Sunday, January 27, 2013

Casey Anthony Files For Bankruptcy

Apparently none of those big book or movie deals are coming through for Casey Anthony and this week she was forced to file bankruptcy in an attempt to get all those legal bills from around her neck. In the filing she says she has $1100 in assets. She owes about $500K in legal fees and another $200K to Florida as part of her criminal case and somehow owes the IRS almost $70K but I'm wondering what she did to earn enough to owe them that kind of money. Casey is the defendant in several lawsuits, but the good news for her is that two of her convictions were overturned. bad news is that she had already served the time. One interesting item on the bankruptcy filing is the money she owes to a scuba diving school for lessons.


  1. Anonymous9:04 AM

    There's always stripping. Ugh that case is so sad, but when she starts feeling sorry for herself she should remember that at least she's not living the rest of her life behind bars.

    1. She could open a day care center or write children's books.I think Hustler offered to pay her for posing.

  2. that's a chunk of change...

  3. Maybe she'll end up in jail for unpaid taxes.


  4. I have visceral hate for this woman, but I'll try to keep it at bay so I don't start the day with a lot of negative energy.

    Didn't ABC News pay Casey $215,000 to "license photos" in exchange for an interview? That's apparently the go-around for credible journalists these days. If I recall correctly, Jose Baez credited that money from ABC as what helped them to win their case. I LOATHE ABC News because of that. It may be irrational, but there ya go

    1. I loathe them too for it, I don't even watch that channel

  5. the 70k in taxesis from the photos she 'licensed' of Caylee to help fund her defense. At least Jose took all the money and spent it so she never saw a dime of it. I think the networks paid 200k for them.

    I only remember one serious money grab after it was over and the agent wanted the moon, for an interview they wanted cash and a book deal. Thankfully the networks all balked at it.

    There is no point to a Casey interview she is a born sociopath and all she will do is lie.

  6. @Vera L - from your lips to God's ear.

    Rumor has it she lives around 10 miles from me. I'd hate to run into her in a store or something - I'd hate to go back to any place she's been.

    Perhaps she has to pay taxes on the amount Orange County paid to her attorneys - I understand the county picked up part of the tab because she claimed to be indigent. I see this trick going the way of Octomom - the only thing people will pay her for is to see her as a stripper or doing porn. If/when she writes a book, it won't be a big seller.

  7. Did anyone watch the Lifetime Rob Lowe movie about the case? I did. It was pretty meh.

    1. I did, the casting was epic (e.g. fake Casey's evil eyebrows) when Rob Lowe plays you, you've made it in life...I'm glad Lifetime went with Jeff Ashton's point of view rather than anyone else's...but they did not present a.good enough case to the jury plain and simple...oh and they portrayed George so innocently (I still think he helped hide the body)

  8. LMAO that the bulk of the money she owes is to Baez. He gets her off murder charges and she still hasn't paid him? Amazing. Why hasn't anyone taken this b--ch out of the equation, yet?

  9. I wonder if anyone in that jury has trouble sleeping at night. I swear the collective IQ of that group is somewhere in the mid-single digits. Slightly OT, I know, but I still get mad as hell when I see her name in the news.

  10. You know I kind of feel sorry for her......

    J/k J/k! She'll get hers one day.

    @gmg, I missed it? When did it air?

    1. It premiered last weekend, but Lifetime has been airing it a lot since then. I don't think it provided any new info, and I think the real Jeff Ashton is way better than Rob Lowe's portrayal of him. But, it's worth seeing if you're into this case.

    2. I hope to catch it on repeat, I'll record it on my dvr if I have to. Ever since I saw Rob Lowe's portrayal of Drew Peterson, I pretty much only see him with gray hair and a thick mustache. I need something new to rinse my brain of that disastrous image I have of him. Thanks for the heads up!

  11. I still think someone in that jury got their ears and wanted her not guilty hoping for financial gain. and hammered that there was no evidence to directly tie her to the murder and disregarded the mountain of circumstantial evidence.

    Convicting her was easy, not guilty and the public's heads would collectively explode (which it did) a few of them came right out of the gate with agents demanding money for interviews. They were trying to profit off of a dead little girl. Again, thankfully other than ABC throwing one of them a trip to Disney world, the rest came up empty.

  12. This woman craves attention. Articles like these need to stop. She is a horrible person, and by keeping her name and face out there, she is getting what she wants.

  13. You don't go to jail for failure to pay taxes (unless you intentionally withheld income that shouldbe taxed ). You go to jail for failure to file. I don't think (but not positive) that tax debt can be expunged under bankruptcy.

    Nonetheless, I wish her nothing but ill will.

  14. right @Lola taxes and school loans are exempt from Bankruptcy, you gotta pay those no matter what. The Gov't always gets their money.

  15. We watched the first hour of that Rob Lowe movie and changed the channel. Thought it was crap.

  16. >Jose Baez<

    Am I the only one reading this as Joan Baez, ~facepalm~

    Don't blame the jury for her walking around. Blame the prosecutors. They didn't make their case-PERIOD.

    I think she's guilty as sin and hope she rots someplace for a good long while, but don't blame the jury. Please.

  17. She and OJ make my blood boil. Such scum. Yah, that jury was pretty much worthless. Am I'm so flippin' tired of evidence being excluded for lame-ass reasons!

    She'll probably find some asshat to marry, who falls for her crap and "rescues" her. Blech.

  18. She is a murdering, lying, manipulator that deserves every bad thing that is and will happen to her. If the only story that ever comes out again about her is her obituary, that is the only thing news worthy about her.

  19. I wish extreme and severe, life long depression on this cunty gal. If anyone deserves it, she does.

  20. I still can't fathom that she got away with murdering her little girl. I just hope she never has another baby. She's pure evil!

  21. She is already void of a soul, so she should skip stripping and go straight to whoring on CraigsList.

    She'd be a great whore for rough tricks, cause the police prolly wouldn't lift a finger if you beat her half to death.

  22. Luckily, no one has a soft spot for her so I doubt there would be a market for anything that benefits her. Other than marrying a really stupid sugar daddy, her only real options are stripping and low end hooking.

  23. I have a hate-on for people who hurt kids. I agree, get her on tax evasion! Maybe someone in prison will show her just how awesome it is be a victim.

    (I now return to my normally pacifist-ish manner.)

  24. She could kill herself. Works for me.

  25. She could kill herself. Works for me.

  26. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I watched a show with Aphrodite Jones (coolest name ever) where she went over all the evidence as the jury heard it, and even though she personally feels Casey is guilty, she also said the prosecution did not make its case for murder. The jury could only go on the evidence presented. Enough of the jury-bashing. Casey got away with it, but it's not the jury's fault.

  27. "The devil is dancing tonight".

  28. Anonymous11:15 AM

    I watched a show with Aphrodite Jones (coolest name ever) where she went over all the evidence as the jury heard it, and even though she personally feels Casey is guilty, she also said the prosecution did not make its case for murder. The jury could only go on the evidence presented. Enough of the jury-bashing. Casey got away with it, but it's not the jury's fault.

  29. Wouldn't it be terrible if she failed scuba diving lessons and then got locked in the trunk of a car that was pushed into the ocean? Tragedy. So young.

    Enty, give us a kindness, would ya? I don't have any champagne, can't have a mimosa. :(

  30. there was as much circumstantial evidence in the Scott Peterson case as the Casey Anthony case.

    One is on death row and one is vlogging for attention.

    1. Timebob, I call it the Florida factor.

  31. I like how the prosecutor banked it all, good for him...didn't win the case, he'll make money off of it

  32. Stripping, hooking, and then the religious souls that wNt to take her in and save her...oh that's right, scratch that option off the table, someone already tried that and she screwed them over too...

  33. The only news I want to hear about this child murdering waste of flesh is when she ends up dead. Hopefully sooner rather than later!


  34. good for her. I hope she has a miserable life. I hope the lawyer that proclaimed her innocence gets stiffed, too.

  35. The fact that she is able to see natural light makes my blood boil. This case will forever go down as a hideous injustice to a purely innocent victim.

  36. @yodelay: I think it is horrble that you wish quick death on her. She needs slow, painful death such as death by buttseks from the population of Rikers Island or Rahway prisons. Torture coupled with a heavy dose of mind fucking so she can not attempt to escape to a happy place while the festivities are going on.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. I read in one article she has about $1k in personal assets. Unless she gets a book/movie deal, I don't see how she could possibly pay this back?

  39. The jury can only convict on what evidence is presented to them in court. I'm sure so many of them felt she was guilty but there obviously wasn't sufficient evidence. It's not their fault.

  40. That idiotic jury deserves every bit of bashing they get and then some. Fact.

  41. @Count Jerkula-that sounds good too!

  42. Other choices including second-degree murder, felony murder and manslaughter. The full packet of instructions contained the definitions of all of these crimes and what elements were required to convict. They had a plethora of opportunity to put her away. 11 hours they "deliberated". It was a very stupid and lazy jury.

  43. Sorry I agree with some on here. There were many problems with the case and the jury had to base their choice on what was presented and not what they might have felt emotionally. The defense somehow created reasonable doubt and the prosecution did not show enough to counter that. Stop blaming the jury and focus on the person responsible.

  44. Let's just all agree to make this woman's life as miserable as possible if given the chance. Do not buy or watch anything that might comes out. If it seems like there's interest then she might get offered something. Is she still in hiding?

  45. I don't like how this was such an A-list news story. The newsies spent so much airtime whipping up our outrage, it's disgusting.

    Don't get me wrong, I believe she did it and should go to jail (or straight to Hell, die in a fire, either one) but there are/were so many other stories of missing children that aren't getting any mention because they don't have the star quality the media requires.

  46. The reasonable doubt was for guilty of 1st degree. I thought the prosecution was horrible. But she could have been easily found guilty of child endangerment which was tied into the manslaughter charge. It is what it is, but I still maintain..stupid and lazy jury, imo.

  47. Well, that jury consisted of Floridians. (Sorry to any FLers reading these comments.) The state ranks about a half-step above Ohio in terms of idiot behavior.

  48. How is she able to file for bankruptcy when she refuses to get a job?? Even if there were "credible threats to her life", there are hundreds of jobs that don't require working with the public, or can be done from home. She hasn't changed, she wants to be taken care of and not have to lift a finger.
    I'm about sick of this bitch.

  49. Bankruptcy filings don't hinge on employability status (unemployment pay does). Bankruptcy is basically "I have more debt than I can reasonably repay within a reasonable amount of time, after sales of assets." You'd be surprised at how easy it is to "hide" assets, too. (Side-eye at OctoMom.)

  50. I hate her guts
    If they found her tied up and thrown in a swamp I would smile :)
    Every time I see her or her douche bag lawyer I still get pissed . He couldn't practice as a lawyer for 8 tears after passing the bar because he owed child support.

  51. There's always a Playboy spread. I hate this woman too. I have absolutely no sympathy for her. She may have gotten away with murder, but she will pay in other ways. Karma.

  52. She way too trashy for Playboy, and that mag sucks anyway.

    If she ever does porn, it needs to be for Facial Abuse. They will break her down physically and mentally.

  53. A huge problem with the media turning crime into A-list TV is is the people involved are now "stars." Anthony can never get a job at McDonald's, Walmart, or where you work; it'd be a mob scene every day. She can never pay those debts. CNN and Lifetime made millions making her famous, and that fame makes her unemployable.

    (Again, I think she got away with murder and should rot in hell, but with several hours of coverage every day, it's not news. It's "The Truman Show.")

    Anthony's lawyer probably knew he wouldn't get paid, but took it for the exposure. He can raise his rates and attract the wealthiest of clients. He could end up with his own TV show, a sweet consultant gig on cable news, or his daughter could get peed on by a rapper!

  54. CNN, etc., could have run a Missing Kids show every day, an hour long, that would have done actual good. There's just no outrage. Outrage is sexy!

    There is a show like that once every week, but it's relegated to E/I timeslots, like 5am Saturday morning, on local broadcast stations.

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