Saturday, January 12, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

August 5, 2009

This B list cable television and sometime feature movie actor recently took part in a contest with an organization which allowed for several lucky winners to meet him at an event. Everything went fine, but our actor seemed to spend a great deal of time focusing on one female fan in particular. He focused in on her so much that they ended up having sex in his dressing room at the event. What neither of them realized at first was the walls in the dressing rooms were paper thin. They finally realized it when they could hear the people in the surrounding dressing rooms laughing at them because the actor kept asking the fan during sex if she liked f**king a star.

Jeremy Piven


  1. Gross!! He is a nasty, vile little man with an over inflated ego. I'd rather turn lez than take a swing his way.

  2. I'd rather turn lizzard.

  3. she should have told him she'd let him know after she fucked one...the little shit

  4. "all you gotta do is find a girl that looks JUST like her, NAIL her, and then dump her, man..."

  5. Anonymous10:25 AM

    She should have said "yeah especially ones with amazing hair" and accidently rip off his toupee

  6. That made me laugh out loud. What a turd!

  7. @Misch - excellent comeback!

    He's such a skeeze. Glad he was able to hear everyone laughing at him. :B

  8. Anonymous10:41 AM

    lolz! Imagining hearing through that wall: " You like that do you? Do you like fing a star!!?" I wonder what his expression was when he realised that he'd been heard.

  9. I like to imagine the people on the other side of the wall all shouting in unison: SHE'S NOT!

  10. How has piven been a douche for so long w/o repeated beatings? I envision him getting boot fucked and screaming " dont you know who I am? Not the face. Please not the face. I'm a star for chrissakes. Dont you know who I aaaaaaaaaaam. "

  11. How could SHE not crack up after hearing that?

  12. And thats a big fat "ewwwwww"!

    1. And what is wrong with him? Does he not see how his fellow humans act?

  13. LMAO! I remember this one, thank you for the laugh Enty

  14. I'm guessing this was one of "wommers" of the screening of his movie "The Goods" at the Atlanta Landmark Mitown Art Cinema. He would have had plenty of women to choose from, there.

  15. He must be so bad in the sack.
    A guy who has moves in his snake can t say that sort of stupid crap.

  16. Ewwww! I wouldn't go near that turd.

  17. It's so hard to be a little man with a huge ego instead of dick

  18. What a colossal ass.

  19. I was horrified to see him in the latest Spy Kids movie (I have chirrun, don't judge) then spent the rest of the movie noticing just how squat and unattractive he is.


  20. That is classic!!!

    Years ago at the Chicago opening of House of Blues. Piven couldn't get into the VIP section, and as we breezed past him he was begging them to let him in and "Don't you know who I am,I'm a movie star". Well, before Entourage but after several Cusack side-kick parts!

  21. Isn't there an old blind about Piven having wigs on wigheads all over his dressing room or did I just imagine that one?

  22. "well, I thought I would...."

  23. In his defense, all bedroom dirty talk sounds stupid out of context. Most of us would be horrified if we heard ourselves afterward on a recording!

  24. Y'all give him a break, after all, he's got Mercury poisoning. Bwhahaha! I'd have seriously lmao. And probably clapped when they came out of the room.

  25. Too funny! Thanks Enty!!

  26. He's always hilarious, though. Love him as Ari Gold.

  27. While I was reading that last comment, my son was petting our cat - a male tabby who thinks he's God's gift to the household - and said, "He's such a little ankle-biter!" BAHAHA!

  28. KellyLynn, thanks for the link. Interesting to see who his fans are.

  29. Even without everything we know about him being a douche, he is just nasty to look at - I'd NEVER go there!

  30. Told this one before, but The Piv was a douche loooong before he made it. Used to see him on Rush Street in Chicago at the bars (underage) hanging next to the bouncers, bald as the day he was born, trying to hit on chicks. He was gross then, and he's gross now.

  31. loser

    did you guys read the account of the girl (exotic dancer) that dated him for a quick minute. PRECIOUS!
