Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Blind Item #5

Apparently this A list female celebrity wanted to get married and have kids and wanted both in the next two seconds. Freaked out this other A list celebrity who told her no way and the split. The female celebrity already had rings picked out and bought for both of them.



  1. Harry and Taylor

  2. Wouldn't be surprised if this was Taylor Swift and Harry Styles (or whatever his name is)

  3. If it is that Harry guy, why would he? He's 18 years old!

  4. No way that was a PR set-up

  5. I'm with MISCH, what about Selena and Bieber since they are off again.

  6. Taylor is so screwed up that I wouldn't be surprised if she bought rings for her and baby-Kennedy and is now just waiting for someone to just say yes.

  7. Are Katy and John still together? Taylor is too young to have kids in my opinion

  8. Sounds like Taylor and Harry. Don't buy if it's true. God, I hope it's not. eww

  9. Alright, I may be on the Swift Train, because Jack Osbourne's wife is in the DM calling her batshit crazy.

  10. While I agree that it was a PR setup, it wouldnt surprise me to find that Taylor forgets about that once things get rolling.

  11. Taylor Swift and ____________(fill-in-the-blank-of teen victim of the day.)

  12. Totally Swift. She's clingy and overthinking like that.

  13. Definitely Creeper Swift. She gives me the heebee jeebies.

  14. it's Taylor Swift and One Direction's boyfriend but it's a made-up blind( even his fans know he's gay and she was his beard)

  15. If this is Swift, the guy was smart to run. Same w/Gomez. Too young!

  16. I think this is supposed to be Taylor but it's made-up.

  17. As many men/boys as she has been with at her young age, I wouldn't be surprised if she could wear a fire hydrant in place of a tampon these days. 'Try it before you buy it' applies when it comes to mates and shoes, but nobody wants to buy a worn/stretched out shoe.

  18. Are they A list celebrities? Taylor maybe, but Harry has only been famous for about a minute...

  19. I like the Taylor and Kennedy guess, but he's not A list or a celebrity, so I guess Harry. I call bs though because I think it was a pr, bearding sitch.

  20. @fordellcastle: LUV IT!

    You would think after pushing away the 5th guy in the past 12 months, a chick would think, "Maybe I shouldn't be so clingy?" but that is what a rational person would think. The batshit crazy will just keep looking for the "perfect guy" who will more than likely be a lying sack of shit that is playing her for what ever he can get.

    Wise man once said, "once you 'fix' a crazy chick, you are usually left with a well adjusted lesbian."

  21. someone should just buy her a dog to dress up.

  22. everytime someone laughs at Taylor, I thank GOD the idiots I chose to "date" in my early 20's were never broadcast for the world to see. Damn-oh day-yum did I make poor decisions then.

  23. Is Harry an A list celebrity? Never heard of him before Taylor.

  24. @Amber Jack Osbourne's wife is probably right. She married into the Osbournes so she knows crazy.

  25. Oh Taylor what are you doing???

  26. Eva Longoria and mark Sanchez

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. I just don't get the Taylor hate. She's young, pretty and outside of being extraordinarily wealthy and famous, she's doing what millions of other 23 year old girls do...including getting overly attached.

    She doesn't do drugs and get drunk (at least not publicly). She doesn't slut herself up. She is modest. She seems nice. If it's the breakup songs...well, that's how she makes bank; I'm pretty sure anyone who dates her knows the score.

    I don't get it.

    1. Anonymous3:47 PM

      A number of people (male and female alike) at my college knew her in high school. She is not nice. At all. Far from modest, she was a teen boozer (confirmed by Ted C, whatever that means), and she was initially marketed as a very sexy and forward star. She has a great PR team and she is very talented, though, and I agree the men know the score before they get together.

      Sorry, it just amazes me that people defend perpetually immature Taylor but hate on Miley, who actually acts her age and owns her choices and sexuality instead of being hypocritical about it.

  29. And personally, I think Jack Osborne's wife is a publicity seeking bit cheaper for that tweet (and I guess got the publicity she was looking for) .

  30. *bitch, not "bit cheaper", damn autocorrect.

  31. Really? You don't get why a chick that dated a Kennedy for a couple weeks/months then drops $5mill(?) on a vacation home near the compound would be up for ridicule? And what was that guy, the 3rd out of 4 loves of her life in 2012?

    If you are saying that type of behavior is typical of 23 year old girls, then you aren't saying much for 23 year old girls.

    1. Many, many 23 year olds are mercurial in the romance department. I really don't think 3 or 4 guys in a year is an obscene number by any means. We mock her for wanting to find one man and then mock her for dating around. We claim she's a hired beard but then talk about her failed romances. Really, she can't win. And I think Jack Osborne's wife's reaction (and most people's here) is somehow another stop on the continuem (sp) to slut shaming.

      And a $5 million dollar home? Rich girl's version of switching colleges to be near the man you love.

  32. Anonymous2:58 PM

    you cant buy love honey SLOW DOWN!

  33. Anonymous2:59 PM

    she really is a creeper aint she MY GAWD

  34. Dating 3-4 guys in a year is not obscene. Falling over the top in love and becoming obsessed with 3-4 guys in a year??? Yeah that is obscene and obviously mental. Any one close that tells her as much is probably dropped like a hot potato.

  35. Clearly you don't know many late teens/early 20th girls.

  36. She just needs to keep it off of twitter. Feel free to use my advise Leeann, brandy, Rihanna, Eddie and Chris brown!

  37. I know one, my own daughter, she's dated the same guy for the past 1 and 1/2 years. She's 22. A lot of her friends her age are also in long-term relationships. So, no it's not ALL of them. Swift is more than a little fast.

    1. @Jenn, and I bet just as many still date around.

  38. Liliana, maybe I'm dense, but care to elaborate on what "the score" is?

    1. Anonymous4:43 AM

      Oh, I was just agreeing with part of what Lola said: guys who date Swift know they'll be the subject of a song if they break up.

  39. i think its weird that NONE of her "relationships" last longer than a couple of months. shes 22, famous, clearly wants to be in a relationship, and none of the guys stick around????? if she didn't date much, or wasn't very into any of the guys it would be different. but she practically attaches herself to each guy and then BAM, its over. she must be some kind of trouble.

  40. Maybe she won't have sex with them? I mean, she's one of the few girlfriends John Mayer doesn't talk about having sex with.

  41. Lola
    Autocorrect is trying to slap a G rating on you. Let me test mine . .
    Forget You!!
    Ack! What is going on with this thing??

  42. Sometimes I have salty language in the car (shocking, I know). Today we were driving home from school with a friend of my daughter's when I got cut off by a semi...My daughter looked at me and said, "DON'T SAY IT! We have a guest in the car!"

    Everyone wants to G rate me today.

  43. I don't think Harry is gay. I do think their relationship was at least in part for the publicity they'd gain in the other's country.

  44. and she was initially marketed as a very sexy and forward star.

    @ Liliana Rose - Initially marketed? Wasn't she still a kid, like 15 years old, when she first released a record?

    1. Anonymous4:50 AM

      Sorry, I should say "for a country teen," and 16 I think is when it went big. I'm a year or so younger than her so I remember thinking that of her. She was very cool and country- sultry coming out. Check out the video for "Our Song" or any of her oldest videos for that matter. I grew up with her music and I remember how shockingly quickly the whold "freshman dating a senior" thing was swept under the rug and her maturity regression (wc?).

  45. It would make much more sense if she was a lesbian. They're usually up for U-Hauling.

  46. Just floored at some of the misogyny exhibited in these comments. Sad.

  47. It's come to the point where it's undeniable. Taylor has issues. At first I just figured she was unlucky in love, but now I think something or someone really screwed her up (possibly Mayer) and now she's turned into an unattractive cross between a manslinger (which is fine with me, btw) and a stage 5 clinger. A lot of celebrities get away with the serial "dating" because they keep it on the DL, but Taylor purposely plays out her romances in the public eye like she's trying to prove a point. 22's too young to have a rep like hers.
