Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

September 22, 2012

This D list actress with A list name recognition says she is giving up acting because producers are making her audition and it is just too much work. She doesn't understand why her name does not get her more roles. She doesn't understand why she is not a big star and getting leads in movies. For now, she says that she will wait for people to call and to realize her extraordinary acting ability.

Rumer Willis


  1. Or else she's waiting for Potatoheads: The Movie.

    1. I just spat out my iPad-@mynerva-u rock!

    2. mynerva you are on fire tonight. haha

  2. I'm sure when they make a Mr. Potato Head movie, she'll be top of the list! Oh - was that mean?

  3. I just laughed so loud right now

  4. Ha mynerva! Jinx!

  5. oh noz!!

    bwhahahah ... oh my

  6. Ha!! Dying over here.

  7. Oh Lordy... Is it something they put into the water supply in LA or something?! That many people can't all be that stupid!

    1. Don't put that on LA. It's the "I come from celebrity parents/ money and should be handed everything" flavored kool aid that celebrity spawns drink.

  8. Extraordinary? Puh-lease!

    Send the producers a copy of the House Bunny and I'm sure they'll offer you more Oscar worthy roles!

  9. But...I...what?!?

  10. The audacity of some people? Has she been in anything besides Wilmer"s pants?

  11. That poor unfortunate looking child.

  12. HAHAHA You guys kill me! So mean, but so funny!

  13. She doesn't understand? I understand that she's a celebrity spawn with little to no talent. Can't at least her dad explain it to her?

  14. keep waiting potato, keep waiting

  15. That sound we just heard was Hollywood collectively letting out a sigh of relief.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. it was my fav blind of this 6 last months:it's too pathetically funny or delusional .Next to her,Lindsay Lohan's future oscar is almost realist

  18. Anonymous4:50 PM

    She has a head like either a potato or a Lego brick, I can't decide which. Like my brother just said, when your best performance is in "The House Bunny," perhaps you shouldn't be clearing a space on the mantel for Oscar.

    1. Texshan, Happy New Year !!

    2. @Texshan, your bro and I had the same thought!

    3. Texshan girl we've missed you! Happy New Year.

    4. Nice to see you Tex . I am a daily reader and very rare poster . Noticed I hadn't seen you in awhile . glad to see you here and happy New year :-)

  19. Replies
    1. Good job!! I would have never even thrown her name into the mix!

  20. Alice Tate guessed correctly. The only one.

  21. She was an adorable little girl, then puberty hot, poor thing!

  22. A list name recognition? I was talking to a friend last week about her and he had no idea who she was. I told him to imagine what it would look like if Bruce Willis and Jay Leno had a love child together.

  23. A sign of maybe too fawning parents is when don't tell their daughter "we love you but you can't act and you don't have the looks to get any good roles except maybe as the fugly best friend of the lead role. Go find you a nice rich guy, you look good enough for that. I would recommend college and a career but well..."

  24. Another delusional girl. Her dad takes most any role that comes along, and is clearly not afraid of hard work. If she thinks the auditions are too much work why on earth does she think anyone would want to hire her for a whole movie?!!!!

  25. Thanks guys. I just shot diet Pepsi all over my dog I laughed so hard.

  26. This was back in September. Has anyone called her yet?

  27. This is hilarious!

  28. Oh, Delusion, thy name is Rumer...

  29. Her name probably would get her somewhere if she weren't so unfortunate looking.

  30. She has 3 projects in post production due in 2013 according to IMDB so I'm thinking this is a made up blind because I can't believe anyone actually called her.

  31. Must be nice to be able to live off your rich parents!
    And yes, she does look like a potato head!

  32. Most of those girls have their dad's face, which is fine on Bruce Willis, but there's not much a young woman can do to change it.

  33. I'm laughing so hard I can't type...

  34. Girlfriend, if you were gorgeous and willing to get naked for parts, I could see you working more. But no one wants to see you naked. You are kidding yourself thinking anyone cares about you and your "talent".

  35. She was on Hawaii 5-0 and did just fine as an actress. I don't know why people hate on her, except for her looks, but her talent is that of two very talented stars in Hollywood.

  36. Bless her heart! maybe she should try stand up comedy?

  37. I was watching the horrible New Years Eve coverage on NBC last night and Carson Daily's look has always given me the creeps in the same way Rumer's does. I think it really is a human Lego thing.

  38. You know if she aimed lower - like say a TV show she could probably get a decent gig - but from the sounds of this blind she wants to be the next Jennifer Lawrence. Ain't happening.

  39. I've always thought that two very attractive people rarely equates to very cute kids. Bless their hearts, but all three of those girls confirm my theory.

    1. Chelsea h...remember that their look today is all post plastic surgery...I used to wonder the same - however they got their dad's mannish features and they don't look good on a girl. Wonder what Hos new baby girl will look like...

  40. I mean I just watched Loopers, and even there, I kept thinking, they didn't have to make Joseph Gordon-Levitt's face look like Bruce Willis', they could have done both men a favor and made Bruce's face look like JGL's.

  41. I can only think of the Jimmy Buffett song:

    "If the phone doesn't ring...it's me."

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I have no doubt this is true because even "People" magazine aka "Kneepads" recently quoted a source saying Rumer was upset because she wants to be a big star and it isn't happening.

    She has actually been in a few movies but I noticed she always plays a nerdy-friend-of-the-hot-girl type, like in "Sorority Row" or "The House Bunny". Maybe she's decided she only wants to play leading lady roles now. No way will anyone be calling her for those kinds of parts. IMO she should be grateful for her last name or she wouldn't even be getting the nerdy girl roles.

  44. Girl, bye! hahahaha


    I see she inherited the 'crazy' gene from Demi. hahaha

  45. @pink_palace, their parents need to hook them up with their surgeons and I think her career might get a little boost! ;) Seriously though, I'm ready for "ho's" (lol!) baby to run off into oblivion with her and her family. Despite her indiscretions, she's attractive, but she sure picks/beards the fugliest men.

  46. If ever in a perfect world she was truly cut off by the parents that would be fun to watch.

  47. @B626 - what an excellent idea for a new reality show! Unless Paris and Nicole already did it.

  48. Ugh her part on 90210 was painful to watch.

  49. this does not surprise me in the least. my sister was a nanny for a very wealthy philly family and my brother in law was an extra in "13 monkies" with bruce willis. my sis was talking with one of the willis/moore nannies and the impression she got was that, "the world is supposed to stop when these kids are present". nothing was good enough for them.

  50. Thank god that means she won't be in movies for a long time.

  51. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Thanks Agent! You, too!

  52. @Texshan I was wondering where you were. Good to "see" you!

  53. see, ugly inside AND out. i could give her a pass on lots of stuff if she were humble. but tater head is a braggy-self-possessed--bitch

  54. Just because Jen G has sweet dimples does not make her a sweet person people!

  55. She's going to be waiting a long time.

  56. Another delusional, self entitled H'wd brat. I think if she actually had her nose enlarged it would balance out her face. As for talent well... Dream on sistuh!

  57. I remember this one as I think almost everyone agreed on it being Lindsay (who at least has some experience)... Rumer that's just delusional honey!

  58. Hi @Texshan!

    Rumer was fine on Workaholics. By great I mean she acted like an actress, she didn't stick out like some "normal" people do when they're given bit parts. I bought it. And the potato didn't look so bad on film.

  59. she's not actually a bad actress though LOL I think she comes across as really personable on screen...she's just ugly

  60. Why doesn't she just tell her father to hook her up?

  61. @emeyekay..."and the potato didn't look so bad on film"...L O L...!
