Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Blind Item #7

This former A list all movie actor and now a B who does everything is never seen with some of his offspring. Reason? He did not want the children, but his B list actress wife did. Apparently they are not even his biologically.


  1. Matthew Broderick?

  2. I hope it's not Bacon. The daughter was on The Closer and I thought she looked like him.

  3. Broderick isn't a bad guess, the first kid might be his but I could see those twins being just SJP's idea.

  4. I'm totally on board with Broderick.

  5. it's not Kevin Bacon after that I've got nothing

  6. Is Sean Penn still considered A list?

  7. Any word on the designer Missoni and his missing plane?

  8. I don't know if I've ever seen Matthew Broderick with the twins. I'll co-sign with that guess.

    1. I thought Enty said Broderick would be forever A list because "of one big movie." Am I remembering that wrong?

  9. why would broderick have ever been A list?? he's worked a lot but i don't recall him ever being A.

    1. Back during the Brat pack era, when he did Wargames, back then he was absolutely an A. (Yes, I'm giving away my age here, damnit!)

    2. Nancer - Ferris Bueller! Broderick was big in the 80s.

    3. Save Ferris!

  10. Broderick is a good guess and SJP did use a surrogate for the twins so she could have used a sperm donor as well. It's not like she carried the babies.

  11. @Nancer Because he's Ferris Bueller!

  12. Random photos show SJP walking the twins - alone. :( I always loved Ferris.

  13. Yea I thought of Broderick while reading this but I feel like I've seem him out with the twins very recently.

  14. Bacon's kids look just like him. It's gotta be Broderick.

  15. Whomever it is I hope the mother provides enough love that the kids don't grow up feeling rejected. That will mess a kid up good, like Lohan messed up.

  16. One of the twins, Tabitha, is Broderick's spitting image so the biological part is not true.

  17. Also, GIS turns up a reasonable amount of photos of Broderick with the twins. I'm thinking it has to be someone else.

  18. Yup, I'm with texgen that one of them looks just like Broderick. Plus I've seen tons of pap shots of them all together and they did a spread in some magazine as a family when they were babies. Not Bacon because they look like him and there are shots of them together. Maybe Michael Douglas because it implies there are children from different time periods ("some" of his offspring)?

  19. Mathew Broderick is regularly out with his children, and has been photographed with them recently

  20. It's not Sean Penn. As much as I can't stand the guy he is around his kid a lot. Also the kid looks like him.

  21. What about Dennis Quaid and his twins w/ the wife he just canned? Initially there were pics of him w/ them when they were sick right after they were born, but since then...can't recall seeing any.

    1. Brainy, Quaid's wife was in real estate not an actress. I thought of him, too:)

  22. I think this is Brad Pitt.

    1. Michael - I think Pitt's non-adopted kids look exactly like him, unfortunately. He's hideous and looks like an unwashed lesbian these days, so I hope they'll favor their mother more as they get older. I like the Quaid guess. Ferris Bueller seems to be photographed fairly often with his children, and I'm just exhausted from all the mean rumors about his marriage :(

  23. @Michael, no way. Pitt is photographed with his kids all the time and come on, you don't exactly need a DNA test to tie him to those children.

  24. "who does everything"--not Broderick

  25. Alec Baldwin came to mind. How many kids does he have?

  26. @ KiKi - Those poor girls inherited Bruce's jaw.

    @ Amy Scott - I think Michael was being facetious.

  27. Baldwin has one daughter. No clue, because I've agreed and been dissuaded all down the list.

    Broderick is A list Broadway too

  28. Baldwin is always seen in pap shots with Ireland. Not him.

  29. January Jones's baby daddy

  30. I'm gonna be random and guess Travolta.

  31. Broderick is a great guess!

  32. I want to say Rob Lowe, but his wife isn't an actress. Travolta's daughter strongly resembles him, not sure about the baby. But he only does movies anyway, right?This is a tough one.

  33. it kind of amazes me how people just guess names without any evidence at all that it could be correct in a million years.

    I saw an interview w/rob lowe a while back. he is really close to his sons, who were teenagers then.

    I've also seen several pictures of broderick with the twin girls, one of whom is his spitting image.

    as someone pointed out, baldwin has one daughter, and there are tons of photos w/them together.

    keven bacon and kyra are not divorced or separated. my nephew and his son are the same age and my sister saw the entire family at some high school event.

    just because we hoi polloi haven't seen photos of whomever this is together with his kids doesn't mean squat.

    and, the entire blind could be fiction according to the disclaimer at the bottom of the page.

  34. photos of matthew and twins:



  35. It could be Dennis Quaid with Meg Ryan, didn't they have children together?

    1. They have son who looks like a cross between them.

  36. Mel? How many kids does he have?

  37. I have no guesses for this one, but I really think it's not anyone who's been mentioned yet. The 'former A list' and 'b list wife' is throwing me.

  38. Anonymous6:45 PM

    What about Charlie Sheen and Denise Richards? She is always talking about her kids and he never does.

  39. Sooooo, am I the only one who hates Ferris??? I mean, I'm an 80s kid, but didn't he kill 2 ppl in a car accident? & got off scott free?

    1. yes, in N.Ireland. He drove on the wrong side of the road and hit a car head on, killing a mother and daughter.

    2. I had forgotten about that entirely... Apparently his PR person did an excellent job.

  40. @annebella said "keven bacon and kyra are not divorced or separated. my nephew and his son are the same age and my sister saw the entire family at some high school event."

    The blind did not specify that the couple is divorced or separated, so I don't understand the relevance of this comment. However, after reading many comments, I am convinced that this is supposed to be Matthew Broderick and SJP, rather than Kevin and Kyra.

  41. I am going to guess Ben Affleck and Jennifer Gardner! He is rarely seen with the kids and never seems happy when he's with them!

  42. Charlie Sheen with the girls? I remember Denise once said he wanted her to have an abortion the second pregnancy

  43. The twins look like Broderick!!

  44. This is made to look like Broderick and i think it is possible that he feels they are not even his because they were conceived artificially "away" with a surrogate.

    One looks like him but who knows...

  45. Laura Nightingale: Ben Affleck gets papped w his daughters, although I noticed lately I never see the youngest, Samuel, out.

  46. I don't think it's going to be anyone with a 'good' reputation, like Liam Neeson or Rob Lowe. If it's true, it's going to be someone we aren't surprised about, like Charlie Sheen. I think that's a really good guess.

  47. I definitely think this is Broderick...especially cause Enty posted a pic of SJP with the 2 little girls. I've never seen Broderick with the 2 girls...never.

    Also, Broderick used to be an A list all movies actor and now he sings, does TV, does movies, does Broadway. He does everything.

    Can't be Kevin Bacon. He's used to be all movies and now he's just starting to dabble in TV. I don't recall him ever being on broadway. Also, Kevin Bacon's kids are much older.

  48. def Broderick, he's always with the son, but never with the girls, i don't even think him and his wife talk to each other

  49. How about Eddie Murphy? He was quite vocal about not wanting anymore children when he knocked up that Spice Girl??

  50. Replies
    1. I thought about him too... But he was never "all movies" -- made his fame on TV.

  51. It could be said MB does everything: he does Broadway,I've seen him do commercials,movies,tv..

  52. Tom Hanks. Seen only with his kids from his first marriage and never with his kids with Rita Wilson.

  53. Hanks is an interesting guess! I googled them and there is ONE picture I could find with Tom, Rita and Chet. Interesting.....
