Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Brandi Glanville Calls LeAnn Rimes Insane - Sugar Mama

Brandi Glanville was on Watch What Happens Live last night and Andy Cohen asked Brandi if she thinks LeAnn is insane. Brandi said yes. Brandi would be in a position to know. It is not like she has never met LeAnn. Brandi also agreed with Hoda Kotb that LeAnn is a sugar mama to Eddie Cibiran and that Eddie always wanted the finer things in life but his acting career was never going to get them for him. Think about he and LeAnn Rimes met for a second. A Lifetime movie. They cast LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian as the stars of a movie. A movie. You know, acting and all of that. To give you more perspective, it could have also been Tori Spelling and Dean in those roles. Yeah, acting is not going to get Eddie those finer things in life. Andy said he wanted LeAnn on his show and I think LeAnn and Brandi should both be on and do shots the entire time and answer questions.


  1. Brandy's a loose cannon drunk, leann cannot ever have enough attention, eddie self involved jerk. What a lovely choice for the children!! Which parent is most dysfunctional? Ugh to all 3 of them.

  2. Glad to see grown ups acting like grown ups. Not!

  3. Talk about a bitter woman, get over it, it was years ago and now LeAnn is your Sugar Mama too, without her you would have no career!

    1. I doubt you'd be so forgiving so fast if the tables were turned!

    2. /\

      This. As far as I'm concerned the wronged party gets to keep this up until the squinty eyed home wrecker stops tweeting pictures of "my boys".

    3. That is not easy when a nut has your kids half the time and uses them to taunt you. Is there still a very unstable woman around your kids? Yeah but I'm so over it.

    4. Agree completely. Who knew who Brandi was until Leann stole her husband? I don't think any of them are 100% sane but Brandi isn't the poor wronged angel she likes to portray herself as.

  4. I wish Brandi would have her cheek implants removed. How can anyone think that looks good?

  5. What Andy wants is to create another faux reality show with Brandi and LeAnn but he cannot get them signed on, yet.

  6. Brandi is just a complete bitch. I am in no way a fan of Leanne or Eddie, but get over it Brandi! Eddie is a gold digger to Leanne and Brandi was a gold digger to Eddie.

    I also think that Brandi is obviously so insecure about being a Mommy that she has to throw a fit anytime Leanne does anything with her kids or tries to be a step-mom.

  7. Reveal for Tori and Dean? Somebody guessed that one, IIRC.

  8. I guess if stars who were A list find "other" ways to make money, then it must be all the harder for a D-Lister unless they hold down a regular job and do acting as a side gig. It's hard to comprehend anyone who would be with someone they really didn't want to be with just because of the money.

    So...who won for the February ban? Obviously not Leanne, Brandi or Lilo. :(

  9. @MadLyb - it's not February yet, so the ban wouldn't be in place. You have to wait 10 more days! :)

  10. ^Ummm yea. Brandi is very entertaining but I have no doubts she has her own issues, so I'm not sure it's best to ask the ex, who was cheated on. What else would she say?

  11. Hey - Brandi gives good TV and if she's getting paid for that, good for her I guess.

    Those cheek implants ARE awful though. :(

  12. Anonymous7:34 AM

    What blind item reveal that is Tori and Dean? Racking my brain over here.

    1. I thought Enty was talking about Tori and Dean meeting on some lifetime movie when they were both married and making a comparison. But I have a migraine soooooooooooo

  13. It was something about the guy wanting to leave but staying for $$. Most guessed Eddie.

  14. She really needs therapy. Is anyone at all buying that she's "moved on" and happy?

  15. there may be truth in her statements...but she kills her own credibility by talking about it. none of these three have any sort of couth or class, it's pathetic. it's become a she said/she said throwdown and they all come across as trash. meanwhile, eddie basks in being the center of their universe. WHHUT!

  16. If Dean is just with Tori for the $$ why have four kids with her?

    Sorry, just watched that horrid Food Network Celebrity Challenge thing. I wanted to loathe Dean, but he seems serious about his success and his family as well as sorta sweet.

    1. I'm fairly certain Dean and Tori have the same net worth. He's one of her business partners in her various business ventures, and he actually works more than she does in TV/"film".

  17. @Vera, that Food Network thing, is that they one with Rachael Ray? They do that for charity right? That's what I think DWTS should do. Donate the money to charity, not hand it over to "stars" looking to make a quick buck.

  18. I really like Brandi and want to root for her, but she makes it damn hard to do with that big mouth of hers.

    Did anyone watch RHOBH last night? I only saw the first 10 min and even though I wanted to bitch slap Mauricio through the TV I also wanted to slap Brandi and shout "YOU shut the fuck up for once!"

    1. True, sometimes i cringe and think "just shut up." Lady is not always wrong but does not know how to get her point across.

  19. @ surfer - I think those are Brandi's real cheekbones! If you google old photos of her there's one incredibly dorky one from high school and one with her sibs and she/they have those big ol' round cheekbones in those photos. She just accentuates them with blusher and they look even more pronounced.

    Looking at the photos made me realize that she looks kind of Mariska Hargitay-ish around the eyes.

  20. How can I get famous for nothing?

  21. wtf - this just triggered me to remember my dream last night, which was that i was visiting Leann Rimes at her home (who I despise??) and I was her accomplice at cheating on Eddie.

    Then I ended up at a Tragically Hip concert and they pulled me up to sub for their drummer, who was not well.

    And this is why I'm always exhausted at work.

  22. Sherry
    Step 1: Find a desperate D lister
    Step 2: Video tape yourself having sex with him.
    Step 3: Include something crazy like peeing on each other, something to make you stand out from the rest.
    Step 4: When TMZ calls, famewhore yourself like your life depends on it. Stop at no dicks, old and young men alike.
    Step 5: Enjoy!

  23. It's not healthy. She needs to get over it.

    Wrong or not, her trashing the wife of her ex isn't doing her kids any good.

  24. *Wronged

    If she cared about their welfare, she would stfu and deal with it privately.

  25. JSierra - Yes, I watched. I really can't stand anyone on this show except Lisa and Camille.

    Thoughts on Paris Hilton appearing? I was shocked, actually. God I loathe that piece of trash. Singing for 30,0000 people. Bwahhhhhh. Is this chick for real? Her two minutes on RHBH seemed SO forced. Ah, how the mighty have fallen.

    Maurizio has turned into such a little bitch.

  26. At some point, hopefully very soon, Brandi needs to move on. I know that is really why she is famous but a some point for your own sanity you have to move on.

  27. Susan I loveee how Kyle fawns over Paris, I feel like she is constantly kissing her butt and trying to be her best friend. I also thought that whole concert business was hilarious, did they honestly expect us viewers to believe that Paris has a music career and would be performing in front of 30,000 people. HA!

    They need to bring Camille back, it has turned into the Lisa/Kyle/Brandi show.

  28. lotta - yes, where they compete for charity. Great idea for DWTS, bet they could get some more interesting names if they did a charity only version.

  29. If Dean Spelling cared so much about family he wouldn't have left Mary Beth and the baby they'd just adopted for moneybags Tori.

  30. To those who are telling Brandi to get over it...you were never in her shoes, and if you were...you're a rock star and stronger than the rest of us. The pain that she felt when he left her for another woman. You never get over it. She will forever dislike the woman who stole her husband and father of her children away. Even if Leann and Eddie breakup, she still will forever have disgust towards Leann. I still look back at high school and the girl who stole my boyfriend away. I, to this day, hate both of them. This was years and years ago. The bitter will always be there. If someone can let go and get over it easily, all the power to you. You are too awesome for words. I (and apparently Brandi) are not one of those people.

  31. The fact that these Brandi fans who thinks she has carte blanch to steadily talk shit about her ex and her wife are in a word, crazy. That shit happened over 2 years ago!!Move on. She needs to be thankful for that "SugarMama", because without her I doubt she or her boys would benefit financially.

    1. Would you let leeann take care of your kids? I think most of us can tell she has some pretty serious mental problems. I personally don't care what if someone wants to be self destructive but around kids that isn't funny. Correction, not around my kids if leeann wants to have her own children and be manic and unbalanced and accidently have her "candies or breath mints or whatever" lying around. People are more than free to fuck up your own kids. I don't care. If someone were to take my kids for a weekend. Now your crazy is my business.

    2. So they are better off with drunk mother, who has an idiot "job", swears like a sailor, and is constantly tweeting about her "pain." Enough! If u really think kids are unsafe, you take it to court, not frigging twitter. Im saying all three of them are less than suitable parents.

    3. Barely getting a chance to sit down. The court process is difficult. You can know someone is not fit to be around your kids, you can call your lawyer, but people basically have to spoonfeed your kid crack to be named unfit. It's bullshit. Brandi is crass and can be awful but she is their mom. If the situation arose i don't think leeann would take a bullet for a child who isn't hers. Would she risk her life to save them? Very doubtful. Eddie would probably leave them home alone with a video to go out and have sex. They all seem to be heavy drinkers but i think brandi is the lesser of three evils.

  32. digal704...you're one of those rock stars. I wish I could be like you.

  33. Brandi was awfully cute and charming last night, I gotta admit. And Lisa and Ken were charming, so I'm starting to warm to her again. Of course, I loved listening to Kyle and Mauricio and Paul and Adrienne as they sharpened knives and merrily conspired, too. All in all, I think I like this year of Bev Hills.

    Also, I didn't like that Polish woman very much at first, but she is a welcome relief at times. She's rational, kind of weird about the health stuff (anybody who does "cleanses" gets an earful of mockery in my life, let me tell you) -- It's a relief to see the Polish lady (whose name I am Freudianly forgetting) and her relatively calm demeanor.

  34. Barton - she's Dutch! Sorry, but I am married to a Dutch guy and surrounded by Dutch people all the time - their accent (and demeanour) is hard to forget.

    I think my favorite thing last night was when some caller asked Brandi how her relationship with Schaenna (sp?) is and she said fine, when I see her I ask for a drink or more bread.

    Best line ever.

  35. I think I'm mixing her up with the prostitute from the Miami cast, who actually is Polish. Dutch. That makes more sense. I can listen to Afrojack and Tiesto and Bingo Players now when I think of her, whatever her name is ....

  36. They both look like mad hatters in that picture.

  37. Ooo, ooo, the Maloofs are selling the Kings for half a billion dollars. As I was saying, I always thought Adrienne had some cash on hand.
