Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

November 30, 2009

This aging, but still known for her looks former B list television star from one of the most popular dramas of all time shared a story about the first time she had sex with her second husband. He had seen her on television with her famous hair and they were doing what people do and he reached for her hair at some point and he pulled her entire wig off showing off her almost entirely bald head. Apparently the episode kind of removed the lift from his engine so to speak and it was several weeks before they tried again.

Joan Collins


  1. Oh wow, that would kill the mood! LOL Thanks Enty!

  2. I'm going to forget I know this - Joan is perfect in my eyes! :p

  3. That can't be right. She was 30 when she married her second husband. Why would she be bald at that young age?

  4. I am and will always be team Alexis!

  5. Joan Collins was married 5 times.
    Her 2nd husband was the award-winning singer, actor and film composer Anthony Newley on 27 May 1963.
    IN 1963,it was her real hair

  6. What kind of nut wouldn't know she wears wigs? Reminds me of an ex-beau of mine who was shocked when I told him I dyed my hair.


  7. and Joan Collins was pregnant when he's married for the 2nd times in may 1963

    so it was NOT with her 2nd husband or it's untrue/made up

  8. It totally looks like wigs in those old pics though.

  9. Oh geez, awkward. ~snicker~

  10. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Holy shit! EMBARASSING*** probably tough for her since she's known mainly for her beauty. I loved her as Helena Barnes on Will and Grace. Her accent is to die for. Wow, though, the entirely bald head? what a mood killer. Not sure how he ever performed again after that.

  11. I guess if she shared the story then she has a sense of humor about it? Idk about the timing though. I'm still team Alexis, Krystal is such a drip.

  12. This isn't even fact. She didn't start wearing wigs until the 80's and was married to her 2nd husband in the 60's.

  13. Dominick Dunne said that when he saw her in person for the first time (mid 1960's) she was the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.

    Wonder if this is supposed to be FIFTH husband, not second.

  14. I've read her autobiography and have heard rumours over the years that she isn't a very nice person in general.

    Still, that would be totally humiliating.

  15. I remember years ago Joan Rivers while she was promoting something said that she was bald

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. If you have a wig or extensions you should have a paws off my hair policy for your man.

  18. This is an old old old blind from another site but I don't remember which one. EVERYONE then pointed out that the timeline had to be wrong and doubted that it was true as her wigs are no secret. Sounds like like the sniping of a disgruntled former employee or ex lover of one of the husbands. I don't usually call BS around here, but I'm calling it.

  19. Wigs & weave - if thrown in head incorrectly or not taken care of can severely damage the follicles in a very short amount of time. The rubbing and lack of oxygen. Also, some don't believe in washing their weaves, hence caked on dirt obstructing the follicle = hair loss.

    Also, the pulling of the edges can be mother as Naomi has proudly shown us.

  20. "I've always had problems with my hair, though. It's very fine and I have to spend hours on it if I want it to look good. Much of the time I can't be bothered, so I plonk on a wig, which started because the studios put me in wigs in every movie I ever made."

    Read more:

    She's always worn wigs on and off screen.

  21. Since Joan was the one who told this story, it is entirely possible she fudged a few dates or husbands to make it sound better. If hubby had seen her on TV, it was obviously her Dynasty days and that would make hubby that Peter guy. Glad to see she has a sense of humour about it.

  22. Just because they had sex for the 1st time doesn't mean they were married when it happened.

  23. Joan was 4-5 months pregnant when she married Anthony Newley.

  24. Maybe she had alopecia...

  25. The blind does say the first time she did the nasty with her 2nd husband, which doesn't mean she was married at the time, just the first time they did it together (and later he became the husband, thus the pregnancy).

    I wonder why she is going bald?

  26. And sometimes just being pregnant can screw up your hormones and cause all sorts of things like hair loss, problems with your gums or teeth etc. A lot of genetic diseases get the kickstart with the hormonal changes of pregnancy - know too many women who got MS right after having a baby.

  27. Just want to point out the small but important fact that just because you are pregnant doesn't exclude you from having sex....that would suck.

  28. Anthony Newley, "What kind of fool am I?" , great, great songwriter.

  29. Thanks Brenda.
    I was going to say the same thing. :)

    Also, after I had my first son over half of my hair fell out; I wasn't by any means 'old'. And my teeth got very soft. I hadn't had a cavity since my early teens and suddenly I had lie. :(

  30. sex while pregnant people- haha- I think your comments ended up on the wrong post but if you are having an adult beverage it reads hilariously here:)

  31. There are many reasons a woman would be losing hair in her 30s. When I was so sick with hyperparathyroidism, I lost a lot of my hair. In fact, it was the worsening loss of hair that made me push my doctor for continued testing to find out what was wrong (when standard tests kept coming back normal). Thankfully, after I was cured, it grew back.

  32. I really don't understand how baldness could be a turnoff...

  33. Hair is such a superficial thing, but then again, it made a few careers of people who would otherwise have gone unnoticed: Farrah Fawcett, Jane Seymour, Bo Derek, David Cassidy, etc.

  34. Joan Collins was A-list at the time of Dynasty. No way around it.

  35. It hasn't occurred to anybody that Enty probably meant Husband #3 or #4 (the current one)? The latter probably would be truer since they married some 10-15 years ago.

  36. Awesome, I got one! Not sure if it's BS with regards to the timing, which husband, etc. I didn't realize that she wore wigs, but thinking back to "Dynasty" I can believe it.

  37. Joan Collins would definitely be considered A list.

  38. I once read a book where Anthony Newley described Joan Collins as a "woman [who] would sell her own excrement." I don't think there was any love lost between them. Too bad, they had a lovely son.
