Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Blind Item #6

This B-/C+ list actress on a maybe hit network show who made her fame doing something else hired a pap this week to follow her shopping in hopes of getting noticed by store personnel and picking up free stuff. It worked, but not as well as she hoped. She wanted a $4000 bag, but the store would only discount it, so she passed. They did give her a few hundred bucks worth of free stuff.


  1. NeNe Leaks (a former real housewife now on the new normal) is the only person who came to mind, but it doesn't seem quite right to me.

  2. Katherine McPhee is a much better guess!

  3. I'm so tired of these entitled people who think they should be given free stuff because they're famous. They have more money than the rest of us put together.

    1. Ditto! Buy it yourself and stop looking for handouts cheap ass

  4. I will never understand why rich jerks get all the freebies. HULK MAD!
    Contrast this with a story I read in my other bible, STAR magazine. Jennifer Lawrence went shopping and picked out a top. The clerk offered to give her the top for free if she wore it in public. She said no because it was a gift for her mom. I just like that girl.

  5. Why do they always give free stuff to people who can more than afford to pay for it?

  6. I like the Katherine McPhee guess and it is annoying that the more you can afford these things the easier it is to get them for free! It's ok to get a few freebies but these celebrities become so greedy!

  7. Do you all really think you wouldn't try to save some money where you could if you were in her situation? I bet most of you would try to get freebies in some situations, maybe not going so far as to call the paparazzi but I bet you wouldn't decline a discount on that bag.

  8. But she did...didn't want a discount, wanted it free. That's a big difference IMO.

  9. Perhaps Robot but these people actively go out of their way for freebies like swag bags (more than one) . Also I wonder how generous they are with the server when they get free food. Shame if they don't remember that those people still worked for it.

  10. This behavior is disgusting

  11. McPhee. I saw the pap photo before I read this and thought the pic was too "perfect" -- well-composed, great angles, like she was posing.

    If I was a celebrity, I'd love getting free stuff! I don't think I'd take too much advantage, like wandering into a little boutique and vying for a $4000 bag! Especially if it's a little place, owned by a mom-and-pop, or a beginning designer... I'd want to pay because little places need all the sales they can get! But then again, if a little shop gives a celebrity a dress or whatever, it can generate a lot of buzz for the place/designer.

  12. God, celebs are such moochers!

  13. I don't understand how they save any money doing this? Instead of PAYING for paparazzi to follow you around, can't you save the money you would spend on hiring the paps and use it to BUY yourself a new bag? Idiocy at it's finest!

  14. Ben Whofleck talked about this. When you're a struggling actor, you can't beg for a break. When you "make it," and don't need the handouts, they line up to give you freebies.

    Of course they do it because if someone who's "hot"/popular wears their stuff, us regular folk will want to buy/wear it.

  15. Did u see how one outfit on Michelle Obama (ie she wears a certain J Crew dress) translates into $14mill in sales? In other words, they get free stuff because when they wear it, it translates into an insane amount of sales for the brand. It sucks to be us

  16. McPhee. She's in the daily pics with an "obvious" caption.

  17. I can't believe Katherine turned out like that. I suppose she sees everyone else doing it, and figures that she should too. She's not known as being a fashion plate though. I didn't think she actually cared that much about clothes.


    I thought Mrs. Obama's dress was beautiful at the ceremony. I thought Enty might have a photo. I also liked her hairstyle. She looked great with bangs, I thought. The daughters looked really beautiful. The older one is getting really tall.

  18. Ex model Jaimie King, maybe hit show Hart of Dixie.

  19. This triggered a memory -- it may be faulty, but I believe when Bill Clinton was elected president, very soon upon moving to D.C. there was a report that Hillary Clinton went to a bookstore and wrote out a check for the purchase. The owner insisted she take them for free, but she insisted she pay for them. She finally left without the books at all. The story sounds even stranger in retrospect, given all the other stories that came out after Clinton left office about the former first family taking everything and the rug with them, but I swear it happened.

  20. crazycatlady is right, Kate Middleton and Oprah have similar power

    but not everyone has that kind of power to add value to a brand so she should have been happy with a discount

    however it does seem obscene as a general concept but in particular the celebrities that go out of their way to insist on freebies all the time when they should have enough money to pay for it themselves and theoretically they are not free, freebies are a taxable benefit

  21. @Amy

    I had never heard that story. That shows a lot of character on Hillary Clinton's part. I guess people get addicted to freebies. There's a certain satisfaction in paying one's own way though.

  22. Jesus, I don't have money and would never expect anyone to comp me. These people make more than I'll see in a lifetime and they are like pathetic beggars and leeches. Hmmm, I guess this American thing about equating happiness with the size of your bank account and the amount of useless sh*t you own is pretty much*t.

  23. Katherine McFree - piperlime bag so elegantly displayed

  24. @K333

    HAHAHAHA!! Good one!

  25. Don't know if it's happened before, but I would like a celebrity to say, "I will wear your dress to give you some publicity. However, I would like you to donate a small percentage of those sales from this free publicity to a charity."

  26. Not Kathrine McPhee....Smash IS NOT a hit show. It barely got renwed

  27. The stories about the Clinton's taking stuff when they left the WH is not true nor is the story about the W's being removed from all of the computer keyboards. The WaPo discounted those very quickly. What they did take was the furnishings that they purchased when they had the private quarters redecorated. They paid for the furnishings and owned them. A lot of the stuff was then reused in their NY home with the same interior designer

  28. The Big O actually pays for her stuff. She doesn't like to be indebted to designers.
