Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

December 3, 2009

This A list tweener has a problem. Well more than one problem but there are some things that can never be taught. Anyway, she had a boyfriend. Not exactly being a role model she got his name tattooed on her body in a place most people won't see for a few more months. Now though, she has a bigger problem than what people say about her tattoo and its location. She has a different boyfriend and he doesn't like opening the presents so to speak and seeing another name so our tweener is going to change it but can't decide if it should be the new boyfriend's name or something generic like don't chew gum with your mouth open.

Miley Cyrus (She ended up changing it to something generic)


  1. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Oh Miley! Who in Miley's camp is sending all this stuff in to Enty, there are just sooo many blinds and reveals about her. I wouldn't put it past her.

  2. If I remember correctly she had "Justin" changed to "Just Breathe"

    1. Should have fixed it to Just In...

    2. Yes! But didn't I read that it was in honor of a friend with CF? Oh Miley.

    3. Yes! But didn't I read that it was in honor of a friend with CF? Oh Miley.

  3. So now when her boyfriend sees it he thinks, 'that's not the hole you breath from, right?'

  4. I think you're right @Lotta

  5. when is she going to change that dream catcher to something less white trashy?

  6. I know I'm always blindly defending miley, but her book said she got the just breathe tat for a sick kid she bonded with that died. you're probably right though

    1. Of all the celebs I worked w in the past, or their snotty people, Miley and BR were by far the nicest and coolest. People like slamming her for some reason, unknown to me.

  7. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Who gets the name of her teenaged boyfriend tattooed on her vagina?

  8. An idiot does, hag, an idiot does.

  9. Isn't that tat on her side?

  10. Or under her boobs or something? She tweeted a pic of it.

  11. They way Enty phrased it, the tattoo was in an area one could only see when nude. Vagina tattoos would hurt like a bitch.

  12. Timebob don't get your hopes up about it disappearing, that masterpiece is tooo big to go anywhere anytime soon.

    Miley and Demi get tatted just to seem more badass a rebellious, to ditch the good girl image and show they have an edge to them. I'm not friends with them (obviously) so idk the meaning, but from what I can see all their tats are stupid and childish.

  13. I always assumed Demi got some of the tattoos during her manic episodes.

  14. Oh, that Miley!

  15. Enty, you already revealed this is I'm not mistaken. A couple years ago. And yeah, it was Justin- Just Breathe

  16. "In a place people won't see for a few more months" And also he says her boyfriend opens the presents, like taking off a bra. This one is not on her vagina.

  17. Anonymous10:27 AM

    You're right. She probably saved the vagina real estate for Liam's name

  18. I was side/under boob area when she was living with that guy in her house underage. Apparently Justin. I remember a pic of it sticking out of a bikini top or something years ago. Whatever..........go Seahawks!

  19. Miley's ok in my book. I can't believe I just said that..
    Her crappy tattoos can always be covered with better tattoos. You should see the miracle worker my artist is.. I had a few 18 year old mistakes myself. She just needs to NOT see her brothers tattoo artist anymore!

  20. I wish she'd changed it to "justincase". :b

    I'm more and more on the "cut her some slack" side - she's a kid, breaking out of her childhood goody-two-shoes role and finding her way. She's not pulling a Lilo, she has a decent (if reportedly not-too-bright) guy, and seems to be fun.

  21. Yeah. I must confess. I like the new Miley way better than the old one. At least she has a personality. God please forgive me, but those gums are just blinding. However, we are all flawed in some way so I guess I am pot to her kettle. Don't take it personal Miley, just make another million.

  22. Tattooing someone's name on your person seems the stupidest move ever. See also: Jolie, Angelina; Ryder, Winona; guy with the big Romney "R" on his face.

  23. Craziest intimate place tattoo I ever seen is on porn whore Adrenalynn. She has "Jarrod's little fuck doll" tattooed in a circle around her poop chute.

    And I'm appalled that you people are discussing an, at the time, underage girl's boobs and vagina.

    Enty prolly thought she would go with a getting out of the limo vag shot once she came of age with the "most people won't see for a few more months."

    Another starlet tip to capitalize on the pantyless getting out of the car beaver shot: get a licensing deal. Pepsi or Budweiser or Apple may wish to purchase the real estate where your bush used to be, to get their logo in the most downloaded pic of the week. X amount of dollars for 2-3 appearances a year. Just make sure part of the deal includes an escrow account w/ enough $ in it to cover the laser removal. If the pigment of the skin gets screwed up, you can just tattoo it tan and/or grow in a 5 o'clock shadow to obscure it.

  24. Hey...give the girl credit, she hasn't gone the Playboy route, or flashed her whoha to the paps like a couple other former tweeners. She seems to have gone into adult hood with the idea that she is going to reinvent her image and leave Hannah Montana behind.
    And this would be a good argument for why their should be age limits on getting tats. Teenagers tend to think in the moment.

  25. CountJerkula, thank you for sharing.

  26. Oh, that Count Jerkula!

  27. Anonymous12:11 PM

    She didnt change just breathe. She got that in december of 09. Her and just broke up in May 09

  28. Ya know, I have always wondered if a lot of people get their buttholes tatted. I cannot imagine that it feels very good, but for some reason I can imagine it tickling.

  29. Count Jerkula, I am very scared someone will run with your idea, oh and LOL.

  30. I was going to pitch the idea to Valtrex with / Paris Hilton in mind, but couldn't find adequate representation at an affordable price.

    @JSierra: I don't want to get banned for posting links to horrible sites, but there is plenty of evidence on the net which show getting the backdoor tattooed is not as uncommon as you would think. I have even seen video of one chick getting it done. 90% of the video is of her facial expressions.

  31. ^And??? Did it tickle? ;p

    1. I've seen the video... I wouldn't say it tickled so much as um er um, well it sounded like she "might need a cigarette afterwards".

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. I would love to know what would possess someone to think, "I know...I'll get my asshole tattooed." And then after having that shudder inducing thought, actually follow through.

    1. Ha, interesting choice of words there Lola!

  34. Team Miley here. The kid is a kid thrown into a grownup world way too early. And she seems to be smart and handling it - in her own way. I'd hate to have cameras on MY kids as they go through teenage dreams, angst, struggles, etc. Cut the chick some slack - I'll go on record here saying that I do NOT think she will become the next LiLo. She's shedding her Disney skin and will find her equilibrium...

  35. Count Jerkula is CDAN's version of Glen Quagmire. We're lucky to have him.

  36. I think I may be developing a small crush on The Count

  37. @candibugbug

    This is why nice guys get frustrated.

  38. The Count...he's starting to make me giggle...

  39. her and Taylor Swift should exchange notes

  40. Eh, I like Miley. We all have a friend like her. She seems like she's harmless, just having fun.

  41. The tattoo was in her vagina? I'm not getting the "opening a present and seeing someone's name" thing.

  42. So... I wonder, what if the person needs to pass gas while getting the tattoo? Unconfortable, much?

  43. @HairyDawg: It would be an accomplishment for me to be 1/2 the man Glen Quagmire is.

    @Candi: give it a week, if I haven't ruined it, we can talk.

    @TuxedoCat: How dare you insinuate I am not a nice guy. Coarse humor and a freaky streak don't mean I am unaware of how to treat a lady and make her feel special. I hold doors open. I pick up the check. I write caring & thoughtful notes inside of cards. I make sure she gets hers before I get mine.

    A PC Metro Sexual, Yuppie type, absolutely not, them people make me puke, but I am certainly a nice guy. If you don't believe me, put me in a room full of kids and dogs, they always know.
