Thursday, January 17, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former almost A list singer had a huge hit just a couple of years ago and was everywhere and has very famous friends so you would think the hits would just keep on coming. Or at least the albums. Or songs. The thing is despite knowing lots of people they are afraid to work with him because he spent most of his money after he was accused of fondling two kids on the set of a commercial. Over the course of two separate days he took one each day back to his trailer to play video games. He offered them pot and touched them while touching himself. No witnesses, but the kids' stories were almost identical. The singer paid out and the record company and the company producing the commercial.


  1. I just don't understand why the entertainment industry doesn't have the balls to stop these people in their tracks by getting the word out to other people who might hire them, and never using them again. And why didn't the parents go to the police? Was the money more important? Personally I'd think I'd get a bigger settlement by making my accusations public.

  2. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Whoa. Can't wait for this one to be revealed.

  3. Replies
    1. 7up commercial ?

    2. Anonymous1:23 PM

      On e! Channel now

    3. Anonymous1:23 PM

      As in not him still around

    4. Really? Wow! Didn't think anyone didn't know about Cee Lo's huge career, first w/the Goodie Mob, then Gnarls Barkley, platinum hits, working w/Outkast, Danger Mouse, Lil Jon, etc. Cee Lo could be considered huge just on his producing, since the early 90s.

  4. If this is true.Why does Enty reveal the name?
    This is a pedophile,right?
    Larry Sardunsky all over again.

    1. Maybe he wants to respect the children's privacy? It's a tough choice, out this sick bastard or protect the victims. I don't know what's the right thing to do.

    2. Anonymous1:41 PM

      @just also, enty might not have concrete proof to drag this person's name through the mud. it might just be hearsay, only those involved know the truth

  5. Anonymous11:14 AM

    did Usher do a commercial??

    1. Anonymous1:22 PM

      Usher has hits most years and has custody of his sons. NOT usher! Plus he manages bieber!!

  6. Grrrrr.

    Read an article yesterday that said some in the psychology field are trying to get pedophilia "normalized" as a sexuality, like hetero- or homosexuality. They interviewed guys who identified as pedophiles (attracted to children) but never acted on their desires, and how much of a struggle it was. There's a place in Germany where people who have pedo tendencies can go and get help; it also has a lawyer-like policy that they can admit if they've molested a child and it's not required to be reported. (The article specifically pointed out that could never happen in America - crimes against children do not fall under any confidentiality laws.)

    More fuel for the "homosexuality is perversion" fire.

    1. I read that article too and took it to mean that those odsntified as pedos can't be rehabbed and need behavior modification as soon as possible before they offend. Not to mention convicted pedos should just be sent to their own island.

      The flamers in the comments were trying to equate it to homosexuality(i.e. the slippery slope), but people who truly believe that way will never change ther opinion anywhere. There's not a chance in hell it will ever be permissible to violate a child.

  7. should not be a blind. if you cannot expose the person without legal ramifications an anonymous leak would do. Kids innocence and safety at stake.

  8. Cee Lo doesn't fit at all.

    1. How not? I can only think of one song of his

    2. Because Cee-Lo has had multiple hits.

    3. Cee lo has made a lot of cool music! I was listening to him in 2003. Doesn't fit and i sure hope the rape thing isn't true.

  9. I was thinking Robin Thicke, too, he only had one hit (I think) and he's more famous than your typical one hit wonder

    1. Thing is, he has released several popular albums and has had more than one hit.

  10. This is disgusting.

    What about that guy who sang that "You're beautiful" song?

    1. Anonymous1:24 PM

      Ha ha no he's a womaniser

    2. I thought the same thing!

  11. Sorry, I meant the USA, not America in general.

  12. Maybe he just doesn't want to destroy somebody's life over unsubstantiated rumors. Keep in mind that allegations are enough to ruin somebody, whether they're true or not.

  13. Omfg! All people care about these days is money. What about your poor child that has been mentally and emotionally tramatised?! Its all 'we can get money from _____'s suffering!.
    I dont have kids myself its also fairly likely i cant so im not speaking as someone woth parental experience but i would be more concerned aout my baby then a effing paycheck. That sort of thing can be very disturbing for a young person as you often dont entirely understand what or why it happened to you to.have "parents" who dont seem to care for your safety and wellbeing is absolutely saddening!
    So for ranting a little but things involving children really get to me.
    Having children is a privalige not a right. -__-'

    1. Sorry for the errors its 3:30 am and im a little drunk.

    2. Uh oh, @Ella... drunk blogging! ;)

  14. Robin has a new album coming out, and he's on some BET show with Kevin Hart. I'm sure he cheats on his wife, but with women his own age (or at least over 18)

  15. As the parent I would have spent every last dollar shouting their name from the rooftops so they would never be able to hurt another person. Fucking ridiculous.

  16. Maybe Akon? He hasn't had his own album in about 5 years. He's appeared here and there, but not in any high-profile artist's songs.

    1. I really like the Akon guess because enty revealed a blind once where he would go to the park and take pictures of kids on playgrounds. Really old blind but I remember it.

      On YouTube it looks like there is a behind the scenes video with him and some kids for a Pepsi commercial. Where the actual commercial is... IDK. Maybe it was scrapped.

      Cee-Lo's commercial has 1 baby who can barely talk let alone accuse him and Drake's had no children in it.

    2. Anonymous1:47 PM

      @bch i think he's had more than one hit song BUT he seems to fit this blind the best. he's only ever in gossip for his all wives. gross

    3. Yeah Akon has like 4-5 wives

    4. I love this Akon guess. "Lonely" was a HUGE hit, he done a Pepsi commercial, that inappropriate grinding with a 14yr old onstage, lots of celeb friends and no hits for a long time. It all fits.
      Very very grim

  17. As a parent, I wouldn't have released my grip on the pedo's throat until his lifeless body stopped twitching and the police hit me with the taser. My child and his mother could sue the estate while I sat in jail.

    1. @Count Jerkula

      Damn straight.

    2. Yup they would not have had time to offer me anything.

  18. Someone with a commercial, obviously. I don't watch TV, so I can't help here. Someone mentioned a 7 up commercial? Who was the singer?

  19. At least reveal the company so we can choose not to fund their crimes

  20. @greenmountaingal - you're thinking of James Blunt, but apart from he's not broke, still appears on TV in Europe and had an album out in 2010, I think the blind would've said foreign born. Also, I don't think he's ever done a commercial.

    Whoever it is deserves to be publicly named and shamed. Child abuse is stomach-turning and no-one should be protected if they are guilty.

    1. Ah ok thank you. I couldn't remember his name.

  21. This sounds like Cee Lo. He has the 7 Up commercial with a few young kids in it...probably around 8 or 9 yrs old. Maybe 10.

  22. @Ella Boo Boo- the ability to impregnate or conceive is neither a right nor a privilege. They are biological functions. Most of us love and protect our children and fully assume the responsibilities of parenthood, but many people do not. Read the paper or online news sites. Atrocity happens every day. Don't get me wrong; I believe this behavior is unacceptable and should be punished, but please accept the fact that procreation is a biological function, not a legal contract.

    Yeah, I'm a cynical bitch.

    1. @vikingwench i do agree but after seeing how so people treat there children and a story about a young girl 'ebony' (i wont post the details because its grusome. However you can google it) I honestly detest people who can so horrid towards there own flesh and bloodwhen there are people that would give anything for the joy of being able to bring a little life in to this world makes me very disheartened.
      Abortion was invented for a reason. If you cant look after a child then.dont have one or give it to someone who can

  23. Cee Lo was in the 7up commercial, but he has an album coming out in 2013, "Cee Lo Green...Is Everybody's Brother."

  24. I wouldn't out the guy. I would be very suspicious of both the accusers and the accused. Because why DID the kids' parents settle for money and not immediately go to the cops FIRST. If I am beaten, raped, or stolen from - I don't go to the person that abused me, I go to the cops?

    On the other hand, if the allegations seem credible what do you do? Why did he pay? I don't know, but I wouldn't out him unless I did.

    As to normalizing pedophilia, I understand what they are trying to do. Not normalizing the act, but treating the compulsion as an innate part of the human that can't be changed and allowing the people to get treatment. They are talking about people who have NEVER DONE ANYTHING CRIMINAL. People that need help so they can continue doing nothing criminal. As it is today, if people seek help from professionals, they are often not given it.

    It appears that more people have thoughts about children without acting on those thoughts than was previously thought. (People who get caught with child porn, as it turns out, are not significantly more likely to actually be out there abusing kids even thought they look at pictures of naked kids). I'm just saying, that's where this trend appears to be coming from.

    1. "why DID the kids' parents settle for money and not immediately go to the cops FIRST" When you see showbiz parents like Dina and Michael Lohan...

    2. There's a particular type of show biz parent who is more likely to try and use the story as leverage against the producers to get their young meal-ticket child more work. Once you've met those kind of stage parents? Suddenly the Lohans and the Kardashians of he world don't seem so out-of-place. Hollywood is full of people who would go for he money first, the police second.
      It's heartbreaking.

  25. Viking Wench, I may be completely misunderstanding you but there is a fundamental right to procreation as defined by the Supreme Court.

  26. I don't think it's Cee Lo. I can think of a couple of hit songs of his ("F**k You" and "Crazy") off the top of my head and I don't even listen to his music generally. Also, he "was" everywhere? Especially being on The Voice, he hasn't really gone anywhere.

    Also, as Jolene Jolene said, he has an album coming out. Doesn't seem like anyone is trying to distance themselves.

  27. Cee Lo doesn't fit for this. Besides his hit song "F*** You," he had a long career with Goodie Mob and Gnarls Barkley, which had the hit song "Crazy." He has quite a few albums under his belt, and has written a lot of songs for others. Some of us have been fans of his music long before he was on The Voice :),

    1. I meant to also say that Cee Lo may be a perv, but I think he's a perv with adult women, not children.

  28. We're looking for a male singer, who was pretty popular a couple of years ago, who did a commercial with kids, who fell off the face of the earth. Cee-Lo would fit for the 7-up commercial, but his popularity has increased the last 2 years with the Voice and he's about to go on tour.

  29. I have also heard that NAMBLA is trying to push for pedophilia being designated just a different sexual "preference" rather than whatever it's classified right now. (monstrosity? sick perversion?) The article I read (this was 6 weeks or so ago) said that NAMBLA watched how the gay groups had being gay changed from a mental problem to an acceptable lifestyle and NAMBLA is hoping to get the same change for pedophilia. Sorry, I don't know the precise terminology.

  30. Calif. law requires an adult guardian for every child actor. Where are the adults in these shoots?

  31. If someone touched one of my kids you would of heard about sick and sad it got swept under the rug for money!

    1. A lot of parents let things like this go for way less than a pile of money. You'd be surprised.

  32. Maybe we should call bs on this blind if it's not Cee Lo and there aren't any other options? I'm not sure money would make the accusations go away. In today's society, it seems like with social media in full effect it'd be worth it to report it to the police, etc. No way would it remain quiet, if it were in fact true. Also, with one hit song, you'd think the publicity for the kids and prosecution would be greater than the value of what one hit song and one commercial would do for him. So, I think I'm calling BS.
    Unless anyone has any other ideas?

  33. Enty, if you know who it is than you are just as enabling as the folks who are covered up for Sandusky. Do what the Enquirer does, go to the person and threaten to reveal it if they don't do a puff piece on them and if you find out it happens again, they will be revealed.

  34. call the police if you know something!

  35. @Kara - but the problem is, they're buying child porn, which is basically contributing to the criminal act of photographing naked children in a sexual manner. Most of the guys interviewed admitted to buying and/or viewing child pornography.

    Would we prefer that they look at pictures rather than molest a child? I can't see sacrificing the few (children) for the sake of the many who might otherwise be molested.

    It's hard to make heads or tails of the situation, but I do agree - if it's a compulsion that you feel you cannot control, there needs to be a system in place for help with the compulsion.

  36. Just a thought on the folks taking money instead of reporting it: Keep in mind these are stage parents. They are already somewhat 'pimping' their children out for $$.

    I'm not saying that is the case here, for all I know they are attentive parents who are looking out for the best interests of the children but I do think the Dina Lohan's and Terri Shields are more common in the entertainment industry than the alternative.

    They simply are not like you or me.

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Kevin Rudolph with that Let It Rock song. Lil Wayne made sure he skyrocketed to fame and made a huge deal about how talented he was. Then *poof* he disappears.

  39. didnt corey feldman try and expose the pedo-infested industry? and they blackballed him?

    it's so corrupt and powerful, it's mind-boggling and sickening. that a network of grown adults can let this happen... they all need to be rehabbed or something. sickening.

    and yes, to the above poster, i would have definitely called the police instantly. maybe they were called and then the production team or suits shooed them away?

  40. Green MountainGal, what?? Cee Lo doesn't fit because he has a long career and hit records? Maybe he doesn't fit for this for substantive reasons but not because he's had a lot of hits and a long career. That's why pedos in the entertainment industry continue to flourish - because people think they can't possibly be pedos, just because they're popular, they've had a long career and a lot of hits. Michael Jackson had a HUGE career and massive hits, BTW (just in case you didn't know. : )
    Wake UP! No one should be above the law.
    The same closed minded thinking applied to nurture the Penn State situation. Penn State had a winning track record so the pedophilia could not be true. Same with the Catholic Church, esp early on, probably same with the BBC (Jimmy Savile) situation and the PBS (Elmo) situation. Hey, kids love those guys, they're popular, with long careers and big hits. They couldn't be pedophiles.
    It's a fine line. You can't go around assuming people are guilty simply because of an accusation. Not all accusations are credible, and some may seem credible (like in the execrable wrongful prosecution in the McMartin case in LA and the Amirault case in Mass.) but later fall apart or are shown to be opportunistic or engineered. At the same time, you can't just exempt people because they're popular.

    1. @armatel. I'm probably going to get some disagreement here but i really dont think mj was a pedo. Inappropriate with children sure but sexually involved with them i dont think so. He seemed quite child like him self i mean hello neverland,bubbles the monkey ect. Didnt one of the coreys who was close to him say the werent lovers just close friends. Jackson was robbed of gis childhood so i dunno it just seemed like he was trying to hav one besides there were a shittonne of stories about him being sexless, asexual whatever that it is kind of weird to imagine him ya know..
      To the people that are saying about peedophilia being recognised as a sexual preference i find that quite strange it only seems to be a popular thing in the last few years. I dont know if its due to the age of consent or if it just wasbt talked about but its rather common nowadays. I think downplaying it by calling it a preference is making it almost acceptable which is horrid. Theres a big difference between being gay, straight ect and being attracted to children!

    2. Whoa calm down. All I said was that Cee Lo doesn't fit this blind. That's all. I am most certainly not covering up the rampant pedophilia that goes on in the entertainment industry. I find it reprehensible. I've been around many people in the business, and believe me, I know there are a lot of sickos out there, but there are also a lot of good people, too. I am definitely not close minded, so please don't accuse me of being so.

      Lets move on and do what we all love to do on this site, which is commenting on celebrity gossip. Lets not attack each other.

    3. PS If I had known what was going on at Penn State, you can bet your ass that I would've called the authorities immediately. I also would've been very tempted to put that scumbag Sandusky in a guillotine choke hold.

    4. @mountaingal -I wasnt acusing anyone of anything? Sorry ifi t came across that way i meant no offence. I was simply giving an opinion, not nessicarily a correct one or incorrect, just my own.
      This is why i dont comment often. Im blunt and not very good at vocalising my point. I do apologise if anything i say is taken as a personal attack.

    5. Ella, I wasn't answering you. I was answering the original poster. I'm so sorry if it looked that way.

    6. Oppps! My bad!! it Just popped up under my comment on my phone lol sorry!

    7. Amartel, Cee Lo doesn't fit because he is not a one hit wonder. The blind describes a person who is known for one song, popular years ago. Cee Lo made a name for himself long before Gnarls Barkley.

      Ella, I have also thought that MJ, while creepy as hell, wasn't a pedo. I honestly think he was asexual.

  41. I don't understand how this happens. I have worked with kids on movie sets and their guardians are always right there. Even if the moms are gathering up their things while their kids are being brought to the set, they are with a PA and the moms are close behind.

  42. I think I'm ready to start ignoring these blinds specifically. Mainly because if they are lies, they are disgusting, and if they are truths, everyone involved should be ashamed of themselves for letting this crap fly and not having the sack to stand up for these kids or to this guy. If money is more important to you than your ethics, you dont deserve the attention.

    I wont tell Enty how to run his site but I will happily gloss over these horrific sh*tshows.

  43. There is still a huge stigma attached to pretty much all sexual crimes whether it is rape or molestation.
    I know 3 different people who have had to deal with their children being molested. The one was years ago when this was never talked about. Turns out a pretty high ranking person in the navy was a long time child molester. When her son told her and they confronted the family, the wife actually begged that they not press charges, that the other families just took money and he would lose his pension. To which my friend said well if one of those other people pressed charges than your husband would not have molested my child, so I will make damn sure he does not do it.
    The other friends 3 children were being molested by their father. She divorced him and the kids begged her not to turn him in because they were afraid the other kids would find out. In exchange for her not turning him in, he gave up his rights and moved back to the Netherlands.
    The last story is the most disturbing and another one that was kept quiet, this is about 20 years ago and a family friends daughter who was excelling in school starting having problems, didn't want to go, started wetting the bed and having nighmares. Turns out the school nurse would pull kids out of class claiming they needed to be checked and would then let her son who was the janitor molest them in the examine room while she sat in her office. I don;t know whatever happened, they were fired but surprise surprise the school system wanted to handle it internally. Again the girl was so embarrassed she did not want her friends to know, she switched schools and even changed her name to her mothers maiden name, so was so afraid kids would find out.

    I think on 1 hand as a parent I would kill someone who touched my child, on the other hand as a parent if my child was begging me and desperate not to let this secret out, I honestly don't know what I would do. I can see how taking a huge payout and being able to send my child to a great private school where they could start over would be very appealing to some.

  44. Drake... he likes pot, he has some big-name friends, he has been low-key lately (except for the Chris Brown beat-down in NYC) and he had a Sprite commercial in 2010, according to YouTube.

    1. Anonymous1:34 PM

      What? Hes had tons of hits! Recently too

  45. Anonymous12:29 PM

    R. Kelly? YahYah I know all about his history...thats why Im suggesting him.

  46. I'm going to go with akon. He was a+ for a while and still has very famous alist friends but has not put out an album or single in a while and I don't buy that story he gave a while back of retiring on the money he made off of gaga.

  47. If this is true out the SOB, Enty. Why do a blind? So that we get to throw names out there as "possible" paedophiles.

    How do CeeLo Green, Robin Thick, Akon, Usher . . . (names you have thrown out there) defend themselves against that? What's worse, someone here will probably go on another blog/forum and say "I read somewhere that he was a paedophile."

    No offence, but how bored/evil/thoughtless are you that you are guessing that someone is a paedophile? For anyone who named someone, did you even pause before throwing out names? How is this "mindless gossip" or even "fun"?

    Imagine if someone whispered that about you, or your father/husband/son?

    If Enty feels this is info came from a legitimate source, he needs to report it. Not start a witch hunt.

    ***Steps off soap box, throws you all a cut-eye, sucks-teeth and walks away ****

  48. I could do without this type of blind. If the matter has been settled financially out of court, there's always a possibility it was a shakedown. The dentist father that Michael Jackson paid to make his first set of child abuse allegations go away eventually hung himself after a number of inconsistencies came to light. The mother in the second case had a history of mental problems and shakedown attempts in her past, and only took it to court after Michael cut her off financially.

    Long story short, it can't be reported, can't be revealed, and only upsets and angers people, so it defeats the purpose of this site which is to have fun. Why do it.

  49. @Nosy_Canuck


    Meet me behind the jungle gym after school, we gonna fight.

    Taking off my earrings and my shoes. . .

  50. That whole "Jesus Juice" thing with MJ was creepy though.

    1. @suerh please explain? I appear to have missed that 0.o

  51. It looks like Akon might have some new stuff coming out.

  52. Agreed Sue, but then again everything Michael did was weird after Thriller.

  53. I don't see how it could ever be labeled as a sexual preference, because while it may be person A's preference there is no way to know if it would be person B's preference since they are a child and person B can also not consent since they do not posses the faculties to make an informed decision.

    I am a women and my sexual preference is to sleep with men. If I sleep with a man who consents all is good, if he does not I have committed rape.

    Would this not be every case with a sexual preference for a child since they could never consent until they were old enough?

  54. @ Ella Bella Boo _ I agree with you. I always felt that he was reclaiming his childhood by hanging out with these kids and trying to have kids experiences, i.e. having sips of wine during a sleepover. I felt he was asexual and afraid of sex bc (1) he witnesses his much older brother having sex (which can be scary to a child seeing someone being mounted and moaning. A child doesn't understand that its from enjoyment not pain.) (2) Madonna was quoted as saying she tried to have sex with him and he was like a lil kid too scared.

    I think Akon is a better fit

  55. I agree with Akon. Didnt he grind on a minor on stage? Famous friends being Eminem, Lady Gaga etc

  56. If Pedophilia is in fact an innate part of a person's being, and cannot be changed, then conviction should lead to execution. Chemical castration makes me uncomfortable, because maybe the lust turns to anger and rage, and they turn to killing instead of touching.

  57. R. Kelly, Reebok commercial.

  58. @Count, I like your thinking.....they're trying to change the rules, but haven't thought through the consequences....nice that you have. And, an excellent solution.

  59. These types of items do not need to be on this site. Fuckers like these need to be reported so at least something can be done to save another kid from getting harmed. Keeping this a blind only empowers the a-hole doing this mess and keeps other pedophiles on their nasty path because sh*t like this is always kept so secret. The way to end this sh*t is to start calling these assholes out. I don't give a f**k how good a performer one is or how great they are at directing movies, or whatever the f**k it is they do. If they are physically hurting children or other people for their own self satisfaction, then the law needs to deal with them. Period. And we all as a society need to do what we can to stop these child-abusing-raping-monsters by educating our children. Even if you don't have a kid, educate your niece, nephew, friends' or neighbors' kids that it is NEVER okay to be touched or talked to in a way that is uncomfortable to them. And if something happens TELL SOMEONE. That is their most powerful weapon, the truth. Tell them to tell a parent, if they can't tell their parent, a school teacher, a nurse, anybody that can help them. We have to tell our kids that it is totally okay to tell the truth and that the person harming them is in the wrong not them. We have to teach our children what boundaries are and what to do when their boundaries have been over-stepped. We have to stop looking the other way and thinking it is somebody else's problem and then how sad it is after it has happened. It can and has happened to people of all walks of life. F**k these pieces of shit and let's all do what we can to protect our kids.

  60. I'm sorry but pedophilia and homosexuality can not be put into the same category. Homosexuality is between two consenting adults, and pedophilia is just sick and wrong. I'm on the boat that's for executing them.

  61. @Count, I would favor lifetime institutionalization for anyone determined to be a pedophile lacking the ability to resist pursuing children, but not the death penalty. Disclosure - I think applying the death penalty amounts to playing God and don't support it under any circumstances since the option to take someone off the streets for life is an equally effective solution.

    1. No way. Why should they become a burden on the public? Bad enough we gotta pay room and board for rapists, murderers and theives. You dont have to worry about playing god with scum like this anyway. God dont want anything to do with them.

      I do wish we could keep them alive and torture them to a slow death on full display for the public, in order to deter others, but we are supposed to be a civilized society, so that would be out of the question.

      Another drean I had to alleviate prison over crowding was to take anyone sentenced to over 25 years and airdrop them into Iraq or Afghanistan. Since the wars are allegedly over, that dont seem to be an option anymore.

    2. Anonymous7:47 PM

      You are growing on me Count. Usually you provide the dark corner of opinion but your views regarding predators vs consensual although stupid and or slutty adults shows your true're a good one. Now hell can freeze over:)

  62. GreenMountain, your post at 11:36a.m. said exactly that:

    "Cee Lo doesn't fit for this. Besides his hit song "F*** You," he had a long career with Goodie Mob and Gnarls Barkley, which had the hit song "Crazy." He has quite a few albums under his belt, and has written a lot of songs for others. Some of us have been fans of his music long before he was on The Voice :)"

    You're a fan of CeeLo. You'd rat out Sandusky, because you're not a fan of Sandusky or Penn State. But you refuse to believe anything bad about someone you're a fan of. This is why pedophilia is run amok in the entertainment industry. Prosecuting it is difficult because people don't want to believe the worst about their idols. In addition, it's disruptive to the big business that runs LA. This is why there are still, STILL, people who make excuses for Michael Jackson. (And I am a Michael fan, going back to the Jackson 5 days. He could have rehabbed himself if he hadn't been surrounded by yes-men and women who just wanted to keep making money off him.

    On the one hand, everyone gets on the blogauthor for not revealing the blind. On the other hand, when it comes down to it, fans don't want to hear the truth, or even rumor, about their idols.

    Always calling for someone to "do something" about pedophilia. Why not "do something" yourself and stop being such a TwiHard.

    1. All I was doing was explaining why he didnt fit this particular blind. Stop putting words in my mouth. If you knew anything about me from my comments, you'd know that I hate Twilight. So get a life and stop bullying me. I will not justify myself to you.

    2. I think she was saying he didn't fit the wording in the blind. I know i need to be corrected about the number of hits an artist ha. I am not big on country music and once thought keith urban was a one hit wonder until someone who knew better said something. That's normally how we figure out blind. I think it was just a misunderstanding. Happens.

    3. My goodness amartel, you are a feisty little flawed logic person tonight... Get off your soapbox for one teensy second and read the replies before accusing people of shit. Your causation correlations are making my brain hurt and my statistics professor scream.

      Saying ceelo had more than one hit DOES NOT equal supporting the rapes at PSU. I really don't even care to know how you logic leaped that one.

      So some of my family went to pen state (and had no knowledge of the crimes at the time) does that make them "child rapist supporters"? Last time I checked ere are a lot of upset alums who are NOT OK with what happened. But I am glad you want to paint with a nice wide brush just to make sure you get everyone.

      Next time: try reading the blind again before attacking someone.

  63. There's no amount of money that would buy my silence. I'd report his ass so he wouldn't molest other kids - at the very least.

  64. That's such bull. Why do people compare homosexuality with pedophilia. I once had a lovely bible school teacher and even relatives do this. That is like saying every straight man is sexually attracted to or would molest a little girl. It is ludicrous. Anyone who confuses the sexual orientation of two consenting adults with hurting a child needs clarity. Though i see that they are trying to present it as an alternative lifestyle. Sadly, there are many countries that do see it that way. I'm depressing myself.

  65. There is no way this is Usher. He's had hit after hit after hit. He certainly has never gone anywhere.

  66. @DBZ - I wasn't saying that child porn wasn't harmful. I'm saying that for a long time the belief was that if people felt a compulsion or attraction toward children, there was no WAY they weren't out there molesting them.

    It's a really difficult area to get accurate data on because it relies on self-reporting, but as much studying as can be done, it seems that this long held belief is just not true. That people actual can and do have the desire but have the ability to understand it's wrong and not act on it.

    The shift in treatment paradigm isn't meant to be pro-NAMBLA and condone having sex with children. It is meant to acknowledge that people might have some pretty messed up desires or fantasies that they need help with, but also realizing these people aren't necessarily acting on them and aren't necessarily evil people in and of themselves. Many therapists treat people with these inclinations as though they've already molested someone.

    Anyway. For what it's worth. That's what is going on. I represent people who have sex cases. It's a huge area of discussion in my world.

  67. Not CeeLo - his arms are too short to reach his junk.

    But seriously, I have no idea who it is, but if that happened to my kid, I would out the fucker and sue so my kid could have the best therapy.

  68. @Alma, yeah.. they're trying to blur the line (more like a wall really) between what consenting adults do and everything else. It's ridiculous to an extreme.

  69. @amartel - greenmountaingal was saying Cee-Lo because he has multiple hits. it seems like this person only had ONE HIT. see the the difference?? one hit vs MULTIPLE HITS

    cee lo had multiple FFS just chill out. no need to throw down

    1. Blinditemme: I had to jump in on that comment.... Normall I roll my eyes at the soapbox orating, but jeeeeeeeeezus

    2. @kady Kat I just read your post above and wow you said it perfectly! I really try and stay away from singling out anyone but I couldn't believe it either.

      My regards and thoughts to your family who went to Penn state, must be awful having not realized what was going on there :(

  70. This comment has been removed by the author.

  71. Pedophiles should be shot on sight

  72. If someone is attracted to children but has never done anything about it then I wouldn't think they would deserve the death penalty.

    I can see how it could be considered a preference (because who would choose to be attracted to a child? It doesn't make sense) but the fact is acting on it in any way is illegal.

    I do think castration should be forced on offenders (at the very least) but taking action against someone who hasn't actually done anything (regardless of their preference) is a slippery slope. I mean, I think one of my husband's friends is one of the sexiest men alive but I have not and would not ever do anything about it.

    Note: I am NOT AT ALL condoning pedophilia. If someone has molested a child or contributed to the molesting of a child SOMETHING SHOULD BE DONE, I just think ideas about killing people with that preference (and no attached action) is a little much.

  73. @Marie, I get what you're saying re: the preference thing, but think it's confusing apples and oranges. Sexual preference has to do with attraction to one or both sexually mature (or maturing) genders where secondary sexual characteristics catch the eye because they communicate sexual readiness. Pedophilia is just the opposite. It's not a gender preference; it's a deviate desire.

  74. Some of the earlier comments got down on the parents who took the money rather than reporting it to the police. From someone who deals with the justice system, I can tell you I'd do the same thing. Why? Because there are no witnesses and so the kids are going to have to testify. That's an ordeal it itself. Then, at least up here in Canada, even if found guilty, with the description of the offence you are looking at less than a two year sentence with a third off for good behaviour. I'm taking the money and I'm putting my kid in counseling. And then, I'm going back for the predator.
    If I was raped or my kid was molested and I could identify the bastard, the only involvement the cops would have is when they fished the body out of the river.

  75. I understand wanting to protect your kids but really is it better to stay quiet??

    This should be made public, the singer, producers etc., should be made accountable! I am horrified they are not and this is another incident swept under the rug!

  76. Anonymous6:34 PM

    I was thinking sean kingston, its hard to say if the commercial ever made it to air, if it was even aired in this country

    1. That was one of my guesses as well, but I wasn't sure if I wanted to just throw a name out there on this blind.

  77. I was kinda feeling Nelly for this one....

  78. There are a lot of reasons that people don't go public (i.e., court). Most child sex abuse cases are not accepted by the prosecutor. Kids don't make good witnesses on the stand, and juries don't tend to convict. (You'll notice that even on here, in a fucking BLIND item, people have commented that the kids are lying.) So, as a parent, you can put your kid through a few years of hell while they speak the truth to everyone who will listen, only to watch their perpetrator walk away a free man. Or you can accept the money from the perpetrator, and get your kid some therapy. I don't think either solution is a good answer, and I hope that Enty continues showing everyone what happens behind closed doors so that those doors open a little bit.

  79. As a survivor of this. I am horrified. Threw up after reading this. To protect an abuser of children, these people are as guilty . disgusting, just despicable.

  80. I listen to Smooth Jazz and Robin Thicke had a follow-up semi-hit with "Love After War"...I don't think it's him or Celo and after years of reading tons of articles, I don't think MJ was a pedo.

    That's it...

  81. Clynn I think that may be the best guess of the day. I totally forgot about him...

  82. I'm commenting for the first time in an effort to get this thread back on topic--who's the perp?

    @JSierra suggested Kevin "Let it Rock" Rudolf and this immediately screamed at me--why hasn't anyone addressed this? Okay, guess I will.

    I heard that song "Let it Rock" so many goddam times and then suddenly this guy vanishes. The textbook definition of a one-hit wonder, as suggested in the blind with "huge hit (singular) couple of years ago (2008)". He's signed to Cash Money Records and has tons of connections in the industry, including Lil Wayne, Birdman, Rick Ross, Nas, etc. This fits the description.

    If you google search "Kevin Rudolf" the most recent original news article featuring him is from October of 2012, in which he gives what could be perceived as half-assed responses to explain the delay in the release of his third album (debut 2008, sophomore effort 2010). He talks about experimenting with new sounds and wanting to developing the "perfect sound" before releasing his work. He even mentions avoiding the studio to avoid answering his boss (Birdman) about when the album will be done. Could be the typical writer's block of an artist, or maybe something else?

    If you're splitting hairs for clues like me, then consider that the blind says he hasn't released any "songs" plural. To the best of my investigative capabilities, Rudolf released 1 song in 2012, "Champions" a track he cooked up with Fred Durst while visiting his studio which he took back to Birdman for approval. He says his immediate plan is to work on remixes of this track--ummm, why not finish the album?

    I'm really not certain it's him, but if the alleged incident did occur and the record label and commercial company both had to pay out to settle the suit, this dude won't get another $0.05 of support from any record label.

  83. Sean Kingston fits really well actually. He was pretty popular and then just seemed to drop off the face of the earth. He's had songs with Justin Bieber and Nicki Minaj. I got the impression this might be someone older though, and he's only 22 now. Also what would the commercial be?

  84. Sean Kingston? He got busted up bad in that jet skiing accident. That sounds like a perfectly legit reason to not be in spotlight for a while.

    Also, he has an album scheduled for release in 2013 that features T.I., Rihanna, Busta Rhymes, Shakira, Dr. Dre, etc. That's way too high-profile to be on anyone's black-list.

  85. Amartel: you misunderstood greenmountaingal and it was annoying that you didn't reread to see she was talking about the blind item clues and not about Ceelo's popularity excluding him. That is all :-)
    oops, you others who think MJ was asexual: I agree he wanted to fit in with 12 yr old boys, however, I think he was a sexually precocious12 yr old boy set on experimenting.

  86. This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. @Butterfly, great comment. I disagree with your thinking that Enty should keep posting blinds like these that can neither be reported nor revealed though. Considering the gravity of the matter being discussed, I think it's ludicrous to permanently leave everyone who reads this blind with lingering suspicions about any number of suspects. This is a clear cut case of chit or get off the pot in my opinion.

  88. @Twinkletto, the person this blind concerns is a one hit wonder. Do a Google search and read about the large number of Akon's certified platinum and gold hits in Wikipedia. Not him.

    Do you see what I'm saying Enty? Twinkletto left this blind thinking Akon is a child molester. That is so unfair to him there aren't words.

  89. @katydid: Thank you. Don't get too conflicted about it. It only feels dirty the first couple times. After that you'll find yourself liking my posts more and more.

  90. We probably don't know half of what went on at Penn State and that scumbag's charity. If the sociopath ever gets past denial, there gonna be one hell of an interview.

    1. @Count as if he would ever get past denial. He is such a cess c@&t

  91. I like JSierra and HFC's guess. Sounds like Rudolf. Def not Akon, he's always recording something - has new music coming out. Just because you don't hear it on mainstream radio doesn't mean it doesn't exists. Same with Sean Kingston, def not him. His new music is awesome.

    Also neither Akon or Sean Kingston are 'one hit wonders'. Kevin Rudolf tho definitely is.

  92. Akon makes his own beats and his own nursery rhyme lyrics all up himself. He doesnt need anyone's help or money. He signed Lady Gaga. White singer's blaze too, could it be one of them. Like Rudolf guess tho!....

  93. It's like World War three up in here lol

    I agree with greenmountaingal . I dont think it fits ceelo.

    Anywho this is some serious allegations so I'm not going to mention names. Blind items like this could hurt people careers if end up not being them.
