Saturday, January 05, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

April 23,. 2009

As a guy, this one is extremely painful to write. This A list movie actor who was also a star on television has a scene in a recent movie where he strips down to his underwear. Because of the lighting no one noticed anything amiss. It was only when the movie was being edited that his penile piercing was noticed through the underwear. A large piercing that had to be digitally removed.

Jamie Foxx


  1. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Why? Why would you pierce it? Good God.

  2. Agreed Anna, but it's his body, and whatever floats your boat I guess.

  3. I know you guys hate it when people bitch about the blinds, but come on. This is the stupidest blind in the history of blinds.

  4. Ewww Ewwwww Ewwww! I need bleach to scrub that image out of my mind! Ewwwwwwwww

  5. This does not help those gay rumors about him.

    1. Oh, honey. No. Normal gay men do NOT pierce their bits- that is beyond gross to 98% of us!!!

  6. He likes to put his Prince Albert in the can.

  7. For a minute,I thought they were going to expose Jamie's hairline or lack thereof.Word is Jamie uses a "spraypaint".

  8. Anonymous10:44 AM

    Hey whatever does it for you, just not my thing.

  9. I thought Enty was going to say how big Jamie Foxx fella was... lol
    But really, that. Must. Hurt.

  10. I think those are stupid ---how the hell can you wrap a dick up with metal poking out? very dangerous.

  11. I've had 2 boyfriends with that piercing, so I don't think it's got anything to do with any gay rumors. Now that I think about it, I've only ever known straight guys with the Prince Albert.

    1. Funny Anannaannaa I have only known gay me with prince alberts. Not to extremely nosy but how was experience?

    2. Mr. Lite had a prince albert and i made him take it out because the piercing felt WAY bigger than it was and was extremely uncomfortable.

  12. lol Jamie I love you dude.

  13. Oh my. How WOULD you use a condom with one of those things?? I would google it, but my Dad is visiting and he always finds a way to Mr Magoo his way to the one embarrassing thing I have googled or saved onto my computer. (In my defense, the "lady with the big boobs" was Giuliana Rancic and I wanted to show my stylist her hair color)

  14. Different strokes for different folks. I'm multi-pierced and have been for decades. Prince Albert's have nothing to do with being gay, either. ;)

    1. This^^^^^^

      I've known a few men with a prince albert and they were all very straight.

    2. No Reeses it isn't. I prolly have straight friends with genital piercings but it never came up so to speak. ;)

  15. Wait, was there an underwear scene in the Ray Charles bio? *sniggers*

  16. I saw his peen in django too... Wow!

  17. also there is no problem wearing a condom with a Prince Albert or Ampallang, unless you have an oversize bolt [and no, bolt is not code for something else!!]

  18. Lenny kravitz is pierced there too.

  19. Lenny kravitz is pierced there too.

  20. auntliddy said what I was gonna say!

  21. All I can think of is "Ouch!"

  22. As a woman, this one was extremely pleasurable to read...

  23. I've heard it is supposed to be quite pleasurable for the female partner to experience a Prince Albert piercing. I don't have first hand experience to back this up, just what I've heard.

  24. I'm no prude but piercings in intimate places kinda skeeves me out. But hey, to each their own.

  25. All I can think of is the scene in 'The Sweetest Thing' where the guy's piercing gets caught in Selma Blair's tonsils. ♫ I don't wanna miss a thiii-iiing! ♫

  26. in what movie is Jamie Foxx in underwears in 2009/2010?

    Jamie fox naked in 2009
    i don't see a Prince Albert

  27. FrenchGirl, WOW !!!

  28. Replies
    1. FrenchGirl, now WOW and WOW and I can't stop laughing at the second one. Thanks !

  29. Oh man. I had to google and I figured Wikipedia was safe enough, right? Nope, right there, big as life. Thank goodness the kids were in the other room!

    Also, ouch.

  30. people DO THAT?? i'd be afraid it would catch on something.

  31. Anonymous2:58 PM

    This blind was kinda meh but the comments are hilarious ( and informative)

  32. What if the woman has a diaphragm and it yanks it out? Ack! Lol j/k but really? No, I think a tongue ring would be more useful.

  33. Hellooo Jamie! FrenchGirl those pics made me sqee with joy. I love seeing naked actors. Wow that was probably the creepiest thing I have ever said.

    I personally have never experienced one, but wouldn't it get stuck in your hooha? It's not like it's a straight tunnel in there, there are some twists and turns!

  34. JSierra, the one I saw (go ahead, I dare you to google it! :b) was the barbell kind like some people get in their lip or eyebrow. Like a tiny ball on the top and the bottom of the head, so it probably wouldn't catch on anything. But - no, I'm just going to stop.

    If you scroll down the page, there's one with a ring - yikes!

  35. For this felt damn good. ;)

  36. Thanks for the Prince Albert education. ;) As for JF, whatever floats his boat... BTW, I saw Django today and it was excellent!

  37. lmfao! You gals are getting me in trouble with the boyfriend...I thought he was gone and clicked on French Girl's first link...well, he's sulking and pouting. ;) Thanks for the eye candy!

  38. I like penile piercings.....more stimulation

  39. Thanks Resses and Skimpy..Maybe I can convince the Opster to give it a try..NOT! But good to know 2 outta 3 here can tout it's uhm..effectiveness.

    And French Girl..I love you more and more, sister..Great link!

  40. Yeah, he's a freak. he liked men too

  41. Yeouch some of those look painful!

    However I am adding a fellow with a Prince Albert to my bucket list.

  42. This blind takes me back to the day my ex and I showed up to my ex father in law's house. As soon as we showed up he ex FIL was all "Heeeeeyyyy....Look what I got done!" promptly dropped his pants and yep, Prince Albert. *shudders*

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. @JSierra, maybe you could compile a spreadsheet of all CDAN readers' bucket lists, combine with the photos, then we could guess who's completed them and compare with the celeb blinds and decide if we're cooler than Hollywierd?

  45. Anonymous11:09 PM

    I'm late to this party but I just have to comment. This is probably one of my fave reveals cause it's ridiculous and likely true. This is the most I've ever been entertained by JF!

    Side note. I knew a guy w two penile piercings. While I never got to fully experience them, they were quite interesting to look at. He did admit that things could get messy when he peed though, especially if he took them out...ew!

  46. WHY WHY WHY would any guy want to do that? I squirmed in my seat looking at those Google images...sheesh! More power to them, but...none for me, thanks!

  47. It's a good thing someone in post-production noticed! Usually editing screens are so tiny that sort of thing gets overlooked. That would have been VERY embarrassing...
