piece of ****.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Chris Brown has a long history of violence, so I'm not buying that he's the victim here, and I don't care if there's a recording. Who conveniently released it and when did they start recording audio? Don't care, anyway. Chris Brown stans disgust me.

  34. This wasn't over a parking space. Chris Brown and Frank Ocean/Odd Future (hip hop collective of which Frank is a member) have a long history of conflict.

  35. Leave Chris Brown alone!!

  36. Who the fuck would ever defend Chris Brown if they weren't getting paid?

    What are the morals of the Astroturf shills who would defend Chris Brown for Benjamins?

  37. My mother's dead, but if I ever beat on a woman like he beat on a woman--and I've never raised my hand to a woman--my mother would come ravening back from across the Styx and totally kill my ass.

  38. @JSierra: "We can even talk about parking it in my butt, again I won't get offended." Uhhh....What is your email address again? I...uuuh...I need that star ranking spreadsheet.

    I can't wait to read the "Ding Dong the witch is dead" celebration on the internet the day Chris Brown is found layin in the street, dead, in front of a club.

    I assume he was molested between 5-8years old, because he has not matured past that age. Just a hunch. If not molestation, some other type of trauma.

    1. He aint nowheres near being as mature as a five year old! :-)

      More like age 2.

    2. That had me laughing so hard!

  39. Anonymous8:05 AM

    He should be studied, seriously.

  40. 'Hello, I'm a commenter you never see, and I'm here today to defend Chris Brown.'


    1. It's not either or. Brown is an ass, but homophobic jokes are also crap. Two wrongs...

  41. Yeah I try not to engage trolls, but that toilet flush thing was too easy.

    1. @Sarah totally appropriate. it couldn't Not be said.

  42. If only he was hit by a truck while running from the cops.

  43. BProfane, you win my heart and all the Internets today. Ravening across the Styx! HA!

    Ocean's face is like, "B*, please."

    The toilet-flush comment.... um, OK. 4th grade?

  44. I'm with PuggleWug on Chris being guilty simply for using his fists (the boy knows no other way to deal with LIFE). I was also surprised to read this morning that this likely WAS initiated by Ocean, but of course Chris finished it like the violent loser he is. And yeah, I'll eat my shoe if there weren't gay slurs thrown around by Chris' team.

  45. gay man gets into a fight and all jokes turn to ass sex.

    may not be homophobic but it is childish as fuck to reduce a gay man to his sexual interests.

  46. What's up with Chris and parking spaces? He got kicked out of his Weho condo over parking space abuse.

  47. All men get reduced to their sexual needs, gay no different. If it was a straight guy Brown hit, there would be jokes about the possibility Chris was told Rhianna tastes like Honey Nut Cheerios.

  48. B.Profane,the same type of internet fairies that get paid by the Jessica Simpson PR ones are the Ian or machine, off shore.

  49. Chris brown doesnt seem to able to act right for more than 8 hours at a time . Whats that about? Fighting ? Over a parking spot? So inane.

  50. Fist Brown is a douche no matter what. Helped an old lady cross the street? Still a douche. Volunteered on Thanksgiving? Still a douche. Etc etc etc.

  51. It also could be that Chris has a tiny member...

    Sorry Enty, I've seen the google photos that Chris Brown took of himself naked in his bathroom (those are always so classy!) and he's hung like a bear. Unfortunately for him, his peen is much bigger than his intellect.

    1. mango, this is the writing of faux "raging feminist" Enty:)

    2. Ugh, Mango. I cannot imagine the trauma that ensued from having that image imprinted on your brain.

  52. Everyone in this story are probably guilty of being asshats! I doubt it was one-sided. I don't think Frank Ocean is innocent at all in this. That being said, I still despise Chris Brown and the next person he hits has a big friend who beats him senseless.

  53. @Mango - HA I was about to say...I've seen those pics also, and although Chris acts like he has a baby dick, he sure doesn't! Sadly, nothing he does surprises me anymore. This trick won't stop until he or someone else is dead.

  54. Good one Mango! I saw those pics too and you're right.

    As someone else said, ocean might have started it but a more mature man would have walked away. If you know you are already known for your short fuse why stick around to fight with a guy about a parking spot?

  55. It sounds like both of them are at fault but Ocean has
    more smarts and backbone than Chris Brown.

  56. I think Chris Brown has a lot of anger that he doesn't have a lot of control over. I remember when he was on SNL and was just coming back into favour. He just seemed mad that the whole crowd wasn't ecstatic with his sweaty backflips and breathy singing.

    I also heard that Frank Ocean was the instigator, but hitting someone is never the answer, right?

  57. There are a lot of douchebags on crazydays today.

  58. Ugh, this bitch.

  59. I don't think "parking space in his butt" comments were directed at Frank Ocean? They were directed at the closeted Chris Brown.

  60. And why do I vision this fight between the two resembling the first 50 seconds of this scene from Princess Bride with Frank being Inigo Montoya and Chris being the six-fingered man?

  61. I wish Chris Brown would go after the wrong guy and get his head knocked off (and not THAT head, either).

  62. this was about a parking space as much as Joe Pesci going after a guy with a bat in A Bronx Tale was

  63. @shortlechic---nobody knows who you're replying to unless they are using the mobile app. You need to reference the person you're replying to for context.

  64. I didn't know that. Thanks!

  65. People who are getting all hype about the supposed "homophobia" need to calm down and learn how to read subtlety. Frank Ocean is a very intelligent, creative guy who is gay. Read his coming out letter, it's beautiful. CB is self closeted bi/gay asshole who takes his anger out on others.

    Besides, everyone has a butt, and butt jokes are funny.
