Blind Items Revealed
September 8, 2012
If you are an A list all movie actress who makes a ton of money, but you have no self esteem, what do you do? Well, first of all you date guys you know are going to treat you like crap, but you got lots and lots of attention which is what she really craves. The bigger the name the more publicity she gets. That is what killed her before when she was with a notoriously shy A list movie actor. He didn't use her like the other A list actor did though. Anyway, she is in a relationship right now with just a guy and it is not enough. She wants some drama and excitement so she had a one night stand with this singer/actor/ and probable Dos Equis drinker in hopes she would get caught and get some attention. She knows her boyfriend won't leave her.
A list movie actress: Scarlett Johansson
Shy A list movie actor: Ryan Reynolds
Other A list movie actor: Sean Penn
Singer/Actor: Jared Leto