Tuesday, January 01, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 9, 2012

This unfortunately A list celebrity and reality star was being her normal rude self thinking she was dealing with a fan who loved her. Our celebrity blew off the fan and was treating her like she was garbage. You know, because that is normal. You should have seen the massive butt kissing that ensued when the celebrity found out who the fan really was and how our celebrity's bad behavior almost cost her a million dollar deal.

Kim Kardashian/Chloe Green (daughter of Top Shop owner)


  1. This one sounds familiar...

    1. Call me crazy (I've heard it before), but I feel like this was revealed in past reveals...

  2. I guess i'm too early to explain what Top Shop is.

  3. Fair enough, Chloe Green can be pretty trashy looking. I wouldn't think she was important.

    1. Actually, no. It's not okay for ANYONE to treat somebody else like shit.

  4. Anonymous8:33 PM

    I hope Enty reveals the blind about the high class girl who befriends network execs. I want to see whether it is pippa!

  5. Kim and her turkey baster need to just fuck right off.

  6. Sorry, noyfb, one more time?

    1. My comments are showing up twice for some reason ok

  7. I think this is one the blinds that was already revealed in the Daily Mail.

    Kim's got 18 years of flowing cash now, no top shop photo ops for her anymore!

    1. Maybe that's what I'm thinking of... Got a serious case of déjà vu

  8. Is Enty going to reveal that Kim is one of the two hookers along with britny gassinuau?

  9. Have we lost a contingent of commenters due to the time? It's almost 4pm in Sydney and these blinds have helped an otherwise slow day at work go by faster. It's nice to be awake when posts are going up!

    1. I know what you mean- I'm in Melbourne, and today has been AMAZEBALLS!!!

  10. And does this mean she's mean to her fans? Why the hell doesn't that news spread?

  11. Would have been hilarious to see this horrible woman backpeddle desperately and make a fool of herself. "Oooh, I was joking! You know, ha ha ha, like friends do. Um. Uh. You are so pretty. Yeah. And you have the best hair ever. We're buds right? I love you." *Swallows hard, sweats profusely*

  12. Piece of crap.. Anyone else think she's not w blessed child?

  13. Hey sinkabella - I strongly doubt she is willing to sacrifice her body and her effort to actually HAVE a child so honestly that makes me a sceptic. The "shocking & devastating miscarriage!" headlines could be more likely.

    If so though, I cannot WAIT to see what her body does pregnant, ha ha!!

  14. This would be funnier if Chloe Green's father had proceeded to tell KK to fuck off for being a bitch.

    1. Not to mention that would have earned him respect.

  15. Ugh, what a b.a.h.

    If her pregnancy is real (which I have my doubts ) it is going to be a long 7 months... The daily mail should just give her a section.. They are obsessive about her and her ample derrière.

  16. Kimmy is going to be totally unbearable now that she is carrying Kanye West'$ child.

  17. Massive butt would be the clue haha

  18. Love how she screwed herself on this one.

  19. The 'pictures' of the happy couple at New Years are shite. She's actually leaning forward and cupping her hand next to her midriff to try to 'appear' like she has a bump. Wonder if Jay Z recommended the same surrogate...

  20. For those enquiring, Top Shop is a major fashion brand in the UK. Philip Green is head of a company which owns several chains of shops and one of the richest men in the UK.

    The KK label went into Dorothy Perkins, a down market chain, not Top Shop. Maybe Kim's behaviour got her downgraded?

    I don't know if the dresses had big asses, but they looked pretty trashy in the window. Nothing special.

  21. god i hate this bitch.

  22. Google tells me Chloe stormed out of the London Kardashian line launch party that was being thrown by her dad crying.

    I don't really think she's preggo either. I really don't even think they have sex.

  23. I hope Chloe tells KK to fuck off!
