Monday, January 14, 2013

Blind Item #6 - Golden Globe After Party

This actress used to be A list. At one point in her life she ended up making the switch from one A list actor to his B list actor brother with who she had a long running affair for over a decade. Now, she is kind of making it a triumvirate of people from the same beginning although she has had to share the A list all movie actor she is with now with his on again off again college student girlfriend.


  1. I need an interpreter for this one.

  2. @Alice, There a lot of love triangles in this blind.

  3. For the first time, I had to look up a word on this blog. Who knew what "triumvirate" means??!!?

  4. Replies
    1. Um...nothing to do with geometry. Did you people never study Roman or any other kind of history?

    2. @Sharon, chill out with the condescension. Did you never encounter sarcasm or irony before?

  5. I'm so confused I'll wait for the guesses.

  6. Well, could we wittle down famous brothers? Baldwins, Sheens, who else?

  7. I still don't really know what's happening in this blind but I was thinking Meg Ryan or Kim Basinger, just based on being with A list actors who have B list brothers.

  8. The one thing that is unclear to me (and will make everything fall into place), is this: are there two brothers involved in this, or three? Are we talking an Affleck situation or something more Baldwin?

  9. I'm thinking Chad and Rob Lowe, but did Hilary Swank ever date Rob? She would fit for someone who used to be A list...

  10. Owen and Luke Wilson/ Kate Hudson?

  11. so used to A list actress hooks up with

    1. A list Actor
    2. Brother of A list actor who is B list (had affair for 10 years)
    3. Back with the A list actor but has to share him with his college girlfriend and time wise this seems pretty gross since i'm assuming he is in his 40's

  12. Didn't we have a blind recently about an actor dating a college student? I feel like it's on the tip of my tongue.

  13. Let's see if I can get this straight...

    Ok, I'm using names so I don't confuse with classifications... lol
    Actress MARIA (used to be A-list)
    Actor JUAN (A list)
    Actor JIMMY (B list, the brother of the A list actor)
    College student BELLA (A list actor's girlfriend)

    Maria traded Juan for his brother, Jimmy. Maria and Jimmy dated for over 10 years. Now, she's back with Juan. Only now, Maria has to share Juan with Bella, his on again off again girlfriend.

    Yeah... took so long trying to understand that I have no clue... lol

  14. I think it's two different groups she was/is with. First it was the duo (two brothers), now it's a trio, one of this is an A-list actor with a girlfriend...?

    Or not, because now I'm second-guessing my thoughts.

  15. But... I do like the guesses with the baldwin or sheen brothers. Although I don't know if I would consider any of the brothers a B list...

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Triumvirate implies that there are three guys total. So it sounds like the first two are brothers and the third guy (who she is with now and shares with his college-age gf) has something in common with the first two (i.e. from same place, brat-packer, cousin, etc.)

  18. Oh, I see. So instead having two guys like the first time, now she has to SHARE the guy with another girl...

  19. A "triumvirate of people" would involve three guys, so either Enty doesn't know the definition of triumvirate (I think that most lawyers would know it) or it's a group of three brothers: A list actor, B list actor, A list all movie actor.

  20. To quote my three year-old daughter, "This is making me a headache".

  21. First time poster!no idea for actress, but how about Wilson brothers??

  22. -Ben and Casey Affleck;
    -Alec and William Baldwin;
    -Matt and Kevin Dillon; actors
    -Ralph and Joseph Fiennes; actors
    -Dennis and Randy Quaid; actors
    -Donnie and Mark Wahlberg; singers, actors
    -Owen and Luke Wilson; actors

    Now I guess we should research to find out who dated both.

    1. What about River and Joaquin Phoenix?

  23. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Kim Basinger....just cos I'm drunk....

  24. How long did Drew go out with Luke Wilson? Can't have been over a decade, but this was the first combo of names that came to mind.

  25. Anonymous11:49 AM

    ...FYI...I'm slowed to be drunk...I'm on British time... ;)

  26. Anonymous11:49 AM


  27. I'm still caught on this "triumvirate of people from the same beginning" thing. What does that mean?? Three brothers? The two brothers and the actress were all in the same show/movie once? I don't understand.

  28. I think the actress was with and A list actor, got together with his B list brother, and is now with ANOTHER A list actor (with a college student gf) who is somehow from the "same beginning" as the two brothers. Am I reading this right?

  29. i'll just go with Moe, Larry and Curly and poor Shemp never got any A list ass.

    1. @ timebob - ha! Made me laugh!

  30. Don't forget Chad and Rob Lowe, Jeff and Beau Bridges, Charlie Sheen and Emilio Estavez, Bill Murray and Brian Doyle-Murray, Chris and Sean Penn, Jim and John Belushi, Macauley, Rory and Keiran Culkin...

  31. @Armadillo Cake,it's always happy hour at some part of the globe so have all the fun you want! :)

  32. Is it just me, or does it seem like the long-running affair wasn't public knowledge? Everyone is looking for a long relationship with a B list brother that we know of, but then wouldn't it just say relationship and not affair?

  33. Triumvirate: "group of three people", "menage a trois" in french.
    No clue about the BI though.
    Probably baldwins and Basinger.

  34. I'm with you, @Jolene. But hmm, right?

  35. @tealily, that is the part that is confusing me too. Is the A list actor she is with now the same guy from before, or a different guy who's somehow connected to the other two? It is so strangely written.

  36. I'm thinking about the Franco brothers, but have no idea if anything fits. I just started thinking about James Franco and the possibility he has a college girlfriend. They're probably not old enough, and the brother (not James) not B list enough.

  37. You guys are good. I have no idea. If it was for over a decade, however, I'd put the guys, or at least one of them, in their 40's. So, I'm going to say the Wilson brothers. There's that other brother, the one with all the kids, who we never hear about. Andrew maybe? Could he have a college student girlfriend?

  38. Anonymous12:01 PM

    ...thanks was the Kentucky Courage that made me post for the first time tonight. Whatever happened to Rocket Queen?

  39. Kate Hudson, Owen Wilson, Luke Wilson? Has anyone checked the DM?

    1. Anonymous12:17 PM

      ...according to the Dreaded Mail, Hudson was very friendly with Bill Clinton...

  40. @Alice, rereading it, I'm pretty sure that it's a third guy she is with now. Like, two brothers and a friend of theirs that she's been attached to. Maybe all launched from the same tv show or film?

  41. I want to say it's Owen and Luke. I know they don't really like each other and they're very competitive with each other. Owen is an A list and Luke is a B list.'s Kim Basinger married to Alec having a a long running affair with Billy, Alec's brother. I don't think either of the Owen brothers have had a long running relationship with anyone.

  42. If we run with the Wilsons, who is the current (non-brother) A-list boyfriend with the college student on again/ off again girlfriend? All I can think if is Schwarzman, but he's married. Maybe a fellow Texan?

  43. Ok, let's think of A list actors who'd have an on-again, off-again college aged girlfriend. I do think it's a third person from a similiar background as the A list brother and the B list brother.

  44. Didn't Mila Kunis and MacAulay Culkin date for a very long time? 10 years, though?

    Maybe she cheated on MacAulay with one of his brothers. Now she's sharing Ashton with a college student.

  45. I like the Mila guess, but I think she's firmly A list right now.

  46. Although Kunis is probably A-list now, and didn't used to be. So I'm not sure that fits.

  47. I'm going Jen Garner and the Afflecks. She used to be EVERYWHERE and now she's just there. And Ben kinda seems like he'd be down with a college age chick...

  48. A triumvirate is a group of three and usually refers to a group of political leaders. Ben Affleck has always been involved in politics and it was recently rumored that he would run for John Kerry's senate seat if Kerry leaves office. The only A list actor "from the same beginning" as Affleck is Matt Damon who is also very politically active. Can't imagine who the actress would be though.

  49. There is a 3rd Wilson brother.

    Andrew Wilson

  50. A triumvirtate 'from the same beginning' could be:

    Ben Affleck
    Casey Affleck
    Matt Damon

    All from the same movie, Good Will Hunting, which certainly catapulted their careers.

  51. I read this blind as two sets of circumstances:

    Then: former A-list actress used to date A-list actor then dumped him for his B-list actor brother (with whom she stayed for over a decade).

    This same former A-List Actress is in another triangle of sorts ("she is kind of making it a triumvirate... from the same beginning"), this time with the "A list all movie actor she is with now" (emphasis mine; it does not say it is the SAME A-list actor) with another woman (a college student girlfriend).

    Having said all that: I have NO IDEA who this is.

  52. Andrew Wilson is not A-list. Also, Matt Damon is married. Surely she would be sharing him with his wife? Or at least with his wife AND his college gf. I don't think it's the Afflecks.

  53. I like Afflecks and Damon, but who's been having the affair for 10 years?! Minnie Driver?!

  54. (I meant, that A-List Actress has to share current BF with his on-again/off-again college student GF.)

  55. Yeah, Damon doesn't really fit.

    Who else was in Good Will Hunting who is famous now?

    Maybe Robin Williams? Ha!

  56. This comment has been removed by the author.

  57. @Ludakristen

    You read it the same way I did... 2 brothers, and the third of the triumverate is "from the same beginning" as the brother(s) and the girl.

  58. Is Jason Lee A-list? He was in all those Kevin Smith movies. Well, Chasing Amy and Mallrats.

    But I do think he's married now. Shit.

  59. Ooohhh... Fun fact: Casey Affleck is married to Summer Phoenix....

    Which makes me ponder if perhaps it's not the Afflecks but the Phoenix Family.

    Someone who once dated River (I think he was A list before his death), and then took up with Joaquin Phoenix.

    They were a member of the Children of God cult growing up right? perhaps she(whomever the woman is) is dating Joaquin and someone else from COG?

    Can I throw out Rose McGowan in there somewhere (she was COG too).

  60. and "people from the same beginning" doesn't have to be someone from COG, could be any A list all movie actor raised in a cult-like environment.

    OR with a slightly different reading:

    used to be A List Actress: ???
    A List Actor: River Phoenix
    B List Brother: Joaquin Phoenix
    A List All movie actor w/college student GF: Johnny Depp (he was there when River died, I believe/was owner of the Viper Room.

    This would make the triumvirate of people from the same beginning:
    J. Phoenix, Depp, and Mysterious Actress (perhaps someone who was present at the Viper Room.......?????

  61. Anonymous12:47 PM

    We need more clues on this one. The only brothers I can think of any one woman going back and forth between would be the Baldwins, and the other cute one had been married to the one of the phillips girls for years.

  62. As I understand it...

    Actress dated an actor who's A-list.
    They broke up and she had an affair (so it might not be official) with his B-list brother for a decade.

    She's now dating ANOTHER A-list actor (the blind is poorly worded, but it seems that it's not the same guy she dated a decade ago, it's "the A list all movie actor she is with now"), who is also in a relationship with a college student.

    If it's the Wilson brothers, it could be Gina Gershon (dated Owen around 2002, and A-list while Luke is B-list).
    Or it could be the Fiennes brothers, Ralph being A-list and Joseph being B-list. Ralph also dated Gershon, around 2005.

    Regarding a triumvirate, don't take this BI as the gospel. Triumvirate originally means three men (vir, viri) as opposed to people (homo, hominis). But it was actually a term from Roman politics describing a form of government in crisis in which it is decded that three politicians will share most of the duties, to balance things. There were two triumvirates.

    1) Marcus Crassus (Laurence Olivier in Spartacus), Julius Caesar, Pompey. Crassus dies from natural causes, Caesar and Pompey end up fighting, Pompey dies. Quintilis, the fifth month (they counted months starting with March) is renamed Julius.

    2) Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus. Lepidus stays out of the fight and doesn't get a part in "Cleopatra". Antony gets defeated and will get Richard Burton to play him. The Politician Formerly Known As Octavian will be called Augustus, and so is the sixth month, Sextilis. Septembris, Octobris and the other months stay intact.

  63. Yeah, I don't think this is intended to be political. I think Enty just means "a group of three."

  64. @Angela, I think you and I are of the same mind. I still don't have a clue who it is though. :)

  65. Yes, but I seriously don't think Enty is likening our players in the Blind to members of the Roman triumvir. I think he was trying say three people involved with one another, i.e. love triangle.

  66. The title of this blind item is golden globe after party... I didn't see the show so I don't know who was there... besides ben affleck were any of these guesses there?

  67. "With whom," not "with who!"

  68. It says "kind of making it a triumvirate" so I'm agreeing with the people that think that: 1) That there are three men, not two; 2) Only the first two are brothers; but 3) that all three have some sort of common link/beginning - ie - started on the same movie or show.

    So Afflecks would work because both brothers were in Good Will Hunting. I know Ben had other movies, but that was his big break. But I can't think of a third guy from this movie that is hooked up with anyone....

  69. I like @dramamonkey's train of thought...

  70. What if "from the same beginning" hints at something like the Brat Pack?

    Or maybe the same acting school? Same graduating class, or something?

    This blind seems like it should be easy, but it isn't!

  71. my English is too bad and I find anyone who fits in Daily Mail or Popsugar's GG afterparties

  72. I thought Enty said that Joaquin
    dates his sister?

  73. I think CJ is picking up on the nuance of the "triumvirate" clue ... he says "kind of making it ..." which means not exactly or literally, which opens this beyond relatives.

    I think this has to do with people who all started in the same project. Two are brothers that this actress has dates, and the other one also was involved in this early project.

    Brat Pack is a great idea, I was also thinking an ensemble show of some kind.

    I don't really have any idea, but I do think we can move beyond brothers. (We might as well; our actress obviously did!)

  74. 1/14/13 - 6:29 PM CST


    It's Dan Schneider's (47) birthday today. Ugh. Maybe Hungry Girl can whip him up some pedo chicken fingers.

  75. @Anna, Alec was the only hot Baldwin. Back in the day, oh my, s m o k i n g hot. Billy, Steven and Daniel have always been lesser Baldwins. Of course, just my own opinion. :)

  76. Wilson Bros + Wes Anderson. Wes does like them young and they all started with Bottlerocket (and The Royal Tenanbaums). Not sure who the girl is though, maybe the stripper Owen dated for a while. She was in a Justin Timberlake video.

  77. ^Oops, not the stripper (not A list). Um, not sure who the actress would be.

  78. off topic...what's the deal with this dan schneider guy? you guys always say he's a creep, gross, etc...what's the story behind it?

  79. I think it's Kelly Lynch, who was at the Golden Globes with Bill Murray...who would totally have a college aged girlfriend...and I think the brothers were the Swayze brothers back in the day...Lynch and Murray are in the photos

  80. The only guess that would go along with the title of "Golden Globes After Party" would be Ben Affleck. Unless Enty was just saying that the actress was at the Golden Globes but the actors weren't necessarily? Oh boy this is giving me a headache.

  81. Enty refers to the A list actor she is with NOW which suggests to me that the triumvirate he refers to is three different actors, two of whom are brothers, but all three have the 'same beginning' - I'm guessing they all rose to prominence in the same production. Who they are, however, has me stumped.

  82. What about the Arquettes. There's about 20 of them, as well. I kid, sort of.

  83.'s possible to be a college student when over 40. Graduate degrees, change of career.

    It's also possible the busy girl was a beard for Mr. A-list, was with his B-list brother for 10 years, with all happy about the situation. (I seem to remember a similar blind of a more current situation.)

  84. Coming out of de-lurk to suggest Sheen - Estavez? Maybe the third male was in the brat pack movies with him. It just feels like this is older. Could be Demi Moore, as the former A-List, she is in the pictures.

  85. @JEL beat me to it. Just scolling to see if anyone said it yet. Demi Moore, Emelio Estevez (pretty sure they used to be engaged) and Charlie Sheen.

  86. prince william, princess catherine, and prince harry. the 'actors' part was just to throw us off.

  87. OK I am leaning towards Sheen/Estevez, with the third "from the beginning" being either a fellow original member of the Brat Pack, or one of the the three movies they appeared in together... that's as good as I get
