Monday, January 28, 2013

Blind Item #7 - SAG Awards

According to this former almost A list all movie actress who is now fighting her way back up to B by being on movies and television says that she hates one person in Hollywood. One. An actor. B list who has really only one big hit television role to his credit but who keeps right on going with it. Our actress thinks she took the fall for her affair. She struggled and took the publicity hit and he never said a word to help her or in support of her and now he has moved on with someone new and acted like nothing ever happened. Our actress holds a grudge and starts shaking with anger when she talks about it all.


  1. Replies
    1. Gurrrrrl, keep your hands off married men and get over it.

  2. Julia Stiles with Dexter?

  3. Dexter was also on Six Feet Under which was a pretty big hit.

  4. Julia Stiles sounds right... I think the DM had photos today of Dexter with his new gf.

  5. Did Julia Stiles and what's-his-face even really have an affair? I thought it was just rumored.

  6. Julia sounds good for this, except Hall is also known for his role on 6 Feet Under. But Dexter is an ongoing hit.

    Otherwise, I got nothing...

  7. Screams Julia Styles and the mess with Michael C. Hall. She was on ABC last night in a Hallmark movie.

  8. I'd say Julia Stiles, only she started out in TV

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Julia Stiles was almost A list all movie??? in what world?

  11. Michael C. Hall has to be A list in television and for the longest time, even after Dexter started, was known for his role as Six Feet Under's David Fisher. There are even boards where Dexter is discussed under the heading "The Secret Life of David Fisher."

  12. Dexter actor is only B list??!!

  13. DOH! allergy meds strike again!

    Julia is a great guess.

  14. I would place Michael C. Hall as B or B+ list, but I've never watched Dexter or Six Feet Under. This sounds like him and Julia Stiles.

  15. Julia is in the Bourne franchise, and was great in them. Before that she was in many movies that were hits...Ten things i hate about you, Hamlet, etc.

  16. Julia flirted with A list in the late 90's. She was being groomed to be the next "Big Actress" a la Julia Roberts.

  17. Isn't this Sienna Miller and that Getty guy?

  18. Yeah, Julia Stiles. And Michael C. Hall may have gotten a lot of critical acclaim for Dexter and Six Feet Under, but he's not really a household name. I think B list fits him.

  19. I dunno if Julia ever got higher than a B. And Michael C. Hall was on 6 feet under for many years as one of the main I don't think these two fit.
    I like the Meg Ryan guess better.

  20. I don't understand ENTY's system but sadly cosign this is pugface Julia Stiles and MCH. I would think that btwn SFU and Dexter MCH is a solid A list television actor but perhaps bc his success has been all on pay cable channels ENTY gives a B? Stiles is in today's pix.

    Although people say it was Jennifer Carpenter who "blacklisted" Stiles (which I think is kind of ridiculous unless JC is screwing Harvey Weinstein seeing as she is the least influential of the 3), I always though the fact that MCH never said a word, even a sanitized pulicist type statement, was kind of dick to BOTH his ex-wife and his side dish. Have always liked him less since.

    However I would argue that it isn't this that has stalled Julia's career... it had stalled out a bit btwn the last Bourne movie and when she was on Dexter. In fact if it hadn't been stalled she wouldn't have even considered doing TV. So.... STFU, pug face!

  21. Six Feet Under was amore of a cult hit, not mega like Dexter. Hall is know for being Dexter too, not from his role in 6 Feet, he wans't the star of that either. So this makes me rethink my feelings about Julia. And yes she was almost A list in Hollywood, she was already the queen of indy circuit.

  22. sorry for double post meant "publicist"

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Dexter has 2 hit roles though. Six Feet Under and Dexter.

  25. Matt LeBlanc for the guy who has had one big tv role and keeps going with it. Joey..Episodes

  26. @justagirl I think that would be a really great guess. Matt L did have an affair with the lady who he was on Joey with (in btwn Friends and Episodes) that broke up his marriage. But he had an affair w the girl he was dating (?) on the show... and I don't think she is famous. Certainly not B or A. Otherwise that's an awesome guess!

    1. That was my guess, too! One role that he replays in "Episodes." Dumped the wife for the co-star; never read that he defended her in the press.

  27. Also, the Julia Styles/MCH thing that "happened" wasn't really publicized at all. I'm going with Miller/Getty. Although, when that whole thing happened, wasn't it mentioned that Getty was separated at the time but no one believed him? I always thought that was sketchy, why would Sienna on a yacht in a very public place with a married man?

  28. I never understood why JS took any reputation hit. MCH was married to actress Amy Stanger when filming for Dexter started. Jennifer Carpenter moved right in with MCH's help and she suffered no backlash.

    You marry a cheater and get indignant when he cheats on you? Seriously. does C+ list Jennifer Carpenter have any power in Hollywood that would get a more famous actress blackballed for any reason?

    JS needs to stop shaking and get a new agent.

    1. I think the reason why there was more backlash for Julia is that Jennifer was on set with them. They would have known each other, etc. Makes it all the more cold-blooded.

    2. Exactly. I'm happy for Julia, she learned from her mistake and moved on successfully. Jennifer is still working with her ex, who she took back after the affair until he cheated again. Like the saying goes, you lose them how you found them.

    3. Yeah, it's like the Kristen Stewart thing without a Mini Cooper and vomit. Oh, that was mine.

  29. Julia does kind of look like a pug now that I think about it...

  30. don't know how it could be julia stiles when the blind clearly says, "former almost A list all movie actress who is now fighting her way back up to B by being on movies and television".

    dexter was a television show, so "former... all movie actress" wouldn't fit the clues.

  31. found this

    She felt she had to make a statement and even if she denied it she still spoke out about it. So I am on the Julia Stiles train.

  32. I like Julia stiles =[. 10 things i hate about u was my movie growin up.

  33. Anonymous2:10 PM

    Before she did Dexter she was all movie I am on board with Stiles.

  34. No doubt that this is about Stiles and Dexter but I think Sienna Miller and Balthazaar Getty work too. She's more believable as an almost A-list too.

  35. Neither Sienna nor Balthazar attended the SAG's though and this is a SAG Blind Item.

  36. It kinda hurts the heart of my fifteen year old self that so many of you guys questioned if Julia was ever A list. She was my favorite actress growing up! Every girl my age LOVED ten things (and fell in love with Heath :/), and save the last dance and o and I even liked her really weirdddddd Carolina movie I saw randomly once.

    She lost her a list before dexter and her doing that show was the start of her comeback IMO. Also I don't watch dexter know its an awesome show and had no idea dexter was David from six feet til this thread!

    1. @Onyx, I was SMH when I was reading all the comments questioning if she was every close to A list. I still love Save The Last Dance and was wondering to myself if she got to catch up with Kerry Washington last night.

  37. @annabella I think they are talking about the more sucessful part of her career where she was almost A- like 10 Things I Hate About You, 1st Bourne movie, etc- that is when she was all movie and seemed to be ready to hit the big time.

    Clearly her career took a hit before Dexter although it certainly is a convenient excuse to blame.... she wouldn't have considered TV if her movie career was going awesome. Kinda like Emmy Rossum in Shameless except all JS could get was a one season arc.

    Nowadays she's doing ABC television movies? Ouch. Get a new agent/stop sucking as an actor!

  38. I don't really think we can trust the "All Movie" descriptions anymore than we can when Enty uses "celebrity" to describe someone in a blind.

  39. Re Julia Stiles pug face - I think she looks kinda like Sasha Grey! (Get your heads out of the gutter - I didn't even know who Sasha Grey was until I saw "The Girlfriend Experience"!)

  40. Agree with Julia Stiles and Dexter. Man, I had the biggest crush on him until that fiasco. Then I lost all respect for him. Jennifer Carpenter stood by him through his cancer scare, and he repays her by banging the person who almost ruined one of my favorite shows. That whole season was just a mess and Julia's acting was horrendous.

  41. I read this as Julia Stiles/Michael C Hall/Jennifer Carpenter and the new girlfriend being novelistMorgan Macgregor.

    And I agree with Na na La la. I am a HUGE Dexter fan and Julia was terrible in that Lumen role

  42. @Onyx (love your handle, btw), I felt the same way when all the stuff about her and MCH came out. I loved her in the 90's (always for being Kat Stratford). I do think she got a lot of flack for that, while MCH got none.

    P.S. Her IMDb page says she is set to play Esther in the (2nd) movie version of The Bell Jar.

  43. Here's why I think Julia Stiles other than the obvious clues. I've always felt that MCH was fooling around with Aimee Garcia. As a man, if I were going to fool around with anyone of the set it would be her...or Julie Benz...or David Zayas.
    I kid, I kid.
