Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blind Item #5

When this former B list actress and reality star turned celebrity got the gift of a personal yoga trainer for Christmas she probably had no idea that her actor husband bought it for so she would be gone for 8 hours a week. Turns out he has been getting his own gifts while she is away. That barely 20 something year old woman he has in her own apartment just one mile from his place. This is supposed to be one of those rare rock solid marriages in Hollywood.


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  3. Lisa Rinna sounds about right.

  4. I think amber has it. Lisa Rinna is a great guess!

  5. Hillary's husband isn't an actor....

  6. Wow you guys are fucking awesome! I can never figure these out most the time.

  7. @Amber Got it!!! Good job!

  8. Anonymous11:10 AM

    I don't really blame him. Have you seen her lips? Good lord! There's got to be something wrong with her mentally for her to keep doing that shit to her face!!

    1. I watched their reality show-dont judge- and he is crazy about her and didnt want her to have sugery on her lips. Dont think its them. How about gwennie? Shes always all yogi-ie.

  9. Hillary's husband isn't an actor....

  10. YAY Amber!! @Sherry...don't worry, you are not alone! LOL! I literally draw a blank or maybe I just think too hard but most times I can't think of anything. Makes my head hurt!

  11. @Sherry & MissInfo - use the Daily Mail. If you peruse all of the stories/pictures going down the right side, it helps. :)

  12. Remember when they made Sex, Lies & Obsession together? The amazing Lifetime movie where the wife discovers her busband's sex addiction? Oh, snap!

  13. Totally Lisa Rinna. Good guess.

  14. I thought this was Lisa as I was reading it. Then seeing everyone else is in agreement solidified that. The only thing that would make me doubt would be that the "rock-solid" comment might be a hint that doesn't fit LR and HH.

  15. This is extra juicy considering the character Lisa's husband portrays on Shameless.

  16. @Jason - it never even clicked for me that was HH! God, I love that show.

  17. @Jason - BTW, how are you feeling?

    @goheels - If you're around, how are YOU feeling?

  18. Definitely Big Lips Rinna!

  19. Amber, believe it or not I have started reading the DM but the bells and whistles never went off for me even though I saw the picture of her leaving yoga. Duh!

  20. @VIPBlonde - yes!!! That was the best Lifetime movie ever!

  21. But the real question is how does Rinna hide her diapers under her yoga pants?

    1. And isn't the crinkling distracting to the others in the quiet yoga studio?

  22. I don't care who it is or why. A private yoga instructor is a great Christmas gift. Then you don't have to go to the studio and see the creepy 60-something fluffy dude in tiny yoga shorts.

  23. Can someone explain to me why women do that to their lips? I haven't seen a single one that didn't end up looking like some mutant freak. Huge turn-off for me.

  24. @ Darkmyst

    Totally agree. Fake plump lips has NEVER...NEVER looked good. Your lips are what they are. Leave them the hell alone. If you plump them up, it looks like shit. If you let them deflate after pumping them up (Anna Farris) it looks like shit.

  25. Maybe he got tired of seeing her in her Pampers.

  26. Even though Lisa R was on that soap opera, would we call her a B list actress? I think she's a great fit for this with all the clues, but I'm struggling with the rating

  27. Anonymous1:57 PM

    eek at her FACE

  28. Well, Lisa R was a regular on the original Melrose Place, which was beloved by Gen X.

    That said, I don't know if I believe this anyway. I think that Enty (or whoever) does get good gossip info sometimes but makes up the majority of the BIs based on other websites such as the Daily Mail. I think he/she/it takes whatever well-known rumors they know/have heard about whoever is in the Daily Mail and then writes an embellished story (blind item) about them based on the DM (and other sites, apparently).

    This is a savvy financial move on the part of Enty and I don't have a problem with him making money in this way. However, what bothers me is that people take whatever is said here, either by him/her or other commenters, as gospel truth.

    I don't think it's funny or harmless to say that Bradley Cooper was a wife beater because that seriously impugns his reputation and there is no evidence whatsoever. He may well be (and probably is) an asshole of indeterminate sexuality, but calling him a wife beater without info to back it up is beyond the pale.

    Many of the "blinds" are fun and games but I've seen so many commenters demonstrate extreme hostility toward some people based solely on what Enty has said or made up - and they keep spreading this unsubstantiated gossip as unadulterated truth.

    Anyway, just some random thoughts.

  29. @Mel
    How in the world did I forget that Lisa R was on Melrose Place??? I used to watch it and talk to my friend J on the phone during each episode. In an ironic twist of fate, I used to call Melrose Place "Mel" because I was so cool at that age. Used in a sentence "Yo, did you watch Mel last night?"

  30. You guys are so good, I couldn't think of anyone but Lisa R and Harry H totally fit.

  31. @Mel, I completely agree with everything you said.
    I also find it amusing (frustrating perhaps as well?) that lots of people automatically eliminate certain celebs as the answer to particular blinds because it would be in contrast to other blinds which they accept as gospel. E.g "so-and-so couldn't possibly be the subject of that Kindness because I read a blind that suggested she was a cheating bitch". LOL so ridiculous.

  32. I'm chiming in here for 2 things:

    Why the diaper comments?!

    I think plastic surgery is awful. If you need something corrected, fine. Fine. But this Barbie doll thing that some women have makes me so sad. What a sad world we live in that people want to fuck with their faces.

  33. Lisa is the spokesperson for Depends, a rather courageous move on her part I'd say.

  34. @The Black Cat

    Hi, Black Cat. Yes, I agree - it takes a lot of cojones to do that. I hope she makes a lot of money for doing it.

  35. @Black Cat. Thanks. I don't watch TV so wasn't aware of that. I agree; it is courageous of her. My friends and I joke about that kind of stuff but we all know it's going to happen. Just a part of life but when you're younger, you think it's gonna happen 100 years from now. LOL I'm not at that point yet at 50 but I hope when it does happen, that I'll be: "Eh, so what?!" ;)

  36. Actually, the "rock-solid" comment does fit, if you stretch. Clash of the Titans (original), anyone? HH played Perseus, who saved his babe Andromeda from the Kraken. She was chained to a rock.

  37. I read somewhere LR will be getting $225,000 but not sure for how long her contract is for.

    It warmed up to -15 today :)
    yes, that is celsius.

  38. I figure this thread is dead, but for the record .. Lisa Rinna came out a couple years ago and said that like 20 years back that she'd had dodgy lip plumping which left her top lip very large with some hard spots in it. There after that she had her lower lip done to match, to avoid uneveness. Right after the interview where she said that, there were loads of nasty articles about her lips published.

    To me she, vaguely, as much as I would notice, seems like a nice person. I'm not surprised she did adult nappy commercials - she's worn public scorn forever, it's just another job.

    I can't help it, I generally root for the underdog :) it's an Australian cultural trait! Happy Australia Day!
