Monday, January 21, 2013

Cameron Douglas Tests Positive For Drugs - In Prison

Earlier this month, Cameron Douglas was thrown into solitary confinement after testing positive for drugs. This is no way for the son of Michael Douglas to act if he is trying to get his 10 year sentence for dealing crystal meth reduced. The New York Post says federal prison officials tested Cameron and found that he was dirty and then sent him to solitary. There is no word on if he is still there or if any additional time will be added to his sentence. In the last couple of months Cameron had a hearing as he appealed the amount of time he was sentenced because he called it outrageous for the crime. He had a point, but the dirty test is not going to help and I guess he will keep using when he gets out.


  1. An idiot with an enormous trust fund.....he'll kill himself

  2. Omg his belly button is freakin me out. Could his expression possibly be any more durrrrr.

    1. Drug bloat belly. His liver is probably so fatty, it looks like a regulation sized football. Ten yrs is a pretty long sentence, but considering his past crimes and recidivisms, maybe they decided that they didn't give a d*mn who his famous family might be, plus, from what I heard, none of them wanted to plead for shorter time and perhaps be legally responsible for overseeing him on a probation basis, afterward. He and Redmond O'Neal, both as useless as tits on a boar hog, and showing no signs they are getting any better. Such a waste.

    2. I forgot about Redmond, he was getting in trouble regularly but I haven't heard anything about him in awhile.

  3. Does it really say timeless on his stomach?? I can't stop laughing at that picture. Way to have been born into serious privilege and throw it in the crapper...

    1. @J Sara, you hit the nail on the head there. With his family tree, trying to look like a hardcore thug just backfires and ends up being incredibly hilarious.

  4. He does have an unusually large belly button. Weird. Now I can't stop looking at it.

    That, and his weird nipple. It looks like someone colored over it in a peach colored marked in an attempt to make it match his skin tone.

  5. Ugh... what a mess.

  6. I actually feel very sorry for him, just to show he is suffering a terrible illness of addiction.

  7. It makes no sense to me how Lindsay Lohan can have all these DUIs and cocaine possession and carjacking and theft and whatever charges and have done basically hours in the slammer while he's got a 10 year sentence? Really?

    1. Difference between NY and CA. CA caters to so-called celebs, NYC says screw ya.

    2. He was busted for dealing...and not small time. Huge difference between him and Lindsey (as much as I loathe her).

  8. That picture is all kinds of wrong. Dude effed up big time.

  9. LiLo wasn't dealing. This guy was doing way more harm. 10 years is standard for dealing and has been for some time. Hope he does all that time and more. He's a danger to anyone around him.

  10. Kind of OT; I have no idea how people with money end up with such bad ink. Everyone in my family began getting tattoos early while very poor, so they may have had to get them coloured in stages, but they went to talented artists.
    Anyhow, I think Enty has a good point. When you're trying to get a sentence reduced the court is less likely to lower their prior opinion but they may compromise and reduce your sentence for good behaviour. Emphasis on GOOD behaviour!

  11. Amy, the difference is that Cameron was caught dealing Quantities large enough to be felonies... And I think there were other extenuating circumstances. Blohan usually sticks to misdemeanors, though I couldn't agree more than she makes a mockery of the judicial system and is arguably more dangerous to society...

  12. Wow, poor guy, he can't stay away from it even in prison. His eyes look like (old Canadian saying) two pissholes in a snowbank.

  13. My husband has a belly button like that. I call it a soup bowl. It freaks me straight out.

  14. Maybe I'm misremebering, but didn't he also get busted dealing IN prison?

  15. addiction is a motherfucker.

  16. Why would anybody feel bad for this POS? He was dealing meth and heroin. So now there' s a bunch of addicts out there rotting away who may not have affluent families to provide long term treatment they will need. Stunning parent and Grandfather.

  17. His original sentence was 5 years. But he got caught having his lawyer sneak him in Xanax. He then admitted to doing all kinds of shit in prison and the judge doubled his sentence. He then ratted out 2 of his suppliers and they put a $1000 hit on him for being a rat. Needless to say, he got a broken leg and finger playing yard football.

  18. Was his lawyer sanctioned?

  19. If you insist on getting a word tattooed on yourself, at least use a legible type style. I couldn't read this - thanks, J Sara, for the interpretation.

  20. i can't find anything about that lawyer getting sanctioned or anything.

    she supposedly had a crush on him.

    ewwwwwwwww!!! was she on drugs too?

  21. Ok this picture and Beiber's butt just ruined my day! Nasty Fuckers!!

  22. I also couldn't read his badass tat lol, thanks @ J.Sara.
    You have my sympathy @ Robot.

  23. Anonymous8:28 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Think of rich kids as carbon copies of Lindsay Lohan: Im special, the law doesn't apply to me, I can lie and buy my way out of anything, fuck everyone, cause I'm special!

  25. There is something so wrong about this picture. Like someone took a picture of your typical greasy lowlife pusher and morphed Michael Douglass's features onto the face... Only with bad photoshop skills so it looks all wrong,

  26. The boy's got problems. Addiction is a bitch, but I can't respect his apparent complete lack of interest in doing better.

  27. Man, can you imagine what all he has to do-or rather who all-to get his fix in prision? Especially AFTER he ratted? Addiction will likely be the least of his health issues, sadly.

  28. About to get on a plane, but loving the comments today! Thanx, CDANers, you always make me laugh!

  29. He looks like a real winner here in this pic doesn't he? How old is he here and why is he acting like a 14 yr old boy? I looked up other pictures for this guy and he must have fallen pretty hard. Yeah addiction is a bitch.

  30. His tatt is so bad that I thought it read, "Cameron".

    With his parent's money why was he dealing?

    Donald Trump might be a major asshole of the first water but his kids went to college and NEVER pulled shit like this.

    1. It doesn't say that? That's what I thought too! Perfect for his prison boyfriend to remember his name when he's umm oraly servicing him

  31. Anonymous12:41 PM

    He got his ass beat in jail late last year

  32. He's an addict. Addicts get high, if they can. He's blessed with some major cash backing, and has already taken a beatdown. I wonder, did he pay to get the beatdown to scare his family into funding his drug habit less conservatively?

    Yea, he's on the train rolling to self destruction. But, wasn't he on that rail before he was locked up?

  33. fuck this guy and fuck any sympathy for him! wha-wha-wha, my daddy was never home to hug me b/c he was busy making money to set me up. for. life!!??! cry me a fucking ocean buddy. ur a regular nelson mandela with ur unjust incarceration (he probably thinks so).

    he got busted/jailed for DEALING - you know, the shit that gets others hooked and roped into addiction. did NOT GET BUSTED FOR BEING AN ADDICT or having a tragic disease! he's not a child, he's an adult. one who blames everyone but himself for being a dealer!

    he was not dealing weed, hash, lsd, x, ultram, or bathtub gin. he was dealing fucking meth!! the shit that ruins entire lives, families, and whole nations. and this donkeyfucking turd burglar who never had to lift a finger his entire life did it for the thrill. thinking he's scarface, or in a rap video or boyd crowder's lil brother on justified! he did it - got caught - and then kept doing it in jail!!

    how many people were killed, injured, crippled, robbed, or hooked on drugs b/c of HIM and the drugs he bought/sold (or as collateral damage)?? how many once-innocent girls were prostituted or raped b/c of his product? how many small kids were beaten to near death by a tweaked-up parent b/c of dealers like him?

    so he takes xanax in jail? hardly a crippling disease which he'll never beat. he's a slime under the balls of a slug. hes satans used tampon. so fuck him and fuck his trust-fund enablers and rich lawyers.

    i have pity for a heroin addict in jail and trying to get clean, or an alcoholic fighting to stay sober for her kids. i have pity for a meth addict struggling to get clean...esp. when cam douglas shows up at his apt. with a 2-for-1 midnight-meth special that causes his relapse!
    i have pity for a pot dealer sentenced to 99 yrs. for growing weed on the family farm. i do not have pity for a spoiled hollywood douche dumpster who thinks he's better than everyone else. so just to reiterate: fuck this chunk of monkey spunk (and his blind tattoo artist)!

    1. Kim, I tried to state the same thing upthread. Thank you, methinks you made the point a tad more strongly.

  34. Bringing drugs to an inmate is a felony and charges are always filed (not that everyone gets convicted). In case anyone cares, it my experience he'll spend a couple of months in segregation (it's not really solitary) and no additional time added to his sentence. Expect to see reruns of this. As well as new injuries in the future. As an addict, there's only 2 ways to score the good stuff in prison: you either get ahold of contraband or get hurt enough to have it prescribed by medical.

  35. and his dad just went to court to appeal his sentence as unfair. way to get that trust back!
