Monday, January 28, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A list mostly television actor with A+ name recognition and a very hit show was hammered out of his mind at a party Saturday night. His girlfriend was left speechless as our actor proceeded to grab on to as many women as possible and was asking for phone numbers while he sweat all over them. As sloppy as he was and as sweaty as he was, and that he was doing it in full sight of his girlfriend he got numbers. His girlfriend looked more worried than horrified.


  1. John Hamm needs to stop listening to the Hammaconda and start hiding the Botox from his girlfriend.

    1. If he needs to hide the Hammaconda I have the perfect spot.

      (Couldn't resist)

    2. Oh god, I was at a tacky work party last night and the "DJ" played Baby Got Back. All I can hear now is "my Hammaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun!"
      Kill me

    3. Haha I can never stop myself from singing every word whenever I hear that song. Fortunately my boyfriend won't know what I'm referring to when I start singing about Hammacondas next time!

    4. Haha I can never stop myself from singing every word whenever I hear that song. Fortunately my boyfriend won't know what I'm referring to when I start singing about Hammacondas next time!

  2. Hamm is a good guess, sadly. I wonder if the Hammaconda was on display. I bet that's why those girls went for it.

    1. Ahhhh, the amazing technicolor man snake!! H'ed be getting my number just sos i cld lean in and see if its for real, lol!

  3. Hamm-bone!

    Too easy.

  4. She was probably worried thinking about all the threesomes she would be partaking in. That being said, I 'all agree with Hammaconda.

  5. I think this is Hamm, which makes me incredibly sad

  6. How do we know Jennifer Westfeldt was "worried"? Her face hasn't moved in years.

  7. Maybe "worried" is her standard facial expression. As in, the only one she can still make. And "hammered", Hamm - come on, Ent - too easy :-)!

  8. Also, nothing hotter than a sweaty drunk. Get some pride, ladies - seriously!!

  9. Jennifer Westfeldt has had so much Botox that "worried" is about the only facial expression she can pull off. She would have looked horrified, but her face doesn't move enough for that anymore

  10. Easy peasy. Someone here noted that Hamm's hair was looking pretty oily on Sunday night. Perhaps that wasn't excessive hair product after all.

  11. LOL you guys! Yep, the Ham.

  12. Dewie- me! :) it looked like his hair was an oil slick.

  13. @Peony, one can dream!

  14. Again, if this is Jon Hamm it makes me sad :(

  15. My first thought was Hamm to, but I would hesitate to call him A+ no matter how successful his show is. My mother would have no idea who he is.

  16. I think it's Kutcher and Mila.

  17. Anonymous1:48 PM

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  18. Anonymous2:16 PM

    so J Hamm ends up being like Don Draper.....

  19. Anonymous2:35 PM

    Definitely Hamm-boner and JW. I know someone close to JW, and just like all of the rumors flying around imply, this stuff has been going on for years.

    She puts up with it and pretends it isn't happening because she is desperately in love with him and wants to stay with him to keep herself on the map (as her acting career is pretty much non-existent at this point). She is a kept woman, though- gets whatever she wants for putting up with him....but, my source says he barely even says two words to her when they are together. Sad.

  20. Hamm...he was 'Hamm-ered'...this one was a lay-up.

  21. The picture of Jennifer at the SAGS was shocking. Holy cr@p she looks horrible. Someone please tell her enough of the fillers!

  22. When I see Jennifer's face I think of a case of successful multiple surgeries after a tragic burning accident. :(

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Not Hamm- a friend of mine was at the same party with him, said Jennifer wasn't there, and he was smoking all night and not whoring at all.

  25. Ohhh. It's Hamm. But can't stand that stupid girlfriend Jennifer, so I'll give him a pass.

  26. I like Jon Hamm so I'm going to believe @Scoutlet saying it wasn't him and since I despise Ashton I will go with that.

  27. Mila KNOWS Ashton through and through so she would not be worried.

    Jon Hamm.
