Sunday, January 06, 2013

Brandi Glanville Donates Her Wedding Dress

One of the better things to do with your old wedding dress is to donate it to someone who is less fortunate and does not have the means to buy their own dress. Yesterday Brandi Glanville announced that she had given away the wedding dress she wore when she married Eddie Cibrian to a group that gives them to women who are about to become military wives. In this case it is going to a future Army wife. If you think about how much Brandi's dress cost and that she will never use it again, it makes sense to donate it to someone who will use it and then maybe pass it along again. Plus, do you want a reminder of your ex in the closet everytime you open it?


  1. I don't know...A used wedding dress from a broken marraige or wedding rings from a pawn shop just scream "bad karma". Now hand-me-downs from successful marraiges are totally welcome.

    1. Agree, dont want the bad marrage cootie dress!

    2. How is that bad karma? Did the dress run around being evil? Maybe the woman who couldn't afford a dress appreciated it.

    3. That is such a kind gesture and it's wonderful that military wives can have the dress of their dreams. However, I'm very superstitious and wouldn't want a dress that may have bad juju.

  2. I'm glad she did, but did she have to announce it?

    1. Of course she did. It's for attention.

    2. In this instance, I am glad she did. It will encourage others to do the same.

  3. Good for her!! 1 Point Brandi vs Leann 0

  4. An inanimate object does not determine a successful marriage. I think it's great!

  5. I wonder what it cost Leanne for Brandi's divorce from Eddie...

  6. Also a much needed "f*&^ you" to Eddie.

  7. I agree, Reno. Some woman will feel like a queen in that dress on her wedding day. It's up to the couple to make the marriage lasts.

  8. What? This creepy guy was famous before Leanne? How much did the wedding dress cost? And no it's not like these dresses get handed down to daughters anymore.

  9. That picture makes me sad. She looks beautiful & they both look happy. :/

    Good on her - that's a very nice thing to do.

  10. I'm happy for Brandi that she's finally moving on and happy that some lovely couple will benefit from her generosity. Supporting the people in the military (both the troops and their families) is so important.

    1. Dia- is it wrong I cry during Lord of the Rings? Everytime!!! :)

    2. No smash- crying during LOTR is acceptable!

    3. Thank you rejected! Happy Sunday!

    4. Sorry I missed you smash :( I agree with Carebear. Crying is A OK when it comes to LotR!

      Also - By donating her dress publicly she's helping the future recipient AND the charity itself with free publicity like CDaN and other gossip sites. I feel like it's a win win for everyone. Anyone helping Vets should be applauded. The modern military is not same agency our grandfathers fought for.

  11. Mr. Frufra and I are proof positive that you can turn bad wedding ring karma around. We wear the bands that his parents stopped wearing when they were going to divorce. We are going on 19 years, and honestly happier with every year that passes.

    And no, they never did divorce. They couldn't let each other off that easy. Til death do us part, like it or not!

  12. Anonymous10:23 AM

    Great idea! Dia Papaya said it best. Too low energy to right my own response. I think this is a great way to turn some bad memories/pain in to good use/energy.

  13. I have a hard time hating on this one, she did a nice thing for an armed forces family, I hope a young bride has a wonderful wedding and feels beautiful in that dress

  14. Well one thing is for sure Brandi is happier than Eddie

  15. I have a stone in my wedding band courtesy of a previous engagement ring from a broken engagement. I am very happily married (going on 12 years).

    I have no daughters so I would consider donating my wedding dress. What a great idea!

  16. "do you want a reminder of your ex in the closet everytime you open it?"

    Wasn't that what someone said to Katie Holmes before she filed for divorce?

  17. That picture is kind of sad. They did look very happy. But just because you have a fun relationship doesn't mean you should marry.

  18. Not to hate on what is a very lovely gesture, but is it just me or is this blog slowly becoming the Brandi Glanville PR forum? I understand she is prob a friend and an excellent source of information, but it makes me wonder about the integrity and honesty of CDAN posts if any celebrity who feeds info receives positive press in return. A lot of what is posted and hinted at in blind items, etc is pretty damaging stuff, and while I am sure no fame seeking, competitive celebrity (not just Brandi, all) would EVER fabricate information, it does make me wonder. I watch RHOBH and for the most part find Brandi candid and funny, but let's face it, she, like every reality star, has a vested interest in prolonging those 15 minutes for as long as possible.

    1. @gossip Enty has a crush on Ms. Glanville. He has joked about it on Twitter.

    2. I'd rather hear about Brandi than LeAnn, and LeAnn instead of the Koldemort family. Thank you.

  19. Donating a dress, no problem, making sure EVERYBODY knows about it, putz move.

  20. Somewhere in California, LeAnn is sitting in a secret room in her house, scissors in hand, maniacal gleam in her eyes, cutting out a picture of her own face and pasting it over that photo of Brandi and hanging it on a wall FILLED with photos of herself and Eddie.

  21. I wonder if Leanne reads this blog, if so she must just love this picture. I'm sure Eddie will catch hell for looking happy in it.

    I don't really have a problem with this. Brandi gets to clean a little more Eddie out of her life, get some nice publicity and an Army wife gets a beautiful gown for her wedding.

  22. It's a great idea. It's eight hundred dollars + that the couple can spend on something else.

    Maybe she publicized it to start a snowball effect. I didn't know there was such a program.

  23. I've been watching RHOBH and this is my question: Bravo is playing up Brandi's book, and I sort of doubt that she'd have the audience she has without her RH part, so, do they get a part of her profits? Did she make a deal with them? I really wonder how this works.

  24. What's the over/under on Leann very publicly auctioning her wedding dress from her marriage to Dean whatever her ex's name is and giving the money to some sort of bullying charity?

  25. I'm with you @Tuxedo Cat. I didn't know this existed and I'd love for someone to get mileage out of my dress. It's just going to sit in my closet unless I do something with it, and I thank Enty for writing this post to bring awareness. If it was LeAnn, I'd feel the same way.

  26. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I wonder if LeAnn will donate her wedding dress after she and Eddie split.

  27. I think it's a nice idea. I'd like to do it, also. I sort of side-eye her for announcing it, but I guess if it helps publicize a good program, it is ultimately okay.

  28. I dragged mine to the bottom of the garden and set it on fire. took photos and sent them to my friends ('Lucky I wasn't in it at the time'...)I didn't donate it to the hospice shop or anything as that seemed kind of odd when my own marriage had failed.

    1. @hmmm, heehee. I can totally visualize that! I've been in many a crap relationship ending where I've wanted to just burn everything. Unfortunately, for space reasons and just general mental health, I hold onto everything. I still have notes from middle school. Ugh.

  29. she shouldda donated the dress to leann, just for fun :->
    but am glad someone - esp. an inbound mil-wife will benefit. good job!

  30. On the surface of things, it's nice that she donated the dress. But I think there's bad ju ju involved, so I'd be wary about wearing someone's dress. (If the women on the receiving end do not know whose dress it was, then I have no problem with that)

    I love that people donate, but when you feel the need to announce it, for whatever reason, you lose points in my book.

  31. I love my mom but I will be damned if I ever wear her wedding dress. I had already been cooking for five months and this was the end of the 80's so it is pretty darn poofy.

    Brandi looks really pretty in that picture, hopefully the other bride(s?) have more luck with that dress than she does.

    Mango I am still laughing at that evil image. It brings up memories of Helga from Hey, Arnold! and her gum shrine.

  32. HAHAHAHA Dyin' laughing over what Mango said ..we know it is true . She is crazy . Good for Brandi to do that ..

  33. oh jeez, Mango, imagine if Leann pretended to be an Army wife just so she could get the dress? Or paid the Army wife 10x the worth of the dress just to have it? That would be pretty damn evil, but would you put it past her?

  34. gossipmonger1, you're onto something, but ... while she came onto the RHBH scene in a pretty ugly way, she turned funny really quick. And while the other grandes dames were determined to fake their way through a lot of the scenes, Brandi is still the voice of "Shut the fuck up" when it needs to be said. Thus, I am slowly starting to love her more. It's like when Camille turned from freakish hobag to classy heroine. Go figure.

  35. Yeah, unknown and Molls..You can bet she's gonna do something to compete with Brandi. Although Brandi did something else nice recently and we were waiting for Leann to copy but she didn't. Maybe that rehab is working for her.

  36. @geegee...I seriously doubt Eddie gives a shit.

    Kudos to her for doing a good deed and helping someone less fortunate. And you know, if in response, LeAnne was to auction off her dress and give the money to charity...good for her too.

    I still don't understand why making charitable actions public diminishes the good deed. If the price of charitable giving (of money or oneself) is that people want to shout it from the rooftops...well, shout away.

  37. Stunning dress, that is going to make some girls day... Much better than the current ridiculous trend of wrecking it in the ocean

  38. I doubt many military brides would be able to fit into Brandi's dress.

    @gossipmonger1: right on. The abundance of "news" sympathetic to Brandi indicates her as the source.

    1. Are you saying military brides are fat? Was there any need to make such a bitchy generalisation

  39. Barton I am glad I am not alone on that. My mom and I have several convos about how the first two seasons of a city we fall in love with certain cast members. Then season 3 hits and they are total nutjobs. Teresa, Jill Zarin, Vicki G, Adrienne, Kyle (she has become more vicious this season). Where were they hiding all this time!

    1. Anonymous4:22 PM

      I agree. I think they get too "affected" this was the most obvious with NYC. It's like they start acting up for the cameras and becoming a character. All the ladies you mentioned have fallen prey to this it makes the shows less watchable.

  40. I think its great that she's donating it for a good cause. Imagine how that girl is going to feel on her wedding day, getting to wear some gorgeous designer dress.

  41. Hmmmmmm. Donate dress or ......... set it on fire in the back yard. There's no burn ban right now. And i have aome photos somewhere too. Quite a quandry here.

    1. __-__=__ , I'm uncertain if I am in a dilemma or a quandary?

  42. @astro, I read it as a commentary on how unrealistically skeletal Hollywood women tend to be...not as a jab at military brides.

  43. RHOBH tweeted that Brandi has some kind of breast growth and will be having surgery. How soon will LeAnn come down with cholera?

  44. @atros..I too, read it as how unnaturally skinny H'wd women are not that military women are fat.

  45. Count me in with those thinking about the dress being bad karma, silly as it may be. I was offered china and a house to buy that came from particularly bad marriages so I just said NO.
    Very nice of her to donate. My dress is still sitting in my closet, maybe I should do the same.

  46. @ astro - Brandi is very thin and very tall, I think almost 6'

  47. karma does not have anything to do with "things".

  48. Brandi looks so much better without those ridiculous cheek implants.

  49. Brandi looks gorgeous. Can cheek implants be removed without creating drooping?

  50. Anonymous6:12 PM

    I would rather read posts about Brandi doing something nice for an under-reported/promoted charity than another story about how bitter she is. Of course she was not going to keep this quiet. What reality star would? Most people who receive donated items (myself included) aren't thinking about bad karma cooties. We're just grateful.

  51. Anonymous6:13 PM

    I would rather read posts about Brandi doing something nice for an under-reported/promoted charity than another story about how bitter she is. Of course she was not going to keep this quiet. What reality star would? Most people who receive donated items (myself included) aren't thinking about bad karma cooties. We're just grateful.

  52. @Agent**It - OK, bad choice of words then. I should have said I am superstitious.

    Let me rephrase. I think it's WONDERFUL she donated her dress and that people would be grateful for it.
    I do about half of my clothes shopping at consignment and thrift stores, so it's nothing to do with the fact it's used.

  53. She's so strong and awesome

  54. She should have donated it to me. *pout*

    Yeah, like I would ever fit in her size dress :(

    Another way to donate dresses to charity is to donate it to Brides Against Breast Cancer ( They resell the gowns, and then donate the proceeds to programs for cancer patients and their families. I'm planning on going to their Bellevue show in 3 weeks to hopefully by my dress.

    As for karma -- it's a dress. An expensive dress that is worn only one time. I don't care about the story of whoever bought the dress. If that were my concern, I would also worry about all the failed marriages started in my wedding location, or using my caterer, or whatever. I'd much rather know that my wedding dress budget is going to a good cause, which will bring good karma to many people in the future. And yes, I'll be donating it to charity afterward, because who the heck wants an old wedding dress hanging in their closet for years after?!

    Signed, the anti-bride :)

  55. Can I just say that we are all pretty live this Sunday? Each post has 50+ comments.

    Good luck Oceangirl! (Sorry, I cannot get over how I thought your username was an homage to the ocean, rather than Seattle. I can't explain it, it just never clicked for me)
    We would love to see pictures of potential gowns if you are feeling up to it! Ok I have learned my lesson about hijacking threads; I personally would love to see it, feel free to badger me with anything you need to vent about. I decided to take a semester off and transfer so my time is y'alls time.

  56. if you believe bad karma can be carried by objects then you better burn any money you come in contact with dumbasses

  57. She seems very sweet.

  58. I personally don't believe in good or bad luck from inanimate objects. That marriage was broken, not because of a dress, but because Eddie is a cheating lying SOB. It's the same as wishing upon a star or a shooting star, throwing salt over a shoulder. It's plain old ridiculous.

    I do, however, believe when you do a good deed for someone, it breeds positive energy. That dress will do more good for someone who can't afford, and will make that Bride to be very happy. I like Brandi even more now. That was really sweet of her to do that. Why should she keep a constant reminder in her closet, when it she could give it away and do something positive for someone? You go Brandi.



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