Sunday, January 13, 2013

Bonus Blind Item

I posted this one on Twitter yesterday, but thought I would post it here too, just in case you do not have Twitter or Facebook. Also, it makes it easier to find when I reveal it.

What newfound celebrity who was a nobody last week might be surprised to know that her "loving" boyfriend is not really all that faithful?


  1. The Alabama Slammer

  2. Anonymous11:07 AM

    A hot girl who entered a contest to have it declared that yes, she is in fact hot, got called hot by a bored middle aged man. Give it a freaking rest everybody.

  3. That beauty queen that was in the audience and got a bunch of Twitter fans when the sports announcer went nuts for her.

  4. Oh Enty you could have at least given us a challenge. This easier than Lohan's back door.

  5. Ah. Understand why he got so upset at all the attention being paid to her. One of his side pieces might be found and interviewed.

    That might be fun.

  6. Katherine Webb. The video of her boyfriend finding out about her newfound popularity on Twitter was priceless, especially when he heard LeBron James followed her.

  7. My coworker's neighbor plays on the Alabama team. He says the QB is really dumb. For the longest time, he wasn't even really allowed to talk to media, unless he had been coached prior to the press conference.

  8. Hotshot college football quarterbacks aren't faithful? Next you'll tell me rockstars cheat with groupies.

  9. It was obvious he was a cheater when he told her to stay out of the limelight. Her dad said she had confidence issues. I hope she tells BF to jump in a lake ASAP.

  10. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Lolz, easier than Lohan's back door. Even I find that one funny.

  11. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I bet she doesn't have confidence issues anymore! She could turn around this newfound notoriety in to some sort of gig. Endorsement? A reality hosting gig? Next Bachelorette?

  12. Brent Musburger...causin' drama.

  13. Everybody here knows that Crybaby McTattoo is a cheater. No shock there. Katherine needs to dump his ass.

  14. in six months she is going to regret turning down all the media attention when she is back to being a nobody and he is on to his new piece.

    You can't predict when lightning is going to strike the smart ones know when to take advantage of it.

    If you are parading and objectifiying yourself as a Miss Alabama you want the attention.

  15. I bet she'll be on the next iteration of The Bachelor/ette.

  16. Well if she needs any comforting or a shoulder to cry on I'm quite available.

  17. ha ha on the Chloe guess..

  18. Where did I read she was asked to pose in the SI Swimsuit issue......?

  19. What are you people talking about, and how am I so out of the loop?!?

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. @Humor Me- I read that she is going to be in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue too.

    She should be just fine without him. They've only been dating a month so maybe it's not exclusive yet.

  22. Doesn't matter.They met back in december.Both have brought futures ahead.

    I would like to see them in the "couples" section of SI's swimsuit issue.

  23. The Alabama Slammer

    11:02 AM
    LoL,that sounds like some WWE wrestling move

    Da 'Bama Slamma

  24. Could this be a rumor placed by a rival team to freak out the QB? Never know anymore.

  25. I'm guessing this is about AJ - but what you all do not know is that he is a great guy. He is absolutely beautiful, inside and out, when dealing with children with disabilities. And I know this directly. I don't know anything about what he has going on romantically, and don't care. But what he did to light up the life of a sweet young friend will always make him #1 in my eyes.

  26. Yea, what Diana said. Google Starla Chapman. He may well be dumb and he may well be a cheater, but he has some mighty fine character traits, too.

  27. eh, who cares. The minute her face was on TV you knew she was gonna upgrade soon anyway.

  28. Thank God I can't stand her

  29. is common place in college sports that players are not allowed to be interviewed until they can be understood by the media (decent or proper diction) and until they know how to answer rapid fire questions. I am not an Alabama fan, but AJ is not stupid, nor is he an incredible cheater as this blind would lead us tp believe. He is a college kid sowing his oats and she is a beauty pageant winner - which does not mean she is stupid! Use your God goven blessings to make money! If I had that body, I would gladly be in Sports Illustrated. If I upset the womens movement, I don't care. I am proud to be a Southern Belle and make no apologies.

  30. Pink_Palace, your comment is exactly opposite of setting back the women's movement! Feminism is about being a full person, who doesn't have to defer to anyone when making decisions for her life. Shaming a woman because she wants to be in SI is still shaming, whether it comes from a man or a woman.

  31. I'm glad Katherine Webb has gotten this sudden fame. It was said she's only dated this guy a short time, yet she was willing to give up her career and move back to Alabama from Los Angeles.

    Not that there's anything wrong with following your heart; it's that they're both so young, and haven't known each other that long. Just seems a little fast to abandon everything after a couple months of dating.

  32. Well...looks don't guarantee love and commitment.

  33. AJ's a very good kid (and NOT dumb, contrary to what a previous poster had been told.) I know this from personal experience, and based on everything I have ever heard anyone else say about him in the athletic dept. and in Tuscaloosa. I know nothing about celebrities, but I DO know about AJ. Stick to what you know, Enty, and leave a very kind-hearted, very young college QB alone. I love reading your blinds and enjoy the site very much, but you're way off base here.
