Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Charlie Sheen Says Crack And Booze Not To Blame For Meltdown

On Letterman last night, Charlie Sheen was asked whether crack or booze had been the reason for his 2011 meltdown. Charlie said that it had not been, but wished it was because what happened was much more dark but would not reveal what it was, except to say he had to do what was right.


  1. Shit. I am pretty impressed with how he turned that all around, turned himself around. I was expecting a monumental train wreck, it's nice to see someone can pull themselves up despite the influences around them.

  2. Is he lying? Or is somebody on 2 and half men a kid-toucher? That's the ONLY moral line I think Charlie Sheen would draw, honestly....

    But I gotta go. My BF is already feeding the birds (MY job), so I will be back in a few hours.
    can't wait to read your guesses!

  3. JSierra--Did you see me mention i LOVE your avi?
    Those two-face photos were all the rage when I was young. But A CAT, looking thoughtful on the side there? TOO MUCH! hahahaha

    I gotta go, shit.

  4. Mental illness, then?

    1. Kathleen, that's what I'm surmising.

    2. Kathleen, Kidding:)

  5. If he's truly turned himself around, that's great, but the effort to exclude drug abuse from among the factors contributing to his meltdown gives me pause.

  6. I'm sorry - I know he's done some really rotten things but he always makes me laugh.

  7. I saw this and thought he looked like he was on something during the interview. He was funny though! Loved that he said 2 and half men was dead. Wish him well with his new show which is pretty good.

    @JSierra, love the picture! Two of my favorite things, cats and ASkar, can't go wrong.

  8. Hahaha thanks Lib! Even Eric Northman can look sexy in kitty glamour shots lol

  9. I love the interview awhile back with Letterman and RDJ when Letterman asked RDJ if he and Charlie ever partied together. RDJ said no but it might have been fun. Letterman goes on to imply that perhaps RDJ could give Charlie some pointers on turning it around and the look on RDJ's face said it all. I think he answered no.

  10. He wasn't always like he was then. Heavy substance abuse can cause mental illness too.

  11. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Charlie has drug issues. Charlie has mental health issues, I think. But, I think something somewhere in his childhood or teen years lead to both A&B. I really wonder if he was touched/sexually abused/Dan Schindered. Maybe not on a project he was working on but by a friend/co star/someone in the industry who he met through his family. Martin himself was pretty messed up for a while. There is something deeper than simple drug use doing on I think.

  12. Again,these white dudes. LMBAO

  13. Hmm, I am intrigued as to how his tiger blood meltdown was "doing the right thing."

  14. After he beat someone I don't care. An abuser is not someone who deserves attention or forgiveness.

  15. I wonder if because of his antics and loose morals, someone in the industry let him in on something that he was really not okay with, like child sexual abuse. There has to be a reason he's not talking about whatever it is. "Hey, you're a nutjob. Wanna join our club? No? You better not say anything or blah blah blah will happen."

  16. All excuses all the time with Charlie. He hit the jackpot with FX when they pulled the trigger on the 90 eppies with Anger Management. He seems to have the same constitution of Ozzy so he will be around for a long,long time.

  17. I would guess it had to do with Brooke and their boys. Maybe that's why Denise has them all the time - I think Charlie still holds a candle for her and regardless of circumstances she's a good parent. He seems to be less of a fucking mess then Brooke, so maybe what happened effected their relationship and the kids' well being. Whatever it was it has to be major to jump off the deep end like that.

  18. @discoflux - that's an interesting theory, might have something there.

  19. His voice is gone to hell. He sounds like the demon from The Exorcist.

  20. Agree with phoenix. At this point it's the chicken or egg question. Still I have more sympathy for him than LiLo.

  21. Holy crap, Charlie's gonna be a grandpa. His oldest daughter (who's 28 y/o) is expecting her first.


  22. Crack, booze...syphilis...who knows what caused his breakdown. But I'm glad to see he's doing better.

  23. Lol @ Jason .. I can totally see his head spinning now

  24. there was a blind item posted elsewhere about a wife catching her hubby in bed with his long time secret boyfriend. the blind contained clues like 'snow' and 'xmas'. Charlie was the top guess. his wife went after him with a knife on xmas at aspen and they later divorced. by the next xmas, his bf had also broken up with him, and not having anyone to talk to about this, he went off the rails. so while drugs and booze wouldn't have helped his situation, they were not the cause. that's what charlie is saying here.

  25. There is no way Charlie is gay. He may have had experiences when he was high as a kite, but nothing more.

    He went through a middle age crisis. Nothing more, nothing less - he just had enough money to drown himself in booze, drugs and gals during it.

  26. This son of a bitch is so goddamned open and honest about the trainwreck that is his life that you can't hate him.
