Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 6, 2012

What happens when the C list actress when it comes to quality, but A+ list when it comes to name recognition tries to talk acting with two A+ listers who are two incredibly talented actresses. They smile pleasantly and then talk about her behind her back and laugh and laugh. "The only reason she is even here is because of her boyfriend who they hoped would come (A list celebrity/B list actor) and because so many others said they would be in Paris."

Jessica Biel - Halle Berry & Jennifer Garner


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Halle Berry is still considered talented?

    1. Not in MY book- she's barely any more tolerable than Biel!!!

  3. Halle Berry is still considered talented?

  4. What a ridiculous woman. Goodness.

  5. Oh to be a fly on that wall....

  6. Jennifer Garner is A+?

    1. Say it again? Affleck was her best career move.Berry whored herself for an Oscar but hasn't done nothing credible since then.

  7. woah Halle has some nerve to goof on anyone after Catwoman. Oscar smoschker.

    Jennifer has been in a few clunkers herself.

    But they still outclass Biel.

  8. Bahahaha! That's rich!

  9. I don't think that I would ever place Halle Berry, Jennifer Garner, and the words "incredibly talented" together, so I really don't know what those two have to laugh about.

  10. U may not think that Halle is talented but she is a hell of a lot better than jessica biel! I believe Halle is talented but her personal crazy sometimes overshadows it.

  11. That said, the only one I've seen in a movie I've paid to watch in the past five years is Biel.

  12. Berry and Garner are classless and rude, yet somehow people are making fun of Biel??

    Biel probably dreaded having to talk to those snotty people and figured she'd just ramble about acting - in an attempt to be polite.

  13. all mediocre actresses

  14. those two shouldn't be taking with their flops films.

  15. I like Jennifer Garner, but A+ list is a little generous... B+ with A name recognition maybe

  16. Never been a fan of Halle, Biel should concentrate on being a fitness coach or something - but I love me some Jen Garner. The Alias fan in me will never die :)

  17. I remember back when Valentine's Day came out, Jennifer and Jessica were on tons of magazine covers together, talking about how they had become best friends during filming.

  18. I'm not a big Jessica Biel fan however, I'm not sure Halle should be laughing at anyone about anything...glass houses and all.... I hate this type of high school "it" girl bitchiness.

  19. Lol whoa didn't see jen garner doing this.

    1. I've heard that Garner is secretly not very nice.

    2. She's extremely nice. She wouldn't do something like this, but Halle definitely would.

  20. Biel is a really bad actress. I bet she spoke of her "craft".

  21. None of them are saints. ugh

  22. I'm no fan of Jessica Biel and her idiot husband, but seriously, who would care if Halle Berry and Jennifer Garner were talking about them? Halle Berry is totally insane, so I'd be more worried if she DID like me than if she didn't. And Garner seems like a phoney. Enty didn't reveal it but she's my pick for the blind about the mom who gets angry at her kids if they don't have perfect smiles for the paps.

  23. boo to the 2 bitches who played mean girl. you're all grown up now, WITH DAUGHTERS OF YOUR OWN. be nice.

  24. Well honestly, would anyone really think it wise to ask either Halle or Jennifer how things are on the homefront?

  25. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I am not a Biel fan, but the behavior of the other two smacks of mean girlyness. I expect that from Berry, who is a raging bitch on wheels, but I am surprised at Garner. I had her pegged as a little nicer. Of course, she is married to Affleck ...

  26. I was under the impression that Biel and Garner had become good friends when they were filming together (Possibly on Valentines Day)

    Jessica Garner is A+ for something other than name recognition? She made what 2 films in the last 3 years and neither set the box on fire that I can recall

    1. I thought they were good friends too.

  27. I luff luff LOVE Jen Garner, but dammit she and Halle don't have a lot going on for them, either. Esp that crazy crackhead catwoman. Ugh.

    I don't hate Biel. (I was too young for that dumbass show she was in, but I remember the controversy when she quit and came back or whatever.) She's pretty. She's no worse than Halle, by far. At least Biel can pick a half-decent guy.

    HAS ENTY SAID Ted's blind item about who we were sure was Timberlake and [somebody] hooking up when JT/JB broke up? I'm sure that was a Ted C item, but he's gone quiet, so Enty got to fill in!

    I don't see my girl Olivia Wilde being all up on JT. I'd like to know that riddle, though. :)

    1. I thought enty revealed that it was the other Olivia, Munn.

  28. I'm not a JB fan but this reveal makes me like her and dislike Halle and Jennifer. Sad.

  29. Anonymous7:36 PM


  30. I think I'm the only person here who likes Biel. I also think Crazy Halle is a terrible actress.

  31. That's pretty classless ladies. Doesn't surprise me about Halle, but Garner I thought was nicer than that.

  32. When you are being laughed at by 2 hasbeens, it may be time to re-evaluate your "acting" career. I agree with whoever said she should focus on fitness. Her DVD would sell for sure. Booty by Biel. You're welcome Jessica. Haha.

  33. Halle and Garner aren't exactly Streep & Farrow, Enty.

  34. Berry and Garner, A+ really? I so don't think so.

  35. Ted Casablanca has a long time hate-on for Jennifer. He had a nasty red carpet experience with her trying to make small talk about her pregnancy. She treated him with contempt although he asked a very light question.

  36. @ Sarah,
    Garner has a well-earned rep for nastiness. Apparently the crew of Alias loathed her.

  37. Anonymous7:57 PM

    I like Beil, too. Doesn't seem like how I picture Garner, but wasn't she the friend of Witherspoon who snarked on Blake Lively during those nude pictures that were leaked of Lively? Reese seems so fake to me. I'm Southern and love the South, but some women can ooze the charm, seem as sweet as the tea they serve, while sticking you in the back with an ice pick.

    1. Michelle : I too am from the south and has seen this too much to want to ever relive my late teen/early twenties.

  38. Jeez, how mean girls high school crap of those two. Why ya gotta be bitches?

  39. Anonymous8:37 PM

    I'm an Alias fan too but have heard that Jennifer is not a nice person, Halle well I think it's pretty established she a crazy bitch. I'm no fan of JB but we all said worse things about her than that in the earlier reveal I know I did.....

  40. Ah, so now I see "incredibly talented" was written with sarcasm? That being said, if I was Halle or Jennifer I'd probably be looking down at Biel too, if only for all that TRY.

  41. @MICHELLE, thats the truth, I am from thw south and you really have to watch your back

  42. Jennifer Garner works my last nerve and so does Ben Assfleck. They put out a self entitlement vibe....or maybe just fake...

  43. It sad either of these "ladies" thought the bit of attention they recieve entitles them to drop basic human kindness. The karma in their lives speaks volumes.

  44. Karma is a bitch. Remember to be nice on tge way up cuz you don't know who you'll meet om the way down.

  45. Those two have nothing to talk about. They're as classless as Biel.

  46. The whole blind is funny! Biel thinks it's a step up to talk to those two mean girls and Enty calls them 'incredibly talented'? IMO they are all on the same level: mediocre actress, A list partner. End of story.

  47. I've always liked Jennifer Garner but having her laugh behind JB's back (who I don't like) with HB( who is crazy) just knocked her down a few pegs.

    I'd hope this isn't entirely accurate.

  48. Well, I dunno, we laugh like hell here on CDAN regarding Jessica Biel, sooooo......???

  49. Halle Berry and Jennifer Garner are barely more credible than Jessica Biel as actresses. I mean really the star of Catwoman and Swordfish is going to trash talk somebody else's acting ability?

  50. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I liked Biel in The Illusionist. All three of these ladies seem incredibly stuck up, regardless of who's laughing at who. They need to grow up.

  51. I thought I read somewhere that Jennifer Garner and Jessica Biel were best friends?

  52. All three can have a seat! Who in that bunch is an incredible actress? Please! *eye roll*

  53. Of the 3 I like Biel the best by far. I think Biel doesn’t care about all the phony fame crap. She seems to be more of a regular woman who just happens to have one of the most spectacular bodies in history.
    Halle has never done anything even remotely interesting and her claim to fame is prostituting herself out and having a very boring sex scene with Thornton.
    Garner is equally boring AND doesn't have the physical assets of the other two.
