Monday, January 07, 2013

Brad Pitt Is Headed To China

Apparently Brad Pitt now has a Chinese Twitter account. It is verified, so it really is him and he also says in his first Tweet that he is going to visit the country. He has been banned from visiting China since 1997, when Seven Years In Tibet was released. Time heals all wounds and also the thought of huge paychecks for doing commercials for Chinese companies had Brad kissing some serious butt. He says that he is now allowed to visit China again and that he is coming soon. He already has 140,000 followers and his Tweet has 14,000 comments.


  1. So much for 'Free Tibet', Brad.
    As phony as that thing you live with.

    1. Agent I used to like them both, but now the shoddy veneer is peeling and I don't like what's underneath...

  2. He never ceases to not impress me....

  3. Angelina is just sending her familiar to China to buy some more babies.

    1. Vicki, they'll only be able to get girls there.

    2. I just snorted. At work.

    3. There goes my tea all over my screen..lolol

  4. I guess the Money there is talking big time to Mr Pitt. He's gotten so artsy fartsy, icing on the cake being those Chanel ads. I mean wtf?? I kind of used to like them as a couple but it's getting old. I do think the kids are cute though. Time will tell how they turn out with their vagabond upbringing.

  5. I still think he is very hot (sans the scraggly beard). Curious as to the mention of huge paychecks - aren't they already staggeringly rich?

  6. So the human rights issue, and the appalling treatment of girls in China, are not a problem for the UN spokesperson's other half then.

  7. Brad is slowly becoming a joke. Kind of like Tom Cruise without the obvious couch jumping. I know I can't take him seriously anymore, especially after those terrible Chanel ads.

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  12. It's just you
    I guess not.

  13. Sorry for the multiple posts, my phone just keeps re-posting. :-(

  14. Good. Hope he stays there for a while. A year or two free of Brad/Angie gossip would be lovely.

  15. Brad Pitt's career has a little bit of that sour cream and failure stench to it these days. Maybe China is where all good careers go to die?

  16. It might be his account, but it's his assistant tweeting. I don't think Brad or Angelina could figure out how to use it. They are gorgeous but aren't brain trusts.

  17. Money talks and bullshit goes to China to collect it.

  18. Brad and Angie are both beginning the downward slide, so he's gotta pull in the money while he can.

  19. China is inevitable for anyone who has any sort of international career. At some point, you're going to have to see someone about something over there somewhere, even if it's just Hong Kong (they HATE being called part of China but there it is). I have no hate for Brad about this. So many "upstanding" athletes (tennis, soccer, etc.), film folks, and business people have been dealing with China for years (hello, Olympics). I may not like China's pseudo-Communist government, but because of my job I've come to understand that they're pretty much unavoidable now.

  20. Anonymous11:38 AM

    Yep, Chanel ads Brad, really? What the hell Brad. Remember how Tibet is an enslaved nation? Have you forgotten all of your principles while you're chasing that almighty dollar or yen in your case. Sell out.

  21. Taking up a cause is trendy with this crowd. Principles and facts have nothing to do with it. Even if their heart is in the right place, money wins ultimately. Brad has always done tons of international commercials and his face can sell products. China is interested and he gets a payday.

  22. I just don't want to smell like either of them! Him and jolie are beginning to be more transparent as phonies. But if this commercial is anything like the chanel one you know chinese people are going to be reading the subtitles with a big "wtf?" thought bubble.

  23. Whoever set that up doesn't "get" China then. He should've set it up on either Weibo or QQ. Sina's Weibo is 100x stronger in China than Twitter can be... It's got the numbers. I find it hard to believe that Pitt has PR people that don't do their homework.

  24. Anonymous2:56 PM

    he is becoming such a joke. He was so bad assssssss!

  25. Wait, so is this the commercial that he had to do to clear the gambling debt? Oooh...

  26. Malaprop - Maybe there's a paycheck from Chinese Twitter. They may want some of those higher numbers... what better way to get them is there than by luring an A+ list Hollywood actor?

  27. The more I read about this, the more I think it's fake. Of all the photos of Brad Pitt, they use one that's something like half a decade old? And so what if Enty says it's "verified," it's not hard to put a check mark next to a name. I guess we'll have just have to wait and see.

  28. @Mala Propism
    It was his Weibo account. The comment was erased briefly after.



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