Monday, January 28, 2013

Blind Item #6

The C list actress with A list name recognition and almost A list movie actor(#1) chose to ignore what happened between them in the past. It was a one time thing and the other almost A list movie actor(#2) has obviously forgiven and moved on and the actress and actor are happy now, so they choose to ignore. Of course the actress did add in a text to her friend about how hot she thinks #1 still is so #2 should probably still watch out. Oh and #1's actress girlfriend.


  1. Ahhh, this is hurting my brain

  2. I'm not drunk enough to decipher this.

  3. Well, it's someone with a friend, so that rules out KStew, Jolie and ScarJo.

    1. I sort of read this as a possible Kristin Stewart blind, lol. Do Robert's friends count as her own?

  4. #1's actress girlfriend what? Are you outsourcing your blinds to 5-year-olds in Kathmandu again?

  5. Miley, Liam and Chris.

  6. Could Blake Lively be the C list actress w/ A list name recognition?

  7. Okay, let me try this:

    a.) C list actress with A list recognition.

    b.) "#1" - A list movie actor.

    c.) "#2" - another A list movie actor. Significant other of the C list movie actress (a)? It doesn't say that, but I'm guessing?

    d.) (a)'s friend

    e.) "#1"'s actress girlfriend.

    (A) and (B) cheated together. Everyone involved has gotten over it, including (A) and her significant other, (C). (A) still thinks (B) is [something... let's say "hot"], so (C) and (A)'s actress girlfriend, (E), still have something to worry about from her, she confessed to her friend, (D).

  8. I'm sorry. I don't speak Enty.

  9. I really like the Miley, Liam and Chris guess. The only issue with that is #1 (presumably Chris) is married, so he has a wife (Elsa Pataky), not a girlfriend like the last sort of sentence implies.

  10. That is confusing. So C list actress has a boyfriend AND a girlfriend, but had a 1 night stand with A list movie dude, but her boyfriend forgave her, but doesn't know about her girlfriend.

  11. That said, no clue and don't really care. I feel like I solved this blind just figuring out what all the missing adjectives and verbs were.

  12. A C list actress has a relationship with almost A #2

    Actress messed around with almost A #1

    #2 forgave actress

    Actress is still talking about how hot #1 is

    #2 should be on alert for further shenanigans.

    #1's girlfriend should also be on alert for actress and #1 fooling around again.

  13. Did Ted Casablanca hijack Enty's blog?

    1. No, or they would be labeled much differently. #1 almost A list translates into Studly Sausage Smuggler, C list with A list name recognition becomes Patty Pocket Stuffer, and #2 almost A list actor is Logan Longsufferer.

  14. Ah tealily, that makes more sense.

  15. It's hard enough trying to decipher Enty without a headful of Benadryl. I'm so confused. :(

  16. Anonymous11:41 AM

    So confused until I saw Dunnes guess.
    I agree- miley, Liam and Chris. I dont think Chris and Elsa are married yet?

  17. Anonymous11:42 AM

    So confused until I saw Dunnes guess.
    I agree- miley, Liam and Chris. I dont think Chris and Elsa are married yet?

  18. according to wiki they married in Dec 2010

  19. LOL! Lola, you get an A+ in EntySpeak!

  20. @Lola. THANK YOU. I thought Ben/Blake/Ryan/Jen, but they're all married.

  21. Miley cheated with Chris and told a friend in a text how hot she still thinks he is so Liam (Miley's BF) and Elsa Pataky (Chris' GF) should be concerned.

  22. I have no idea what's going on here.

  23. Miley/Chris/Liam fit except that Chris & Elsa are married. Maybe that is to mask it a bit though.

    @Lola - Love your use of the word shenanigans. I always appreciate that.

  24. I thought that the C list actress texted to the A list #2 's girlfriend how hot she still thinks he #2 is and there are only 4 people in this blind ...But then I never get them right so WTH?

    So let's say it's Ben and Jen and Blake and Ryan. Blake thinks Ben's pretty hot and texted Jen to say so and Jen and Ben are okay with that?, okay so that didn't work out like I planned.

    Gah this is so poorly worded I'm still unclear on "#1's actress girfriend". I though C list WAS #1's actress girlfriend.

  25. i don't care:it's incomprehensible

    Enty,the next time that you write on Miley Cyrus,her guy,her futur brother-in-law and HIS WIFE(since 2 years),inquire you!

  26. OMG can @Lola interpret all of entys blinds from now on? He is almost as incomprehensible as Ted Casablanca!

  27. I have to agree with the Miley/Hemsworth brother's guess. It's better than mine, but I don't think Liam is even close to A List, is he? I suck even more than usual at guessing these today.

  28. #1 is male actor. So his GF should be aware

  29. Cathy made me laugh. Thanks.

  30. Ok. C List actress had an affair with A list #1, and they're both ignoring that it ever happened. A list #2 found out about it, but chose to move on and forgive. Even though C list is ignoring it happened, she really wants to be with A list #1 again, because she thinks he's hotter than #2.

    I would definitely say this is Miley, Thor and Liam...but Thor is MARRIED to Elsa Pataky. She's not his girlfriend.

  31. You guys are cracking me up! Yeah, I'm sure the answer to this blind is far less interesting than the deciphering of it has been.

  32. Is it a prerequisite that these MUST be written poorly? Or is that just a bonus?

  33. Argle gargle is about all I got outta this one.

    But I would choose Liam over Chris any day. Send to Texas if you don't want him Miley!

  34. I know nothing is fair, but is the world really so unjust that Miley's had both Hemsworths?

  35. Hell Yeah its Unjust. I wanted to band them first..

  36. I don't understand it. HOLD UP. How old was Miley when she slept with Chris? Was she underage?

  37. i read the last part as she also thinks #1's girlfriend is hot.

    but i guess it could mean that the actress should watch out for her man.

    no clue on guesses...

    who are some C-list actresses with A-list name recog?

    1. Is Biel a C actress A name?

    2. That was how I read that initially. The second time I read it as just looking for a name for the actress girlfriend in the blind.

  38. Why are you ppl so dumb? I realize im not going to bump into a genius around here but dam. 1: You guys can't comprehend a pretty simple set up 2: You keep harping on Miley when it doesn't fit her situation at all. You guys do this everyday, the first name mentioned gets talked about like it's the answer and most days it's not.

    1. You misspelled damn, smarty pants.

    2. Be that as it may, he's correct in that Miley isn't a C-list actress. I'm thinking shed be called a singer first and a former tweener second. Has she had any acting roles since Hannah Montana? Also the brother is married, not dating someone so no dice. I'm not saying she didn't bang Chris Hemsworth, because really, wouldn't you? But this quartet isn't them.

    3. Be that as it may, he's correct in that Miley isn't a C-list actress. I'm thinking shed be called a singer first and a former tweener second. Has she had any acting roles since Hannah Montana? Also the brother is married, not dating someone so no dice. I'm not saying she didn't bang Chris Hemsworth, because really, wouldn't you? But this quartet isn't them.

  39. Brady, this BI looks like it was written by Ted Casablanca.

  40. I had to read it 3 times and the only thing I got was that the first actress has a girlfriend who better watch out, because her girlfriend found the actor hot and still does.

  41. @Brady88 - It may not be Miley, but there aren't many other guesses right now. Do you have one that might change everyone's mind? Feel free to guess yourself.

  42. Ok, Enty since a majority of us readers can't understand what the hell you just wrote...can you just do us a favor and reveal this tomorrow? ;-)

  43. IMakeNoSense I think so, probably B- though. Especially with her latest bomb.

    I hate when people harp on the guesses and rag on all the posters, but offer up nothing. If we are so horrible at this and you are so superior, then what is your guess? Please enlighten us since we are all too stupid to figure it out without you.

  44. Dang Enty! I can't even begin to... Can y'all call me when this is revealed, please?

  45. I couldn't translate this if I tried...stop knocking Ted Casablanca!!! teasing...

  46. C list actress was dating an almost A list actor when she had an affair with another almost A list actor. Her boyfriend forgave her & stayed with her as sex only happened one time. The almost A list actor she had the affair with now has an actress girlfriend. The C list actress texted one of her friends confessing that she still finds the actor she cheated with hot. This should concern the C list actress' boyfriend & the actress girlfriend of the almost A list actor she had the affair with.
    Could this involve Eva Mendes/Ryan Gosling with Bradley Cooper now with Jennifer Lawrence. The movie The Place Beyond The Pines.

  47. actress.. riley keough
    #1 nicholas hoult (not sure about a list)
    #2 alex pettyfer (not sure if a list)
    #1 actress gf jenniger lawrence

    just throwing something out there..

  48. This comment has been removed by the author.

  49. Boy I used to think Enty exaggerated about his drinking .

  50. Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson with Garrett Hedlund and Kirstin Dunst as the other couple

  51. It's so obviously Betty White, Gilbert Gottfried, Randy Newman and Rosie O'Donnell. Duh.
    Ps- HAWT
