Friday, January 18, 2013

Blind Item #5

For the second time in the past two years, this A list all movie actress is sleeping with a guy who also slept with her daughter.


  1. No way is Demi still A.

    1. Anonymous1:18 PM

      @char you're right, but A in name recognition at least

  2. Demi and Harry Morton, who I think has slept with most of Hollywood.

  3. Shouldn't be too hard, as not that many A-list actresses are old enough to have a daughter of (presumably) an appropriate age...Has to be someone north of 50, doesn't it? Demi is a good guess.

  4. Love all the comments about who is and isn't A list, B list, etc., when no one making these comments has a clue what he or she's talking about. Enty probably does not, if he's what he purports to be, which I rather think he is. But as I understand it, there is no one definitive list. Rather, various studios and filmmakers keep their own lists, which obviously could vary.

  5. Demi's last boyfriend was 26 year old Vito Schnabel so not a bad guess. She's definitely dating them young enough to be with her own daughters.

  6. Demi, yep. Gross!

  7. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Julia Roberts' daughter is about 5 years old, give or take. Can't be her.

  8. Get off my lawn!

  9. @Robert, just recently became aware of this myself. There is a CDAN spreadsheet containing Enty's list ratings:

    Demi is designated former A list on it.

  10. I thought I heard the first one was Zac Efron, so I go with Demi.

  11. First there was the BI of the guy who shared a girlfriend with his son (I think the guess was Nic Cage), now this. That's just gross.

  12. @prolixe, I still think that blind is about Sean Penn and his son Hopper. He's a chip off the womanizing block.

  13. Ewww, there goes my breakfast!

  14. This could also be one of the reasons Demi's daughters keep cutting off contact with her, she won't stop helping herself to their leftovers.

  15. I know mothers and daughters sometimes share clothes but this is going a bit TOO far! Ugh.

  16. Anonymous11:23 AM

    OT but @prolixe I love your avatar!

  17. Phoenix, I just fell in love with you for posting that link....thanks!!

  18. Demi is a plastic surgery addict. Think she would get some vaginal rejuvination and hymen reconstruction so she cuold get some Wilmer?

  19. Welcome :) And my thanks to whoever posted it the other day!

  20. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Melanie Griffith popped into my head for some strange reason...not even sure if she is A list, or if her and Antonio have officially split.

  21. Susan Sarandon (sp?) was my first guess.

  22. "Hey, honey, could you do that thing you did to my daughter last time you were together? Momma likes it too!"

    I would guess Demi to because of her daughters' age and her attitude

  23. Betty White, that hussy!

  24. This is probably Demi since she seems to be trying to relive her youth. And it might also explain some of the apparant tension between her and her daughters if rumours are true.

  25. eeew, just ewww. Makes me wonder if there aren't enough single straight guys in LA.

  26. Demi really blew it. I used to admire her & think she was so beautiful & dignified.

    Now she is just a pitiful joke & I don't think her strange exploits will ever be forgotten. If she ever gets her head together she should find a regular Joe & go far far away from Hollywood. Give it a try Demi.

  27. Robert,

    I have some swampland I'd love to sell you.

    1. FalseProfit, LOL. Robert's correct, and the Entward will now mess with 'ratings' just because, well, s/he can:)

  28. Susan Sarandon fits all the clues. Still pretty hot; likes younger guys; Daughter is super smoking hot and an actress who does not mind taking her clothes off. Susan Surandon is also an all movie A list star still.

  29. @JudithM, hahahaha good one

  30. Susan Sarandon seems the most obvious to me. Demi probably just gets naked Mrs. Robinson style and Rumer's boyfriend runs out the door.

  31. Demi is NOT all movie. she was on general hospital

  32. That's right! She was also on Moonlighting, Tales from the Crypt, and Will & Grace.

  33. Demi was on GH a zillion years ago. She is definitely all-movies now. God, I try to ignore this effing debate on every thread but couldn't today.

  34. Demi was in The Magic 7 [tv movie] in 2009
    Demi was also on Will & Grace in 2003
    also Ellen, Tales from the Crypt, Moonlighting,and several more Made for tv movies.
    sorry Artemis .
    NOT all movie

  35. @Drum: in Enty-speak, it's generally accepted that all movie means all movie NOW, even if they were once on a TV show. George Clooney is all movie, and he was on several TV shows before making the jump to the big screen.

    If they've never been in a TV show (talk shows & cameos don't count), they're "all movie, all the time." TV movies count as movies.

    Enty makes other distinctions, like "mostly TV but also movies" (Alyson Hannigan) or "known for one great role on TV, now A/B-list all movies" (Jennifer Aniston might fit), etc.

  36. Artemis I'm right there with ya

  37. Demi is in pics with Harry Morton, Lohan's old flame. It's her!

  38. Demi is in pics with Harry Morton, Lohan's old flame. It's her!

  39. It looks like someone has fucked with the Rankings spreadsheet. There are missing cells.

    If someone has saved it can you please add the missing names back? (I remember someone saying they were going to save it to desktop...)

  40. The actress from Amour?

  41. Demi sounds right and ewwwww!! Oh but wait! She did do that naked picture when she was pregnant so she's also a model, can't be her! Lol

  42. If Harry Morton is the 2nd guy
    Is Ashton the 1st guy??

  43. Susan Surandon; her daughter is a big boobied girl who played on Californication.

  44. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Demi and Morton. I'll never eat at one of those restaurants again! How the hell does a Mother get past that?
