Monday, January 21, 2013

Blind Item #6

This foreign born B list actress with the unusual name says that her fling with this very good looking and very unstable foreign born B list actor was short lived because he told her the only reason he liked her was that she reminded him of his 13 year old cousin and he always wanted her to act like a very young teen when they were in bed together. Even though our actress looks very young, she said the requests and his imagery was really sick.


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Noomi Rapace and someone?

    1. Anonymous11:38 AM

      But I guess she doesn't look "very young."

  2. Noomi's a good guess. B lister c/b one of several peeps on Prometheus?

  3. How bout Noomi & Colin Farrell in Dead Man Down?

  4. Going with Noomi Rapace, I'm going with Michael Fassbender as the pedo. He seems a bit twisted.

    1. And wasn't he the popular guess for the blind where the woman he was having a fling with wouldn't have been surprised if she walked in and there were dead bodies about? Or was that Skarsgard? They're interchangeable in my mind.

    2. He dates only back women

    3. SweetGeorgiaBrown--I am pretty sure that blind was revealed to be Skarsgard on New Years Day.

  5. Noomi & Jude Law in Sherlock Holmes?

  6. Juno Temple and Tom Hardy

    Is he unstable?

    1. Anonymous12:04 PM

      I'm probably biased because I looooove Tom Hardy, but looking at his current fiancé and past girlfriends, he doesn't seem to be into unusually young women.

  7. Oh come on, more numbered fake BI's alleging worldwide conspiracies of pedophilia?

    Could ur-Enty just flag the postings that are actually from him? Because this is twice in one year that his dreadful ghosties have gone nuts trying to draw eyeballs with lurid child molestation bits. It's just shameful.

    1. I thought I'd read this before! And yes enough with the child molestation blinds...if it's true go to the cops don't paste BS that may end up hurting someone's career

    2. Exactly! More of the BI, including the ones revealed, are false than fact. It's rather sickening how many involve pedophillia and sexual assault.

  8. What about Jonathon Rhys Myers. He seems unstable and about a B right?

  9. Mia Wasikowska looks very young.

  10. But she slept with him anyway. Yuck!

  11. I'm a huge Tom Hardy fan. I love that he's so anti Hollywood, but for the purpose of this blind, I'm going with him and Mia during Lawless.

    Do not believe it is him for a second though.

  12. She doesn't have to be young, only look young. Hmmm.

  13. Also love me some Tom Hardy....but hasn't he been with his fiance for quite a while?

  14. I worked on the set of Dead Man Down and didn't hear anything about Noomi and Colin...she wasn't even on-set for very long.

  15. FWIW Tom Hardy does not strike me as unstable. I'd say Ryan Reynolds as the actor.

  16. Gerard Butler is good looking, but does being a drunken manwhore mean he's unstable?

  17. Ellen Page and Alex Skarsgard- just throwing that out there- don't know if they "dated", I mean they hang out together and all that but, oh, well, hm.

    1. Ellen Paige isn't really an unusual name though.

    2. Ellen Page is gay.

  18. I think MadLyb's got it. Hasn't Fassbender been accused of assaulting past girlfriends as well, so that would fit in with the 'unstable' bit.

  19. If anything, Rapace looks older than she is, not younger. No way could she pass a day under 28.

  20. @Redd:
    i follow your guess: Ellen Page and Alex Skarsgard (they 're in Daily Mail today for Sundance fest)

    Enty, call the parents of the cousin or the police if it's real !

  21. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Charlize Theron and Alexander Skarsgård

  22. @Rox(used to be Roxxx):
    the woman had been dropped after the press showed she was a liar (she yet accused an ex-friend for the same charge and it was false) and Fassbender and her came back together some months after

  23. @dhara: Charlize theron is A list (at least)

  24. There was a very similar blind a month or so ago.

    I have no idea who this is or even if it's real or fake but I just want to state that I find Jude Law all round pervy in general.

  25. Wasn't this one posted already? I seem to remember Alexander Skarsgaard being mentioned often?

  26. I'm starting to feel Page/Skarsgard more and more. She's from Nova Scotia and he is a Swede and from all the interviews I read, his whole family is comfortable with hanging out together with some being nude. So that could cue in the cousin fixation. They did date awhile, too. Ellen's name is not out of the norm, so maybe it's a reference to her Juno days?

    1. Skarsgard doesn't have a reputation for being very unstable, he comes across as being an island of normal in a sea of Hollywood crazy actually. I don't think they dated either, she invited him to a Stanley Cup final. Those tickets are gold, it's kind of normal to invite a hockey loving friend, which Askars is. Unstable to me would be someone like Butler or Crowe.

  27. @Frenchgirl:
    I read on another site that she was paid-off so that he wouldn't have visa issues with trying to get a US visa.
    But I also read that they were dating again prior to his relationship with his latest girlfriend - whole thing sounds a bit odd to me.

  28. B. Profane, you are always complaining about the blinds here. Why continue reading them?

  29. Shia leboef and mia goth

    1. Oops shit the beef is not good looking

  30. Rooney Mara as the girl

  31. I love me some yummy Alex Skaar, but I could kind of see him doing that. But he's not been known for being unstable...

    Noomi Rapace does not in any way look like a 13yo.

    If the actress said the "requests" (multiple) and imagery were sick, why did she keep sleeping with him?

  32. Rooney Mara as the girl

  33. You can't get much more run-of-the-mill than "Ellen Page" as a name. Definitely doesnt fit this blind,

  34. Mia Wasikowska, Michael Fassbender, they were in Jane Eyre together

  35. Ellen Page and Alex Skarsgaard did a movie together called The East its at Sundance which is why they are both there. I don't think they dated they went to a hockey game once and pictures were all over the place, but it didn't seem like a date.

    I refuse to believe ASkars is a pretend PedoBear.

  36. More info on Fassbender, who was acting very unstable for awhile, does no one remember this

    that is just one example...

  37. I thought people liked Michael Fassbander?

  38. I thought Ellen Page is gay.

    How does a young teen act in bed? The only one I was ever in bed with was myself.

  39. Colin Farrell is very stable these days. Besides he doesn't have a 13 year old niece. His two sisters and one brother don't have kids. Colin is the only one with kids.

    I think this is Shia.

  40. When Enty says strange name I always think of Paz.

  41. Can't be Skars and Ellen; they never dated and Ellen's name is isn't weird. Skars also isn't known to be unstable. And from what I have heard Ellen is gay.

  42. ok so what or who is a pedobear? is that some meme i missed? wtf does pedobear mean?

  43. Just Google pedo bear, there are lots of laughs to be had. I like the gifs of family pictures, then pedo bear pops up and makes off with a child.

    CALM DOWN! It is a cartoon character, not an actual crime taking place.

    I do find it disturbing when young kids (13-14?) wear pedo bear hats and such. WTF is that? Are they asking for it? Is it advertising, like women w/ big hoop earrings are size queens? Like, "Hey Mister, I'm down with the pedo bear, so cum molest the hell outta me." Parents should probably hit their kids more nowadays, to help reduce the population of numbskulls.

  44. @Rox(used to be Roxxx):
    i don't know if she was paid off but she dropped the charges when her past with the justice is released

    i know Fassbender is a huge party boy (the tweets on him when he worked on Malick film at Austin this autumn were epic and there are some videos on Youtube)just ask to Steven Soderbergh,the director of HAYWIRE( when does he sleep?)but he's not unstable and he's A list (if Gosling is A list)

  45. Well, ya did point your finger toward the upper deck last night .....

  46. Mia Wasikowska is a nice guess also :she's tiny and played a teen in her new moviz (i thought she was gay but it's just my idea)
    She's in Sundance fest for a horror movie with Nicole Kidman and Matthew Goode
    maybe Mia and Matthew Goode
    they're in DailyMail also today

  47. Michael F. has a girlfriend and she does look over 21.
    I think it's Shia. He has been acting strange and weird latley.

    1. Anonymous7:06 PM

      Shia isn't foreign-born!

  48. Anonymous6:51 PM

    LOL! That's a great point how does a teen act in bed! ?
    These blind items are fabricated because its taking a taboo scenario and posters are squeezing actors name into them regardless if there's any truth to it.

    1. Dalovelee, well stated as to how these are created.

  49. HOW did I miss this thread?! It wasn't me! I am only crazy for my cats, not underage girls!

  50. I absolutely love Fassbender and think he is so sexy but I believe this is him too. You would think for someone with his sex appeal he'd land some good looking type but all his gfs seem mediocre. He even dated Zoe Kravitz and I believe there was quite an age gap between them. Makes me think he has no charm or some asshole quality. He also has a liking for black girls.

  51. I absolutely love Fassbender and think he is so sexy but I believe this is him too. You would think for someone with his sex appeal he'd land some good looking type but all his gfs seem mediocre. He even dated Zoe Kravitz and I believe there was quite an age gap between them. Makes me think he has no charm or some asshole quality. He also has a liking for black girls.

  52. About the other blind and Askars:

    It's normal for a Scandinavian to prefer a cold house when living in Los Angeles. Not creepy. If this were a Scandinavian blind about an LA-native living in Sweden, the blind would say the "creepy LA actor" shivers all the time, and keeps his house at a broiling 68-70 degrees F (too lazy to look up celsius). A foreign exchange kid I knew thought he'd die of heat here.



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