Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A++ list celebrity has been suffering from bad performances because she has a pill problem. It is the same situation that landed her in rehab years ago. She says they are for pain and the other ones are to lose weight. And the wine that she downs with them?


  1. A++? Not many of those. Gaga? Madonna?

  2. Liza? She's been a hot drunk mess for a while now and has been in and out of rehab several times.

  3. I'm going with Liza for sure. Too bad. :(

  4. Leave Britney aloooneee!

  5. Mariah Carey...

    Weight loss pictures:

    Bad reviews:

    She also went to rehab around 2001...

  6. Oh, Lucille 2.

    The perma-pain in Liza's eyes just makes me so sad. Her mom had it too.
    It's so awful when such treasures don't know it themselves.

  7. Liza minelli? she knows for med addiction and alcohol problem

  8. There are only a few that are A++ and it means that no matter where they go or what they do, they will forever be immortalized with their name. That's a Minelli, Streisand, etc.

  9. or Leann? she's not A++ but why not!
    or Mariah carey?
    or Lilo???

    too vague (they're all in DM today)

  10. Wasn't there some cell-phone video footage of Liza badly screwing up on stage recently, or did I make that up?

  11. Liza was my first thought, but I love the idea of it being someone else, because . . . I want her to find peace and not be like her mother.

  12. i think liza's permanently A++. i don't get it, but that's what i think. never understood her appeal.

    she fits.

  13. Yeah it's Mimi, she's a Wine Addict, that was my clue

  14. Christina Aguilera?
    Looks like a mess, got bigger and is a known drunk

  15. @Vicki - Love that book.

  16. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Mimi's been gaining weight recently, anyone recall the aspen or somewhere snowy pictures where Enty said those are the tightest pants he's ever seen? I'm thinking Liza, she had bad performances this year.

  17. Us not so youngin's know it's Liza. Mariah and Christina haven't earned that extra + yet.

  18. Wine and pain pills in excess = an ER visit in the future ..

    I hope whoever it is gets help and soon.

  19. As much as I want to break my fingers for typing this... It could be my Goddess Stevie Nicks :( I’m not sure what she is up to lately, but she had a really bad problem with Clonazapam years ago... That would make you gain weight. i.e. needing the diet pills..

    Just another thought.. I think this might be someone older then Madonna or CaCa...

  20. During the 1/1/13 reveals, a Liza blind was revealed and she was not A, it was B or C. So, I don't think this is her.

  21. Fear not Icecat. Stevie was been very open about her cocaine and pill use and has been active with tours for a wounded vet charity she started. When Lohan was telling people that she would star in a Stevie Nicks bio pic, Stevie said over her dead body and she needs to get off the drugs and get her life together.

  22. correct, cheryl.

  23. I think if this was Liza it would make more than just ONE reference to her previously documented troubles.

  24. @ Vicki - OT - I don't mean to be a total PIA but where have you been watching DA online?

  25. Agree with Patty that it can't be Liza because of the recent reveal, though it probably applies to her as well, unfortunately. She also smokes a lot and refuses to do vocal warm-ups before shows, which doesn't help. I don't know why, but I still root for her. She's such a likable disaster.

  26. @ Vicki - Ha! Love that book - and just caught the movie again a few weeks ago...so camp and so fab!

    It's Liza with a 'Z' - there have been a few incidents recently, with her losing control in very public situations - and she's steadily been gaining weight again, hence the 'weight loss' pills. I hope she gets help and into rehab - she's so talented, hilarious and razor sharp when she's sober...

  27. Liza is going to be on Kathy Griffin's Live show this Thursday. Could be interesting.

  28. Mango, I was watching it on watchseries.eu, but the site is down for an overhaul.

  29. @ Vicki - Thanks. Sometimes I'm afraid to go to those sites because I'm afraid of getting a virus or malware. I hate waiting! I might just buy the DVD's when they are released on January 29th.

  30. Enty called Liza a former A, but current C on Reveal Day and made no sort of correction changing her status. Even if he went from C to B, there's no way he's jumping from C to A++ when she hasn't done much in the last year.

  31. I'm just going to say Lady Gaga, since she does every drug under the sun, and suffers from coke delusions. Copy+Paste for life!

  32. Thank, Cheryl.

    I do remember reading that about LaLohan now :)


  33. Liza will be on Kathy Griffin's talk show Thursday and I believe the show is going to be live this season.

  34. @Wahoo - I agree. Mariah Carey.
