Monday, January 07, 2013

Blind Item #4

If you ask this former almost A list television actress and now permanent B list reality star about the life threatening illness she once said she had, she will tell you that it was all a huge publicity ploy at a time where people were calling her some not very nice names. She says that she is fully prepared to have it make a huge comeback if she ever needs it again. meanwhile though she is happy traveling from country to country earning big paychecks and meeting rich men.


  1. Pam Anderson - and hopefully karma will get her for claiming she had Hep C just for publicity. Shameful!

    1. Why in earth would anyone LIE about having Hep? What could she have possibly gained, other than the ick factor?

  2. Pam Anderson and Hep

  3. Pam and her Hep C.

    what a fucking asshole. That is so wrong....and she blamed Tommy Lee for giving it to her!

  4. I'm surprised this one wasn't labeled easy. What makes it worse to me is that she was pointing the finger on who gave it to her too. Why drag someone through the mud when it wasn't even true? Bitch.

  5. At first I wondered who would pay to catch Hep C, but now this makes sense. All I have to say is KARMA IS A MOTHER......

  6. I imagine that Tommy Lee had done enough other stuff to her to make her feel like blaming the Hep on him wasn't so bad in the grand scheme of things. Still, I whole-heartedly disapprove of her actions.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Having a friend who went through the Hep C treatment and knowing how awful it is I think Pam is a dumb selfish bitch.

  9. That makes me angry for all the people that live with Hep C and suffer through it. Don't lie about being sick. Not cool.

  10. I have to say I'm so naive! I thought she had it and for years I've been thinking " when is she gonna look sick ? " she looks like shit yes but sick not so much. Doh!

  11. That she continued to drink (and was photographed doing it) was the first clue the Hep was BS.

  12. Pam Anderson. I always thought that her claim was fishy.

    1. ...and that her story was fake. Haha. Sorry, I couldn't resist.

      The more I learn about her the more I realize that Tommy wasn't the crazy one in the marriage.

  13. Anonymous9:56 AM

    Whatevs not surprised. Stupid to claim that though, and now her little secret is out, so it's gonna bite her in her plastic ass. Bim-bo. She's always been pretty to me, in a plastic kind of way, but still. Her voice though, the valley girl baby doll dimwit hair twirling "Ummm, duh" thing really bugs me. I don't see how she can make money any other way. She's been around the block more than a few times and I'm sure she makes a nice tax free living that she'd be unable to duplicate.

  14. She is probably lying about not having it. Any publicity is good publicity

  15. Phonetically speaking I think was hepi'tyedye' for the various strains she claimed to have had. Golly, they don't pay those publicists out there top dollar for nothing!

  16. Yah this makes me feel crappy. A dear friend of mine has battled Hep C before and its' not something that one should joke about.

  17. At one point a few years ago she said that she only had a short time to live. Did she think some people wouldn't remember that when she kept on living?

  18. not sure if its pam on this one. only because kid rock beat her up when he thought she passed it to him and then divorced her.he would have to be complicit in the lie as well.

  19. @Ella Bella Boo: I thought the same thing.

  20. @ Alicia - me freakin too. I was wondering how she can be hoeing all around world and still get customers with the HEP C diagnosis. She looks beat down but not Hep C sick.

  21. @hollywood dime Kid did that? You sure?

  22. Kid Rock left Pam because she lied about being pregnant and miscarrying. He has said in interviews she f*d him up pretty badly.

    According to him, he also caught her cheating.

  23. wow, i guess any publicity really IS good publicity

  24. I wouldn't bang Pam for free. She's hideous. Anyone who pays her for sex is a moron.

  25. Wow. I never questioned it because she is so trashy...I can’t believe I never knew, but it make sense..

    What an asshole.

  26. It's possible you can catch Hep C from sex but very unlikely. Saying that she caught it from sharing tattoo needles with Tommy Lee made sure i never believed this anyway.

    THis is a pretty shit thing to do, Pammy.

    Where are Pam's kids?

  27. Hey Karma! Are you listening???

  28. I know someone with Hep C and he's way sick, and has been for a loooong time. I always wondered how she can prance around the world like nothings wrong. I guess this is why.

  29. @moussemaker - haha I read your comment as "I always thought that her clam was fishy"... hahaha and eeewwww

  30. yes, Pam. That is pretty wretched. I used to like her.

  31. Really fucked up, but not an unheard of thing to lie about, unfortunately. I've heard of a few people who've lied about having cancer so they could get 1. attention, and 2. donations to pay their so-called medical bills. I recall one woman was caught because she shaved her head to look like she'd had chemo, but didn't shave her eyebrows. (Chemo makes your eyebrows fall out.)

    My first thought for this was actually Tara Reid, because for a while there everyone was making fun of her shitty plastic surgery and how her breast popped out at an event. She then had some major health problem-I think it was to do with stomach issues. So she fits that part. But I'm not sure she has done much reality TV.

    1. @Krissie Tara's certainly done some. She did UK Celebrity Big Brother a couple of years ago (on which she struck up the most bizarre friendship ever with Jedward, which continues to this day)

  32. Camille Grammar and Irritable Bowel Syndrome!

  33. Didn't Naomi Judd claim to have it as well?

    1. Not as an answer to the blind, think you nailed it with PA.

  34. I worked with a girl who lied about having lupus. Makes me sick. It's the lowest of low.

  35. I thought Pammy blamed the Hep on getting a tattoo in a hotel room....

  36. Anonymous3:01 PM

    whaaaa she lied abt having a disease thats just freaking horrible. gues she had to come clean all the prostitution shes doing

  37. what about cheryl cole and that jungle virus she caught?

  38. cheryl cole - malaria

  39. @Panda80

    Thanks for posting that. I always wondered why Kid Rock seemed to almost hate her. That totally explains it.

  40. Oh Em Gee. This one is actually shocking to me!!

  41. Oh shit. I love Kid. I hate if it's true he beat a woman. :(

  42. And also, hey girl @selenakyle. Thought you went missing!

  43. PotPourri - I don't think anybody would make up having IBS (irritable bowel syndrome.)

    Maybe IBD (Crohn's, for example) but IBS, nobody takes it seriously. It's seen kinda as "LOL, watch out, guys, I just ate 5 extra-spicy burritos!"

    (I have it, and it sucks!)

  44. This is just awful. To prey on people's emotions and sympathy by FAKING a disease....disgusting. I used to love watching her on Baywatch as a kid, I thought she had a good personality until her book came out. The way she came off in that book was just so arrogant and self-centered, a total turnoff. She prob lost a lot of fans with that book

    I remember Kid Rock giving an interview where he said she lied and told him she had a miscarriage to get sympathy. He was very distraught over the news, and then found out the next day she spent the night getting wasted, seemingly without a care in the world.
