Monday, January 07, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former A list tweener who is now still a B list celebrity who can't decide if she is an actress or a singer is really worried. Really worried. She has never been tested for any STD's, because even though she had unprotected sex with her former A list tweener boyfriend, he always told her he had protected sex with everyone he cheated with. Turns out he has never had protected sex with anyone and the tweener is freaking out and scared of what her doctor will tell her.


  1. Poor Selena, a hard lesson to learn :(

  2. all of them smarties

  3. Oh, Selena. If he's not wearing a condom with you, he's not wearing a condom with anyone. Remember this when you start thinking it wasn't as bad as it seems.

  4. Makes you wonder if he really did father a baby with that skank, huh?

  5. Welcome to the world, Selena.

  6. No matter how much you try to drill it into them people still continue to have unprotected sex. Sigh..when will they ever learn?

  7. Maybe she'll dump him for good this time. Don't believe him anymore Selena!

  8. Im leaning toward miley for this one. Former A list tweener being the jonas brother. Beiber would still be considered a tweener

  9. Girls, PLEASE, get tested as soon as you start having sex, ffs.
    Parents, PLEASE, instill into kids' heads to get tested as soon as they start having sex, ffs.

  10. Holy shit...CDAN blinds are 25% Bieber/25% LiLo anymore.

    And why the hell would someone with Bieber's good fortune play russian roulette with his wang?? Idiot.

  11. she has plenty to be worried about...

  12. When I read this, I thought Miley. But could be Selena too. Honestly, it's probably both of them. Am I the only person in LA that uses a condom every time? No wonder so many celebs have herpes!!

  13. "former A list tweener boyfriend"

    Bieber is former A? Have we established that?

  14. Read this as Miley, too, with the tweener/celeb/actress/singer. Didn't Enty call Biebs A list tweener heading toward B list a couple of days ago?

  15. Anonymous11:21 AM

    Selena? Is she really that naive? I'm starting to think that crazy Maria Yeater might have been telling the truth about Biebs and his 30 second poke. I'm betting she and her lawyers will resurface amidst all this Justin with other women and pot smoking drama.

  16. "former A list tweener boyfriend"

    Bieber is former A? Have we established that?

    I think it means "former (A list tweener) boyfriend" - not "(former A list) tweener boyfriend"

    Oh English, why u so hard?! :-P

  17. Enty has referred to Bieber as a former tweener.

    1. @goes in circles

      Exactly what I was going to say. One of the reveals from this past weekend alone refers to Bieber as former A list.

      And there was another blind for a tweener who felt like a "real rock star" after contacting an STD with Bieber as the popular guess for that as well.

  18. Unknown, last night I watched Rosemary's Baby on Netflix for the like billionth time.

  19. in "former boyfriend" as in "they split up." In case I wasn't clear. :)

  20. Bad week for the bieber! LMAO

  21. My first thought was Mandy Moore. Granted, she's long in the tooth, but she's a former tweener who can't decide between singing and acting. I'm pretty sure I read an interview where she said her heart is in acting, but singing pays the bills. And she used to date Wilmer, who cheated on her constantly, and has slept with some questionable people. But is he a former a list tweener?

  22. suck it up, buttercup! The longer you leave stds untreated the more chances or irreversible damage. There are only a couple of permanent ones and those are very treatable.

    Good grief. Justin Beiber is a douche.

  23. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Ewww skeevy. Hard lesson to learn.

  24. It could be one of several.

    Girls, don't believe anything any teen boy tells you about sex.

    Protect yourself, see your doctor regularly and if they must have it bareback, run.

  25. Numbered CDAN BI = fake. Seriously, is this another "ghosties suck" phase?

    1. Noticing myself that the "today's blind item" posts read like Enty of the past couple years, whereas the numbered ones read like "cheap web help trawling DM and Gawker for blind material."

  26. I first thought Miley but that girl has been around the block so many times that she has to know all about condoms and STD's by now. I can't imagine there is much that would freak her out.

    Sounds like Selena, who I wouldn't have thought was B list outside of the tween and gossip world but even my husband knows who she is.

  27. Brooke - Mandy Moore has been married to Ryan Adams for quite some time now and actually has a brain in her head.

  28. Not Demi Lovato? (with Joe Jonas). I'm very new at this so forgive me if it is total bollocks.

  29. SHEIK - use one or get none!

  30. Selena, stupid, stupid stupid, girl.

  31. Whete are the Demi and Wilmer guesses? He was 18 when he started "That 70's Show"

  32. Del Riser - good advice, but I'd expand that to all men.

    Signed, cynical Chica

  33. Valderamma would be dead if he wasn't using condoms. That's not Russian Roulette, that is 100% guaranteed STDs with him if he wasn't using protection...too many women.

    Don't think Bieber, as he is still a tweener. Some Jonas idiot, maybe...they think that they are untouchable.

  34. @Feed Watcher, you're right! I totally forgot about that baby and his crazy mother! I guess her story has some credit!

  35. lol @ snapdragon! (I wrote 'at' but it looked weird.

  36. Selena, Selena, Selena. Condoms EVERY TIME. PERIOD.

  37. I've never believed that little putz didn't fuck that skanky Maria whatever girl. Never believed him for a second. What ever happened with that paternity test? It just quietly went away.

    1. Exactly. I think if it had come out negative, Bieber's camp would have sued Maria for defamation or something along that line, and make a big squawk about it in.the proccess.

  38. But maybe that why Wilmer goes for virgins. Never has to worry about any chance of catching anything.

  39. Selena has unprotected sex after her cocky little comment about how if she'd stayed in Texas she'd have 2 kids by now?

  40. I'm going with Hilary Duff and Aaron Carter to mix it up!

  41. So glad I am not single. I know about 5 people who got pregnant while using condoms. They don't protect against everything.

    1. If I were to re-enter the dating scene I would be wearing a hazmat suit! I don't think I would trust anyone that much. Don't think stds are something people advertise that they have. They should be honest and upfront with that info from the get go.

  42. Shouldn't this one be labeled 'Easy Easy'?

  43. Condoms don't necessarily protect you from the herp. Skin to skin contact is all you need.

  44. Condoms don't necessarily protect you from the herp. Skin to skin contact is all you need.

  45. Selena is talented as both a singer and actress. Wizards of Waverly Place proved that. She needs to get herself a Network sitcom and lose the image as "the tweener too stupid to walk away from that Bieber train wreck."

    Come on Selena, choose the Zooey Deschanel route, not the Hillary Duff one.

  46. Having sex and staying with him after he cheated with numerous people was her first stupid move.

  47. Enough with the Bieber hate! He's a decent guy who got caught smoking pot and taking pictures with nudie models. If he didn't everyone would be saying he was gay. Also, was there not a reveal last year about Selena not being as goody-goody as she portrays to be? Give it up Enty, he is a kid and probably has some skletelons in his closet but you are not going to be the first to "REVEAL" what a "troubled soul" he is....His mothers book looks like an interesting read btw...

  48. Anonymous2:42 PM

    who doesnt get tested after you catch your boyfriend cheating? afte throwin all his shit out, thats the VERY next thing. and theres no taking him back UNTIL he passes all his tests

  49. How can he have an STD? He's Canadian.

  50. I wouldn't use a rubber with Selena either. I would try to knock her up and hope she keeps the baby and me.

    Road skeezers??!!? Hell yeah I'd wrap it up. You kiddin me? I'm much more scared of child support than drippy dick, so maybe in this hypothetical I'd go Kobe and tell the chicks I only do strange in the butt. Being a gentleman, even in hypotheticals, I would wait until the chick consented before proceeding. Too many a-holes like Kobe pull that kinda crap and scare women away from the wonders of booty pleasure.

  51. I totally read this as Miley.

  52. I was thinking Demi Lovato and Wilmer.....

  53. Anonymous3:18 PM

    You do know there's nickoldeon stars to right? And miley dated nick forever ago, id think she would have known a while ago...

  54. I read this as Miley. Second choice is Lovato. If it's Selena I'd be surprised.

  55. I don't dislike Beiber because he smokes pot, that is a stupid reason to dislike a person. He seems like an egotistical twat. That is why I dislike him.

  56. @Count Jerkula

    It's good to know there are still some gentlemen around, and that you would stick by Selena if she got you in the family way!

  57. Y'all need to check this shit out. I think the world is finally coming to an end.

  58. JSierra, Anon says no, the pix are fake and it's just to encourage stupid behavior. People suck, don't they?

    OT: Go Notre Dame!

  59. @TuxedoCat: Come on, a pregnant Selena would still be hot, it aint like I'd be taking one for the team. Her boobs swell up like the Grinch's heart, the horny trimester would be outta sight. I'd just have to drink heavy to make it through the last trimester and first couple months of the kid's life. As fertile as Mexican chicks are, I am amazed that lil polesmoker hasn't knocked her up if they been bare backing.

    @JSierra: Thank you so much for that link. Cutters are such a turn on, in a one night stand sort of way. Any chick crazy enough to hurt themselves like that has to be great in bed. Any more than once or twice though and I'd start to feel bad for the girl. I wish I was born w/o a conscience.

  60. O.M.G. That link is horrible.

  61. Agent yeah I read 4chan was behind the hashtags, but I honestly wouldn't put it past the Beliebers. Them bitches are crazy.

    And hey, whatever floats your boat Count Jerkula. Successful trolling today, might I add

  62. Sorry DBZ! I forgot to post a disclaimer with the post.

  63. Didnt we hear this one before.... Emma Roberts?

  64. Oh, no problems - I'm not squeamish, just disgusted with the "let's see if we can get some little girls to cut themselves." Lovely.

  65. too bad the whole waiting for marriage thing is so lame these days

  66. D you know it's bad when you say "the graphic images didn't disturb me, it's the crazy fangirls that scare me and make me question my faith in humanity". Ok those are more my words, but still. Thank goodness though all those pics were fake and not a campaign to stop Justin from doing what he wants. Those Beliebers can be pretty outrageous.

  67. How horrible to have one's mistakes just rolled out for the world to see, at least for Selena. I doubt JB cares at all.

  68. I think the fake part about those pics is that they are Beiber specific, except for the "JB I LOVE" one that kinda looks burned in. I think they just found real pics of cutters and used them to troll Beiber and the public.

  69. why do teenagers today seem stupider than we were at the same age

    they think they can't get STDS from oral sex - well a lot of adults don't seem to know that either

    having anal sex means they are still a virgin and therefore OK? WTF

    and anyone who dates a boy or man who goes on tour you think is either not having sex with other girls/women/boys but you believe when he says he wears condoms

    may this jerk catch one of the incurable strains of VD and this poor girl dodged a bullet
