Sunday, January 13, 2013

Blind Item #5

Yeah, this B- list television actress on a network show who used to be on a very hit network show before it inexplicably became awful overnight and disappeared only ended up "dating" her B list celebrity ex-boyfriend again after she broke up with her boyfriend. The ex sure did spend a lot of time with our actress when her boyfriend was committed to being in one place and could not check on the actress.


  1. Hayden Panetierre just broke up with her football player bf and reunited with her boxer ex

  2. Sounds about right @Sarah!

  3. Heroes being the very hit show that got awful overnight (oh, and did it ever).

    1. Anonymous5:24 PM

      @idiot it really did seem like it happened overnight. i thought that show was amazing then in an instant it was just terrible

  4. Wow, @Sarah, you are good, all I understood in that blind was the "yeah" at the beginning!

  5. Nice @Sarah! I was trying to think of a show that was good then awful overnight. I only got through a couple of episodes of Heroes before giving up - Haydn P bugs me for some reason.

  6. Awesome guess with HP. Heroes turned so awful so fast--I think it was in part due to the writers' strike (remember that?).

  7. If I think they broke up b/c he was afraid he would accidentally kill her with her need for rough sex play. So good luck covering those bruises now that she is on a show again.

  8. Them Klitchskos are huge. To slow dance with him, he prolly brings a chair onto the dance floor and stands her on it, otherwise her cheek would rest on his crotch.

  9. on TMZ video,she looked very happy to see again her ex-boyfriend

  10. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I agree with the Heroes guess but another show that went awful was Lois and Clark. It was renewed for two years and then didn't even make it to the end of the 1st renewal before they took it off the air.

  11. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I second that Opie: I recall a blind "suspected" to be about her that said that her most recent boyfriend had broken up with her b/c she liked it so rough he was afraid of hurting her. I say tell her to get some good therapy help, refuse to be rough, and go from there. Playing rough, or s&m is one thing I spose, but being afraid she's going to be truly hurt? That must be pretty rough stuff indeed. Yikes!(Shivers)

  12. I'm just glad someone else was able to decipher the blind. I know my brain is on 'sunday-fried', but Enty makes my head spin sometimes.

  13. How is this a blind? Hayden was photographed with her ex this past week.

  14. The blind part is that they were seeing each other while she was with her new boyfriend.

    The TMZ interview with her was so funny - she might as well have just said "we had a booty call."

  15. She's allowed to screw her exes, those two are going to get married


    Ok I'll calm down now. I loved the shit out of Heroes, then it sucked. I wonder if they changed writers.

  17. vomit. manny was awesome this season.

  18. i think that white thing is hiding her baby bump

  19. helena bonham carter has her usual hair in a blender hairstyle.

  20. The stories I read said Hayden was the dominant one, except when with women like Diana Jenkins

  21. I'm just trying to figure that out... with their height difference, how does that work? I'm imagining people climbing Mt. Everest, or jumping all around like Qbert.

    (Note: This is the second time I've talked about Qbert on this site, and I'm not sure why. I'm more of a Pacman fan, to be honest. I'm not even sure if I've even played Qbert!)

  22. I'm with the HP choice here also. Heroes definitely went on one season too long.

  23. Oh Hayden... I want to like you.

    A bit OT: I met a guy in my Political Science class last year. His name is Hayden and his last name starts with a "P". I call him Hayden Panettier when he annoys me.
