Sunday, January 06, 2013

Blind Item #4

This A list celebrity has always had sex with whomever he has wanted to. His money and fame usually see to that. He is getting bored though with just paying and wants a challenge. He told one of the producers on one of his shows that they needed to find a job for this B-/C+ list all movie actress because our A lister wanted to sleep with her and flaunt it and make this other A list celebrity look really bad.


  1. Simon Cowell? Mentioned one of his shows and he has several correct?

  2. 1)Simon Cowell
    2)Julianne Hough
    3)Ryan Seacrest

  3. Simon, Carmen Electra, Ryan Seacrest

  4. Ah jeez these people need more work or something.....

  5. Yep, I think you guys are right. Speaking of Cowell, he's showing some major bloat these days. I used to find him hot (ashamedly), but not lately.

  6. @Trudi

    That totally makes sense to me. I think Simon has become jealous of Ryan's popularity and success.

  7. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Hopefully the woman is loyal.

  8. Julianne Hough is not an all-movie actress, and if he is trying to make Ryan jealous, why would he ask to give Ryan's girlfriend a job? Doesn't make sense. Has to be Carmen Electra.

  9. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Simon and Ryan are gay.

  10. Thanks Tuxedo Cat. I wasn't aware of any interpersonal problems between them, and couldn't understand at first, but jealousy would explain things. Simon isn't top of the heap like he was, and Ryan is. How long till Enty downgrades Simon's list rating I wonder.

  11. Julianne is considered all movie now though. We determined that's how Entward words it.
    If it is her, don't do it girl! Run!

  12. @phoenix

    I read that Simon had refused to invite Ryan and Julianne to a function awhile ago because she was a 'tart' or some ridiculous thing. Maybe Simon was really just fascinated and jellus....I remember this because I couldn't figure out what he specifically had against Julianne Hough - I think she's just from a normal background like most people.

    Whoever it is, I think poaching an unsuspecting actress just to sleep with her and make someone look bad is despicable. Sick stuff.

  13. I fail to see how any of this would make Ryan look bad...can someone please enlighten me?

  14. My first thought was Charlie Sheen but with the inference of there being more than one show I guess Simon makes more sense.

  15. After reading Julianne's IMDB, I do not believe she is considered "all movie now". Almost 60 T.V. entries and 2 movies, and only being a year off the television show that made her known, not buying it.

  16. How would Seacrest look bad if Simon got his girlfriend on a show to sleep with her? Simon would look like the asshole, not Seacrest. The logic is off.

  17. @Puggle, I think it's the pride thing. If Seacrest's former TV show partner screws his girlfriend behind his back, and then makes sure he finds out, that's gotta hurt.

  18. Puggle maybe he means reveal Ryan as being gay? That is the only thing I can think, especially since everyone already knows Ryan likes men it would really hit that home if it came out Julianne slept with Simon.

    Other than that, I got nothing as to how it would make Ryan look bad.

  19. I'm gonna play armchair psychologist and say that Simon likes to act like he is better, richer and the boss and expects everyone to kiss his ass. I think for a long time he had that power over Ryan. Ryan though has become quite the mogul and probably sees himself as more of an equal to Simon. This would be Simon's way of saying I made you and can still control you. Not sure this blind is them, but I could seevSimon playing games like this.

  20. I don't even know if it is Simon, Ryan and Julianne. I don't think Ryan is gay, so that's why I think Simon trying to sleep with Julianne would be humiliating for Ryan.

  21. like I said, these people need more work! Simon would be excellent at explaining to people why their insurance claim was denied.

  22. @Tuxedo Cat, Simon referring to ANY woman as a tart is classic pot calling the kettle black, lol

    I think JSierra is correct about this, if the Simon and Ryan guess is right. It would certainly put Ryan in an uncomfortable position.

  23. I agree with TeeTee. Sounds like a Trump move.

  24. Simon isn't gay, he does have a problem with Julianne though. He called her trash, so it's not her. He doesn't like Seacrest, probably hates that he's becoming so successful.

  25. my first thought was Ashton no clue on the all movie actress though. Could it be a singer that has been in just one movie?

  26. Cowell all the way - don't know about the others. He's kind of reminding me of Mickey Rourke when he started going downhill.

  27. I want it to be someone with Sean Penn and Robin Wright but I have no clue.

    If Robin Wright was on like Access Hollywood promoting some movie and talking about how her new guy was the love of her life and really understands her in a way no one else has in the past bla bla bla..., Sean would prolly throw a good beating on the next hooker he grudge fucks while coked out of his mind.

  28. @ Bunni - I have trouble believing Seacrest is not gay. He pings to high heaven.

  29. @Mango I totally agree about Seacreast, I hope Julianne gets something for her bearding.

  30. They might be friends, but that doesn't mean that they don't enjoy one-upping each other. It's what men do occasionally.

  31. I think that Ryan is probably bisexual.

  32. Anonymous1:19 PM

    yep, agreed with the Simon/Julianne/Ryan guess but what does Simon have against Ryan? Sure their style and delivery are polar opposites, but their verbal sparring has made idol alot more watchable. Therefore Ryan has contributed to the shows success, why try to make him look bad? Get over yourself Simon, you and your furry man chichis.

  33. X-Factor is part of Syco, which is Simon Cowell's company, so isn't he a producer as well? He wouldn't need to tell someone to make it happen, he just makes it happen.
    Also, he likes brunettes so Hough is not his cuppa.

    1. I agree.
      Besides Simon is a music producer the shows came from that. He has 1D, whether or not you like their music, they're on top, so Simon seems unlikely to feel less successful.

  34. i don't think seacrest is gay. but what could be going on here is simon believes hough is a gold digger (a lot of people think that) and he thinks she'd be with him over ryan cuz he's more loaded.

    seacrest is doing very well but i think cowell's richer. maybe that's what he's trying to prove.

  35. "He is getting bored though with just paying" charlie is the one that pays his girls. what was the name of the guy that charlie had a fight ith at 2 1/2 men? he was the director, and they fought over the guys girlfriend that charlie slept with. she hd a part of 2 1/2 men for awhile. i vote that same guy for the one he wants to make look bad.

  36. I will never forgive Seacrest for giving the K-ians a reality show. Never, ever. Not never!

  37. I'm not feeling Simon, Ryan, Julianne, or Carmen for this one...

    Other than that, I got nothing.

  38. Adam Levin is on "The Voice" and "American Horror Story." I can't see a movie actress becoming a judge on "The Voice" unless she's had roles that require singing.

  39. There were pics on Julianne's Twitter of Ryan & Simon socializing over the holidays, for real, not a photo op type deal. They seem as tight as ever.

  40. hes getting bored of just paying meaning carmen eletra, but i think simon should just leave julianne alone. shes not from a normal background havent you heard of the interview she just gave for this months cosmo (well probably not just gave it you know what i mean) she says she was abused while in dance school in london or italy or wherever she was. simon cowell the guy who flaunts his mason status is just taking advantage of beta models.

  41. @ Bunni - Sorry, I read your first post as Seacrest when you clearly typed Simon. My apologies!

  42. Simon didn't make Ryan a star. Ryan's been a big name for longer than Simon has been famous for his tv work.


  44. The payer sounds so like Charlie, and I'd like to think LiLo is the B/C, but I'm not sure how to work the rest of the equation (who would it make look bad ... Lorre? doubtful ... Ashton? why would he care? ... grr) I really want it to be those two. I think they might be each other's densities.

  45. Carmen Electra is nowhere near B- or C+, and she has done more TV/reality TV than movies.



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