Monday, January 14, 2013

Blind Item #7

This A+ list all movie actor talks a good game but there is no way he is going back to his wife or even try and make up with her. He just doesn't want the press to ask him any questions. Truth is there have been one woman after another that he has been seeing while trying to repair his marriage. The ones who share his bondage fantasies get to come back for another night. This will be revealed.


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Russell Crowe?

  2. Has Russell Crowe been talking about fixing things with his wife?

  3. Anonymous11:33 AM

    Russell Crowe and Dita von Teese in the DM today....

  4. He doesn't want to pay up so he'll stall and stall

  5. Replies
    1. Nailed it, 125. Is it just me, or does everyone hate when people facebook or tweet how many miles they've run/biked? I mean, I get sharing it with a group of fellow atheletes, or even a group of friends who are supporting each other in their fitness goals - otherwise, it's just plain Braggy Smurf. I think I'm going to start posting how many loads of laundry I do in a day.

    2. Anonymous12:23 PM

      ....I have done none of the above.....except take on board the expression, "Braggy Smurf'." It's rather marvellous...

    3. Awww, thanks, Armadillo. And welcome to the world of commenting!

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Anonymous12:46 PM

      ...I certainly would...but have run out of Jim Beam....God Bless America ( sorry Rich Hall, but the Americans do it better!)

    6. Love "braggy smurf"!!!! I may start unsung that in my everyday vocabulary if you don't mind!

    7. I totally agree Frufra!
      I find it narcissistic and obnoxious, why do they think I care?

    8. Yes - narcissistic and obnoxious - you've got it, Maya! I'm so glad I'm not the only one who HATES those posts!

      And feel free to Braggy Smurf it up, people! Let's make the world a little more smurftastic, shall we :-)?

  6. Russell Crow + bondage = yark.

  7. I hope it's Matthew Broderick, even though I know it isn't. I'm picturing him with a ball gag in my head and it's making me laugh.

  8. Russell Crowe is into bondage? Who gets tied up? Isn't it usually the guy with power that likes to be humiliated? Or is bondage the only way he can keep someone in the room?

  9. oh please tell me Russell likes to get spanked like a bad boy...

  10. @Amber - FTW! OMG that is the guess of the day. That is an image of a thousand LOLs!

  11. I know Frufra! When I see those posts I wonder if they are being chased or were there zombies?! Maybe a while bear after them.

    @Amber.. no..... I was eating lunch LOL

  12. Russell Crowe is a great guess but I was thinking Danny Devito. He mentioned that he and Rhea might be working things out and I hate to say I could totally see him
    into the bondage thing.

    1. You've got to love a blind that can be either Russell Crowe or Danny DeVito... :)

  13. David Arquette. If I were Courtney, I'da tied him up and beat him 3 times a week. She probably got frustrated that after all them years of beatings, he still wouldn't shut up and listen.

  14. I got it!! Russhoe Crowe!

  15. Just to be different, I'm going to say Tom Cruise. I remember a blind item Enty had in which Leelee Sobieski is the alleged dominatrix who stayed with Tom Cruise at a hotel (while he was still married to Katie). And apparently, there was no sex involved.

    1. Maybe he got her to walk on him while she was wearing lifts.

  16. Russell FTW. I'd have no problem tying him up. But Id walk out and leave him there. Turd.

  17. Danny's not all movies...anyone remember a little show called Taxi? Not him.

    David Arquette is A+ for cuckooness. He's a C+ at best.

    Russell FTW! Though that's more like hog tying than bondage.

  18. got be crowe that likes to be tied...'confident-seeming' ones always are. trust this.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I wish someone would tie him up and give him a shave and a bath for starters....

  21. NONONONO Not my Dita! and Russell? I just can't believe it. Anyhow, she has that aristocrat she's been going out with for years.

    First Meryl, Jennifer L., and Dita. God what a week what a week.

    1. Anonymous7:08 AM

      Dita broke up with Jean Marie last year

  22. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Ew Crowe! It's not like he's hot anymore and can pull all kinds of women. He seemed to have some nice guy under all the jerk makeup, guess not.

  23. First person who came to mind for me was Ah-nuld, with Maria as the wife of course. Didn't I hear somewhere that he was trying for a reconciliation? Hmmm....

  24. Arnold went on a "I want Maria back!" tour of contrition.

    Danny DeVito claims he and Rhea are working things out.

    But I'm leaning Russell Crowe on this one. Of course, "bondage" could be anything from fuzzy handcuffs to, well, things I don't even want to know even exist.

  25. Frufra - step away from the alcohol. NOW!!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. It's RC, he denied seeing Katie Joel & Von Reese joked on Twitter about leaving her Hermes riding crop under his bed.

  27. I thought Russell Crowe was so hot in his Gladiator days, and really rocked The Insider.

    Now with the beard and the paunch, he looks *exactly* like my husband's uncle. Can't even look at Russell Crowe with a "you were once hot" look without thinking of Uncle T and getting the heebie-jeebies.

  28. How about Arnold Schwarzenegger?

  29. Frufra I could see being annoyed by someone posting about their runs constantly, but for me I post once in a great while about a really good run I've done. It keeps me motivated!
    One time a FB friend said what you said but not in a nice way and it made me not post for a long while until I decided too bad. See, I'm not skinny, and I'm not a natural runner, so it's not me bragging per se, just still shocked I taught myself to run at 40! :)
    Sorry for the novel! Off to get a cocktail!

    1. Reno, I'm referring to the chronic, every day workout reporters, not just an occasional "woo hoo"! post.

      I post exciting or yay me stuff about my kids and hubby on occasion. And sometimes I feel badly about that, because I start thinking about my friends who are divorcing or bailing their kids out of jail, so I know how you feel. But I say we are allowed to brag just a little, right? I mean, come on, it's better than being the facebook friend who is constantly griping!

    2. There's a lot of tracking apps that automatically post for them, so they may not even realize they are doing it. I believe there's even a Nike pair of shoes that has it built in...

  30. zero news in oz about russel getting back with danielle so i dont think its him.

    plus russel was in a couple of australian tv shows before he made it big so obviously not "all movie"

    (sorry for the sarcasm but im sick and had to come to work anyway and im grumpy)

  31. LOVED RC in LA Confidential...but it's been pretty much downhill since then.

  32. 1/14/13 - 6:28 PM CST


    It's Dan Schneider's (47) birthday today. Ugh. Maybe Hungry Girl can whip him up some pedo chicken fingers.

  33. This is definitely Russell Crowe. He was quoted mid-December saying, "My priority is to bring my family back together," right after the split with his wife hit the media. Obviously, it was BS. Here's a link to the DM article:

  34. True @Frufra. I'm with ya!

  35. Dammit Dita and Louis Castelbajac broke up last year. Crap. I thought I would get her married off to an aristocrat and she would stop her foolishness.

  36. Not Danny DeVito. Not because he was on Taxi, which was a million friggin' years ago, but he is currently on It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia. And also, the squick factor. I can't stomach thinking about him + bondage in any way, shape or form.

    Russell Crowe FTW. I believe he even uses his separation from his wife and kids as a sympathy ploy to lure women. He is enjoying his freedom waaaayy too much and has no intention of going back to his wife.

  37. @frufra, de-lurking tonight and just want to say hello to a fellow OKC person. Been reading for a year now and whenever I read your posts about Oklahoma I laugh. And the lost ogle made laugh so hard. Sorry for the late night OT

    1. Hi jel! We're adding to our Okie group - yay! Don't be a stranger - we need to stick together :-).

    2. Thanks Frufra! We Okies, non meth heads types, do need to stick together. I don't know about de lurking much more, but from time to time. My first post was defending Bey's baby weight loss because baby or no, I lost all my pregnancy weight for both kids in three weeks, and I am normal mom. It pissed me off when people said it couldn't happen.
