Monday, January 14, 2013

Blind Item #5 - Golden Globes After Party

It cost her $1000 which she had to write a check for last night after being busted by a pap, but this A list all movie actress still has never allowed herself to be photographed smoking which is shocking considering she smokes at least a pack a day. When she flies she has been known to go through a pack of nicotine gum.


  1. Anne with an E Hathaway

  2. Has Nicole Kidman ever been photographed smoking? I hear she smokes like a chimney. Kate Hudson too, but I feel like I've seen her papped smoking before, albeit very rarely

  3. Honestly, I kind of like this one and admire that she doesn't want people to know she smokes. I mean, the fewer celebrities that kids/teens see smoking, the better.

    1. Anonymous3:12 PM

      @cathy me too. smoking cigarettes is a nasty habit

  4. I'm guessing one of the super skinny celebs. Anne H or Nicole Kidman. I will go with Nicole because she learned from Tom Cruise how to micromanage her career.

    1. Not Nicole. There have been photos of her smoking I can recall. I vaguely remember a press conference she gave in Australia where her cigarettes were on the table.

  5. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Horse teeth Hathaway

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      ...obviously forgot her chequebook on the night of taco-gate....

  6. Kate Hudson, A list?

    Either AnnE or Julia.

  7. I thought it was known Anne and Julia are smokers. What a waste of 1k.

  8. Also (on an unrelated note, since he's obviously not the person in the blind), I've noticed that every time TMZ posts photos of Justin Timberlake holding a pack of cigarettes, E! always crops it out when they show the same photo.

  9. LOL Armadillo Cake!!

  10. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Anne Goaway ftw. She's the only one that would care so much. Julia's aged far too well, and is far too established to give a snit if someone sees her smoking.

  11. I agree it's Anne.

  12. Yes, probably Anne. Julia has publicly said that she quit (a few years ago).

  13. I think Julia, just because she said she quit years ago does not mean she is not smoking again.

    Also she has more to lose since she is all Green Julia now and talks about her solar powered home and how she has removed all chemicals from their house and has an organic garden, makes their own cleaning products. Smoking does not really fit into green no chemicals in my body Julia.

  14. Anne was smoking cigs in 'brokeback mountain' tho.

  15. I'm thinking Julia.

    Wouldnt a pack a day habit mess up Anne's singing voice?

  16. Yeah I take it back, Kate's not A

  17. Whoever it is, she's a dang fool. To think all the $$$ these movies stars pay for cosmetic treatments when they could save money and their looks (and their voices) by not smoking!

  18. If you don't want people to know you smoke, why the hell don't you leave them at home? Breaking them out at such a fancy event seems like you want to get caught. Interesting. And I think it's Anne. I think everyone knows Kate Hudson smokes.

    I'm always surprised by how many female celebs smoke.

  19. Anne seems very image concious at the moment, so I can see her caring enough about being papped smoking.

  20. Kate's a known smoker. I'd put my money on Julia Roberts, but was she at the Golden Bloges last night?

  21. Whoa. I meant Gloden Globes.

  22. OMG, GOLDEN GLOBES. Wow, that was tough.

    1. Golden Globbs would be more accurate...

  23. What about Eva Longoria, I don't know that I've seen pics of her smoking.

    Here is a pretty fun column from someone who managed to get a ticket and said it was unbelievably fun even in the nosebleed tables. He mentions that Eva, among others, spent a lot of time on the smoking balcony.

  24. I would go with Anne H. It appears this is not the first time.

  25. I do recall NIcole Kidman smoking at a press conference for a movie years ago as it made headlines.

  26. I immediately thought Halle Berry. Maybe she thinks if the ex gets wind that she's smoking, it might be a health concern for their daughter and something he can use against her in the future...

  27. Jody. You can tell by her upper lip she's a smoker.

  28. Helen, that is crap. I have never been a smoker, and unfortunately I have a couple of lines around my upper mouth. I hate them, but I purse my lips a lot, I guess. I quit whistling years ago (and love whistling, so I am sad) and hardly ever drink through a straw, but they keep getting worse, and it fucking freaks me out..

  29. Paris,

    I got one and quit smoking and never got another. Still have that fist one though.

  30. Helen, they SUCK! I get mistaken for 10 yrs younger than my age all the time, and the mouth lines make me crazy. I am so scared to think about what they will look like in another 10 yrs. However, I refuse to Botox my upper lip. I'd rather look like I have a scar than look like Marg Helgenberger does now.

  31. Nicole Kidman smokes (remember this story on her hotel complaining on her smoking habit in her no-smoking room)
    Kate Hudson is NOT A list and ALL movie
    julia Roberts is more than A list
    Anne Hathaway is a nice guess

  32. Jodie doesn't smoke.

  33. I don't think it's about Rachel Zoe, but she is probably a pack-a-day gal, if the lines around her lip are any judge:

    I do give her credit for not being Botox'd into waxy oblivion, though!

    1. That "smoker's lip" unfortunately happens to most women, ciggies or not. As for which actress paid the paps, blah, blah....ALL of them. When I did some charity work involving the famous, I learned the smoking section of everywhere is where you go to check them all out, sans tons of fans and body guards.

  34. 1/14/13 - 6:30 PM CST


    It's Dan Schneider's (47) birthday today. Ugh. Maybe Hungry Girl can whip him up some pedo chicken fingers.

  35. Anne Hathaway doesn't have the voice of a chain smoker.

  36. I've heard Claire Danes is a closet smoker. She never buys cigarettes, but always had her assistant bum them off people. Think I read that in "Jane" magazine years ago.

  37. There are so many smokers! I want to say Julia Roberts or Nicole Kidman. They hate it when they are shown smoking.

  38. Was Goopy there?
