Thursday, January 03, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 6, 2012

This celebrity is B- list. A list name recognition though. She has been controversial in the past with some of her statements but she is truly someone who gives a lot of her time for free to whoever wants it. Her big thing is literacy programs and she tries to go to schools every week and read to students. She goes to after school programs and reads to kids and then works on actually teaching them how to read. She is happy to do homework with 100 kids a day if it was needed. She loves helping kids and puts in about 15-20 hours every week doing it despite the fact that she already works 40-50 hours a week on her own projects. I'm guessing she is not reading her own books though.

Jenny McCarthy


  1. Huh. That's very nice of her

  2. She was a popular guess for this one.

  3. I still think she's a prat, sorry.

  4. Yeah, but what about when she banged her cousin's husband?

    JK bro, JK.

  5. I still can't buy her for this. Maybe it's my intense dislike of her after that remark about mothers of autistic children being "victim moms" who just want attention. My nephew is autistic and I know for a fact that my SIL would chop off a limb to help her son, and she in no way sees herself or her son as a victim.

  6. I am gla she is doing a service to kids, considering the disservice she does for vaccinations.

  7. Operating on the assumption that just about half of these are actually real, my guess is that enty has a thing for Jenny McC.

  8. Still don't like her.

  9. Still don'tike her either. Sorry.Im.Not.Sorry

  10. Ok guys I am almost done with the photobook, email me if you do not want your photo included, or if you want a photo included but did not submit one/didn't reveal yourself in the reader photos.

    The Enty ratings list is also finished so email me if you would like a copy of that!

    1. Thanks @jsierra, enty never published mine, so I'll send it to you! And thank you for doing this!

  11. Wow, JSierra-- very impressed with your organization! Thanks for doing all the hard work :)

  12. JSierra, what was your email again? I know I've seen it several times but for some my brain is swiss cheese today.

  13. Jenny McCarthy can read?


    Someone had to say it.

  14. Amazing for someone so illiterate and stupid. Wonder why she chose literacy as her cause? Because she can barely read is my guess. I still can't stand this broad, and STILL will not come out and admit she was wrong about vaccinations.

  15. @B.Profane - I would've said it if you didn't beat me to it!

  16. That was a total shock to me. I wonder if she is tutoring the senior football team? Just kidding.

    It is very kind of her to give that kind of time. The teachers and teachers aides must appreciate the help.

  17. Given that she is as dumb as a box of rocks, I'm not sure this is helping much.

    (Still steaming over the very real damage she's done to pediatric health nationwide.)

  18. Anonymous1:49 PM

    This makes me like her a whole lot more. I understand her shtick, I get it, but it doesn't mean I have to like it. She needs to tone it down a bit. She's very pretty, has a great body but the farting, nose picking, horn dog hot girl has already been done, ( Cameron Diaz) and isn't cute anymore. She needs to act like an adult, and Mom, more than a horny teenager. I saw something about her bending over and wiggling her ass in front of NYC cops on camera, wearing one of those ridiculous teddy bear ear/fur hats. Just stupid and annoying, not adorkable and sexy. Please stop Jenny, it's really, really not attractive, just looks sad and desperate. I still wish that Jim Carrey could settle down and find love. I'm just sayin that I think there's gotta be something weird there with him, didn't she get a big settlement from him? Why would he pay her if they were only ever bf/gf? I'm thinking she had to sign a non disclosure agreement to get that cash.

  19. I don't understand the hating on Jenny. She is doing something good for children and that is more than 99% of the liberal wackos in Hollywood.

  20. There is nothing she can do, short of going on a worldwide tour promoting vaccination, that will make up for the damage she has done in spreading misinformation about vaccines. She's not the only one, but she's the face of the movement and was given a platform by Oprah when that mattered. It's disgusting, completely ignorant and incredibly dangerous.

  21. I think Chelsea Handler was a big guess for this one

  22. @ J Sierra, I sent you an email, did you get it? I love that you're doing this :)

    Not my favorite celebrity but good for her, we really need more people involved with our children.

  23. I still think she's an idiot.

  24. Cowbells, it has nothing to do with liberals or conservatives. She speaks out against vaccinations since she believes they caused her son's autism. She says numerous dumb, dangerous (imo) things. If she wants to give her time and money to promote literacy, that is awesome. She is still an idiot on my book.

  25. Jenny is lots of things but an idiot is not one of them. Her repartee is too quick to sharp and usually spot on. Also if she was an idiot even with her looks she would have faded to obscurity by now.

    I am with many of you who are angry with you over her stance on vaccination and causes of autism. I won't give her a pass but will be charitable and understanding of her limited education give her opinions some room. It must be very scary to be a single mother with a limited education when something bad happens to your son and the doctors cannot tell you why. It becomes very easy to fall prey to the charlatans who claim to have easy answers and fixes.

    I heard her talk about her schooling and its early end so I don't find her support of literacy surprising.

  26. Still find her repugnant.

  27. The post wasn't about her opinions on anything. The post was about her support of reading and child literacy. For that she gets my thanks. I wish more celebrities would use their time to help children versus running their mouths about political issues that they are NOT qualified to comment on.

  28. I'm going to take the same stance with this as I did with Rihanna donating tons of money...I still don't like her but I give kudos to ANYONE who gives of themselves and/or their money. Good for her.

  29. @HudsonJoe
    I don't know which Jenny McCarthy you've been watching, but it's not the same one I have. I don't think fart jokes and nose picking are signs of a high IQ.

    I don't find intelligent people who state their children are "magically cured" or "indigo children."

    I also don't find intelligent people, who have not gone to medical school, who fight with specialists about their pediatric specialties with the arguments that she "went to the University of Google." See McCathy's interview on Larry King.

    Her son mostly likely was misdiagnosed, the "intelligent" McCarthy will not acknowledge that.

    Intelligent people understand their limits of knowledge. McCarthy has shown time and time again that she does not have this ability.

    I hope she keeps advocating literacy and reads a few books herself.

  30. @HudsonJoe
    This is a great article showing just how "intelligent" McCarthy is when the person she used to back her up, now defrocked and former Dr.Wakefield, was discredited:

  31. @Henriette: au contraire. My ex is one of the smartest men I know with a proven IQ of 145 and he thought farts were funny as hell.

    I get the vitriol for her IMO dangerous stance on vaccinations=autism. However this is still a kindness. She gives her time to literacy and how many of us can say that? I know I don't and I have zero excuse as a childless woman whose biggest hobby at this point in my life is reading this blog.

    No secret that I really like Jenny obviously. I just think it's a noble cause amd I for one applaud her efforts. Kudos to her on THIS one.

  32. Like her or not, she is doing more than just writing a check. Spending that much time and effort on a cause says a lot.
    She is not a idiot. The fact that she has made her career last this long and has more money in the bank than the commenters on this blog proves she isn't a idiot.

  33. @Della
    Tell that to a woman who has lost her child to whooping cough.

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. I don't blame Jenny for trying to help her son, since when is that wrong. If parents chose to listen to her and not their doctors then they are dumb, not her. As for diseases, until everyone in every country is immunized they will always exist. whether or not a few US parents do not immunize makes no difference when entire poor nations still have polio and measles commonly occurring.

  36. Wait people jizzed all over themselves because Bridesmaids was so "groundbreaking" in the use of gross-out humor performed by women, but Jenny McCarthy is stupid for doing the same schtick?

    The only time I really sat and listened to her speak about autism and vaccines was on a CNN interview years ago and she very clearly stated that she was not against vaccines, just that she questioned whether they could be spaced out more and what sort of effects they could be causing and that seemed fair to me. (Again, that was the only time I really tuned in so perhaps she said more egregious things since then.) What I don't get is why people get so pissed off about others not vaccinating their kids - if you and your kids are vaccinated aren't you safe?

    Don't get me wrong, it's time to accept that research has disproved theories about vaccines causing autism, but I can't blame her for questioning the link given what she experienced with her son. Now she just needs to admit the question has been answered.

  37. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Hey Jenny, if dumbass parents continue taking medical advice from you rather than doctors, eventually there won't be any more kids needing help reading. Or any kids at all, actually ...
