Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Blind Item #7

This former B list all movie actress and a permanent partier who still has A list name recognition was so drunk recently that she fell face first to the ground three separate times between the bar and the gate and caused a nice huge bloody gash on her face. Somehow she stumbled on the plane and flew off to see whoever is paying her now.


  1. A blind in in a break of the daily photos?

    And I'm guessing Tara Reid.

  2. LiLo - agree

    Could be Tara too though.

  3. Is that why you can only see ONE side of Pammy's face in the randoms?
    I don't think I've ever seen a blind item mixed in with the random photos.

  4. I'm torn between Lohan and Reid. They're both sloppy drunks with a penchant for falling. I think today, Lohan is more well-known than Reid because she doesn't stay out of the news.

  5. Lotta - Pam is pretty much TV.

    1. @disco, that gets me everytime! I didn't see it and in the DM all of her pics have that same side if her face covered so I thought she was hiding *something*

  6. There was a celeb that recentlly posted pics of her bloody forehead and lip after she fell but I can't remember who it was

  7. Tara Reid doesn't even try to hide what her lifestyle has become. Does she even have a residence in the US anymore? If so, she's certainly never there, she's been in Europe since the beginning of the summer just going from yacht to yacht.

  8. Ingrid - I went through a phase where whenever someone asked me who someone was, I'd respond with "GG Allin" just so they'd go look him up.

  9. @disco, you sadistic bastard! ;-) (They probably saw the funeral pictures, too, which is even worse...) I need to rework & blog my own GG Allin story sometime, damn it--maybe now that my days are free, eh?

  10. Well Lindsay has only JUST left London so it could be her but I really think it sounds a lot more like Tara.

    Lindsay would have made more of a scene too, I'm certain of it.

  11. I'd love to read that Robin!

  12. Would Tara Reid be considered to have A name recognition? Sounds more like LL

  13. i'd guess lindsay because of her enormous bruise recently but i didn't notice anything going on with her face.

  14. Sounds like Blohan to me.

    Robin, I'd love to hear your GG story. I used to hang out & barback at a bar in SF, and GG lived upstairs. I saw him playing pool a few times but didn't realize then who he was since he wasn't, you know, covered in blood. He was just some drunk obnoxious guy in a cowboy hat with an entourage. Wish I'd seen his show before it was too late.

  15. Lindsey was on Ugly Betty.

  16. Tara doesn't have A list recognition, and I kinda doubt she was even B list in the past. Loham though, fits.

  17. Lohan's last appearance was on a Lifetime movie. That's television. Before that she was on an episode of Glee. That's on tv, too. I think "all movies" now disqualifies Lohan from any blind. Reid, too, has been on tv. She was a recurring character one season on "Scrubs". However, I know that Enty doesn't always count stuff like that as as actress being a "tv" actress. However, as many stores as he did on Lohan during the filming of the Liz Taylor thing on Lifetime, I know he knows that Lindsay was a "tv" actress.

  18. @amber...aka Groucho..."giggle"

  19. Lilo is C list.

    Demi Moore?

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      @andy yup, goin with your guess. yikes!

  20. All movies can include TV movies. Cameos/guest appearances don't negate "all movie".


  21. Does Tara Reid really have A list name recognition? I would go with Lohan, I guess, for that reason. It really could be either one of them, though.

  22. The Demi Moore guess would be good, but does she really need the money? She's very wealthy. And "permanent partier" seems a bit harsh for her. She has only been unraveling and stumbling about drunk in public for the past couple of years at most.

  23. Anonymous12:40 AM

    Gina Gershon

  24. Oh my god, I really wish I hadn't looked up GG Allin. Ugh. :/
