Blind Items Revealed
November 1, 2012
This actor is only B list but he would be A list if lust by fans added to your total. He does a mix of television and movies, but probably has made his biggest fame on a very hit show. Because of his good looks he has had no trouble finding dates. His problem has been keeping them. One actress he dated who is B- list in popularity but close to A list in talent said she loves dating edgy guys. The edgier the better, but this actor made her so uncomfortable that she feared she would end up dead everytime she went to his place. There was no violence that he did to her, but just the way he acted. Very clean. Very anal. Body hair shaved everywhere. Had latex gloves sitting randomly around the house which he said was for cleaning. She said it freaked her out. She would wake up at night and find him staring at her or coming into the room like a ghost. She said that she tried to only have him come to her place instead of going to his, but that he said she was too messy and that he preferred his home which he kept freezing. She swears that she would not have jumped if she found dead bodies in his place and was expecting them everytime she went. Another actress who has way more name recognition than talent has not said as much about the actor except to say that she also found his place cold and that she swears she could see the blood running through his body because he was so pale. For those of you with lots of lust, you need to know he only does it in one position (missionary) because the others are too messy.
Alexander Skarsgaard