Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 4, 2012

What former B list actress who had designs on being A list and is now on the mess list says she was bullied in school. The truth is that when she was in school, it was her the other kids used to run from because she was the biggest bully around. Don't do drugs kids because it makes your mind see things that were never there.

Lindsay Lohan


  1. She was probably a horrible bully. Just like her acting.

  2. Everyond guessed this one right

  3. No way, Lindsay is ALWAYS the victim. ALWAYS! Don't you forget it!!!

  4. She attended my high school. Makes me so very proud.

  5. I could totally see her being a bully. Karma, baby...has anyone seen the pics of her in London yesterday? I think they're on TMZ. She looks absolutely horrible!

  6. Not a lot of shocking reveals yet.

    1. I was hoping for some of those creepy ones being revealed

    2. It's like the juicier creepier ones were deliberately left out this year. I wonder why, I was kind of looking forward to those do I could avoid the terrible people therein.

  7. Her sob story has gotten really old really fast.

  8. i can totally see this about her.

  9. She's a tragic story. It can't end well. Pathological liar, drugs, and the endless sense of entitlement don't make for a long life

  10. She wasn't even in school. She was home schooled so she could work.

  11. Don't mess with the Lohan.

  12. I was just thinking the same thing. Ooh, poor persecuted victim Lindsay

  13. It doesn't say what school. She could have been referring to Junior High or elementary...she wasn't always home schooled. Then she had plenty of kids to pick on.

    1. Excellent point. I can totally see her being awful in Jr. High

  14. If I remember right, people that went to school with her came forward pretty quickly and said it was all a lie. Then Lindsay shut up about it, hoping whatever she threw against the wall would stick.

    Thanks to my long island peeps for shutting her down so fast

  15. whocaresnow12 why don't you go read elsewhere. you are annoying me with your stupid bullshit.

    1. I'm sorry I'm ruining your fun with false stories. Boo fucking who. Grow up.

    2. Seriously I thought she was home schooled too. Apparently though Nolachickee says she actually went to public/private school?

  16. i believed that since she's been in front of a camera right after comming out of the mother's bely, she had never gone to regular education institutions.

  17. Crazy Ginge is a stereotype because WELL...

  18. wouldn't it be just perfect if the final reveal was the identity of January Jones baby daddy??
    please, ent, please!

    1. Oooh....great idea!! And I LOVE, LOVE your screen name - major Seinfeld fan here!

  19. She's still a bully, hasn't changed, hasn't grown....just a looser.

  20. She definitely has some sort of personality disorder. She needs time to dry out and tune in to her true self.

  21. timebob reminder! Million Dollar Decorators featuring Lindsay Lohan's busted dump starts at 10pm EST on Bravo tonight!

    1. Oooh, thanks timebob! I hope I don't make the plane shake from my laughter while watching it. I wonder if she insists on picking out a display cabinet for her future Oscar.

  22. Quite possibly the most un-self aware person on the planet.

  23. the importer-exporter.

    1. @art . haha . That made me laugh out loud .

  24. Whocaresnow12
    If you don't like this blog and believe all BI to be fake why are you here?
    You seem to know an awful lot about these celebs...why not start your own blog? :)

  25. anyone see the pictures in the daily mail today. linds was WASTED and filthy and walking through some expensive hotel. so the new year is off to a good start.

  26. Honestly I think this blind describes almost all celebrities who say they were bullied in high school. Celebrities say things like "I was picked on and I was ugly" not because it's true, but because they want the average joe to relate to them. I've heard many times that Demi Lovato, who is very much involved in the current anti-bullying movement, was a major bully in high school and actually beat another girl up.

    @Mayor Timebob the same thing happened with Christina Aguilera. She used to love to tell a story about how all the kids walked off the dance floor in protest when the DJ played her song at the prom. She said they did this because they were bullies. Finally a bunch of her old classmates told the media everyone had actually walked off because *Christina* was a bully. Needless to say, Xtina has since stopped telling that story.

  27. Can we stop sniping at other posters...just for one day? It's a new year for shit sake. Everyone has their opinions/stories/whatever...unless someone is just being an outright asshole,even then...just skip the fuck over a post.

    Can't we all just have a pleasant day/evening?

  28. Thank you Lola. I cosign. Let's stop sniping and just pass over what we don't like (pics), state why we think something is bogus (and kindly question what proof rgey can provide) and stop whining. Jeebus everyone was so excited for this day and now peeps is gettin' crankay.

  29. Lindsey get it together girl. Hot Tranny Mess!

  30. @Krissie - I'm with you on this one. I always give a little bit of sideeye to all the celebs with their bullying stories. I'm not saying they're all liars, but in Lindsay's case, I call BS.

  31. Anonymous9:34 AM

    She went to regular school, then was homeschooled. I agree that she is a waste. Why are we sniping at each other when we should be focusing on LaLocaLindsay?
