Thursday, January 03, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 18, 2012

This A+ all movie actor with the odd cameo now and again, was hitting on this celebrity all night at a party and told her she was the best thing ever and would not leave her side and finally she broke down and gave him her phone number and they ended the night with a little kissing and groping in a corner outside while he smoked. He said he could not wait to see her then went and picked up a woman at a bar and took her home. Called the celebrity the next day though and said he couldn't wait to see her and had been thinking about her all night.

Sean Penn/Florence Welch


  1. He makes me vom, twitch and break out in hives. He does not like women, when will people get it?

  2. Why do all these women fall for this guy?! He's so gross and not hot! Does he have a chocolate flavored peen?!

  3. Ja ne se quoi, I suppose. Because she is rough looking.

  4. he's always a big bag of ewwwww.

  5. Is it wrong that I judge any woman who has been involved with this creep?

  6. Can I just point out...Sean Penn is a little man. I see a lot of HGH revealed in his appearance of late, but he is but a bird. Florence is no small woman. What gives? To me, he represents the male version of Ebola.

  7. He has what is called Charisma, makes you feel that things will be different if you entered his life.

  8. Gross. Eww. "While he smoked." Couldn't even stop long enough to make out? THAT is some kind of addiction.

  9. Also like to include the fact that Sean Penn is a known abuser of women. Karma should be coming his way any day now since the legal system chose not to work in punishing him.

  10. He is so creepy, and I don't get how anyone could find her attractive. But the ways of Hollywood, they are mysterious. : )

  11. I bet she didn't say she loved him soon enough.

    He's so disgusting - have you seen the cover of this month's Esquire mag? He looks very weathered, and not in the George Clooney rouge-ish charm way.

  12. He is a very good actor, I'll give him that. But really, an awful track record with women, none too attractive for a younger pretty talented woman to consider.

    Then again, young men are probably intimidated as hell by the likes of Florence Welch. Maybe his confidence with these young women such as FW and Scarlett is appealing to them. Plus, you know a singer is thinking, "He was married to Madonna and he wants me," lol.

  13. HGH, right on the money with that assessment. He is totally on it, maybe something else too. He is too ripped to be clean.

  14. Penn is a lying turd..

  15. Okay, I just woke up - not ten minutes ago - and this is the first thing I read. I've read and re-read, because I thought the blind was talking about Mrs. Brady. Sean Penn and Mrs. Brady.

    Don't worry, I know who Florence Welch is now.

    I'll make coffee.

    1. Sean Penn smooching Florence Henderson....

      Love it!

    2. Haha! I thought the same thing! Especially after all those Greg Brady Rumors- I was like "you minx!!" And also "grosssss!!!" At the same time.

  16. Wouldn't HGH explain Penn's growing & lumpy head? And his oily skin?

  17. Love her music. My stomach feels upset thinking about Sean and his greasy ass hair.

  18. Disagree with it_took_forever - he doesn't have charisma. He has MONEY and FAME. That's all these idiots are looking at - hoping for a piece of the pie.

  19. I thought this was Mrs Brady at first, too. haha

  20. All I can think of whenever I hear of Sean Penn is FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH. I LOVED THAT MOVIE.

  21. Ew, ShoutyFlo! Your 'singing' is bad enough, but your taste in men is appalling!

  22. he makes my skin crawl. i really wish that Ms. Welch would have more self-esteem than to want to be with that gross monster.

  23. BTW, cherubs, this is old news. Check out the pics too. Prepare to scrub your eyeballs afterward!

  24. Oh my good grapefruit, that was horrible, moonmaid! What is going on with the side bangs thing? BLECH.

  25. @DBZee - lol!

    Greasy hairlock falling in face? check

    Wizened sun-fried wrinkled face?

    Creepy pseudo-pedo goatee?

    Paunch peeking through jacket?

    Drink in hand?

    You can smell the boozy, cigarette fumed breath through the picture?

    Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner, boys and girls!!! Grossest celebrity of the year! (male edition)


    So yummy. :P

  27. Well, if Enty sees the contradiction in sleeping with one woman and thinking of another then he is definately a woman! Men usually have no problem with this.

  28. I just imagine that he has b.o. He's probably too authentic to use antiperspirant and/or change shirts.

  29. Sad thing is, he probably wasn't lying when he said had been thinking of her all night...while he was with another woman. Probably called the other woman, Florence. hahaha Oh, he's such a tool.

  30. I'm with Diane...I just keep picturing him as Spicoli, and trying to avoid looking at photos like the ones Moonmaid has so GRACIOUSLY shared with us. ;)

  31. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Penn is a disgusting, nasty, vile p.o.s, nuff said.

  32. Ummmmmm, kissing him must be like making out with an ashtray! Gotta get me some o' dat!

  33. Sean is another man who is not self aware and is probably damaged in some way. His never feeling loved, the mistaken thought that muscles, and lack of personal grooming make him seem more manly and macho.

    I'm no fan of Florence and her Art Deco Erte statue come to life schtick. I love Art Deco too much.
    I wish she had used her advantages, of height, and apparent grace to snub him till he gave up with no number.

  34. I may be in the minority here, but I love Florence's voice. Also, I rarely pay attention to new music, as there is so much I don't care for, but as her band was getting big, I thought they were called Florence & the Hendersons. I was kind of sad when I learned the real band name. =/
    Run, Florence, Run!

  35. Grrr. Sean Penn has no respect for the dibs system, since I clearly have dibs on Florence.

    Kinda makes me want to twist the little dude's head off, but he's so steroided up he'd probably kick even my ass.

  36. Ha! I remember the guesses being spot on for this one!

  37. You would think after Madonna, Penn would leave singers alone.

    If I were Florence, I would be taking up with her fine guitarist.

  38. Sarah said "...Sean and his greasy ass hair."

    Did you mean "greasy-ass hair"
    or... "greasy ass-hair?"

    Not that I want an answer... I misread it as the latter at first, and if I'm stuck with that mental image, you all should be, too! LOL! ::puke::

  39. HGH does cause the head to grow, check out Jason Giambi. I have heard all the old guys are on it in Hollywood, and women are also using it now. Some f'd up shit.

  40. the dog days are over...sorry...couldn't resist...
