Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blind Item #4

This boy bander from an A++ list group has been seeing a therapist in order to deal with his depression and has been prescribed meds that have been affecting his mood to the point where he is happy one second and crying the next. Apparently his A list celebrity friend f**ks with his head a lot and will one day spend time with the boy bander and everything is great and the next day will be running around having sex with women.


  1. Harry Styles? Although it sickens me to say any boy band could be A++ and Courtney is a C?

    1. Is the friend Bieber, and our boy Harry has a crush on our cdan pet lesbian?

  2. I'm guessing someone from one direction but I don't know who their friends are other than Ed Sheeran, and there is no way he is A list

  3. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Not a clue guys, I'll leave this up to the pros.

  4. I wish the therapist would prescribe suicide.


  5. Zayn from One Direction has issues with depression, but I don't know who the other celeb would be. I do know Niall and the Biebs are friends, but Niall doesn't strike me as having depression issues.

  6. Happy one minute, cryin the next??? They got this guy on estrogen?

  7. Max George and Lindsay Lohan bahaha

  8. Yeah, um, anti-depressants wouldn't usually have you in a flux like that. Anti-friends might, though.

    Celeb friend is a b*. That is my word for today.

  9. Harry Styles with Taylor Swift as the A list celebrity "friend." Wouldn't that be a treat. :)

    1. It would be - and what I suspect/choose-to-believe anyway!

      I might even develop sympathy for Taylor - who irks me no end - if it were true, actually...she's one celeb who I would believe had lots to lose coming out as a big lez!

  10. Replies
    1. I like this guess. Nsync was A++ have one direction or the wanted been around long enough for A++?

  11. This guy has a friend that sometimes hangs out with him, and sometimes is out chasing (and catching) women? Isn't that every young guy's peer group in the free world?

  12. The friend "runs around having sex with women" phrasing intrigues me...does this mean that that the friend is actually a woman who dabbles with other women, or do the boy bander and the friend have a homosexual attraction...?

  13. Could the Wanted be called an A++ group? Because I can see Lindsay as somebody who would fcuk with his head, and chase skirt. At least, if the friend is female, it makes it more salacious. Plus, Enty doesn't really say gender, so...

  14. I'm not a psychologist but isn't happy one second and crying the next textbook Bi-polar?

    I think Zayn is a good guess here. If you watched the X-Factor season that the 1D boys were on you know he has some issues.

  15. Enty uses plural for med. I wonder what the combo is ??

  16. Louis from Wand Erection wants to come out, but isn't allowed to by management. Other dude is Harry Styles.

  17. I read is as two men? IDK

  18. Guys read it carefully.

    The A list celebrity SPENDS TIME with the boybander, all is well, but the A list celebrity then goes around sleeping with WOMEN (not the boybander, which is an issue.

    Why is that an issue?

    Boybander's gay and is having a gaymance with this celebrity friend, who is simply just using him and sleeps around with women.

  19. Hollywood Dime, that's who I thought too!

  20. @Marisol Habibi, except as commenters Meg and Megan pointed out, the Friend's gender isn't mentioned or even alluded to, so we're kind of at an impasse here tbh.

  21. Justin Timberlake and Adam Levine. Actually, it's probably one of those "One Direction" guys. Again. They're really the only A++ boy band today.

  22. hothotheat---NO! That symptom could be very 'simple', acute clinical depression.
    My point is--Don't worry, this guy's not necessarily that ill. It could be a one-off stemming from emotional immaturity. Therapy can help people handle themselves better in future. It's the comparative few who end up bipolar, or with major depression (which ARE quite serious).

  23. Sounds to me like any two of the kids from One Direction.

  24. I think if a medication is causing mood swings like that, he needs a different medication.

  25. Louis and Harry Styles

  26. Yeah I'm with Tuxedo Cat, get him off this med!

  27. I read this as the friend being a little more than a hangout pal and more of a get it on pal.

    No way is the Wanted A++ and unless hell has frozen over and the skies are dark with flying pigs, Lindsey is not A list.

  28. Hothotheat, that would be called being moody. Possibly depressed, but not bipolar. The highs and lows last weeks and months. One isn't depressed all day and manic by the time the sun goes down.

  29. Only one A+++ boyband around - One Direction. Nick Grimshaw is Stile's bff - he is an a list english celeb.

  30. Could be him...Taylor is not a good beard choice....she screams beard whenever she is with someone...this kid needs intervention to get the A list celebrity ass wipe away from him and to stop them from f-ing with his mind.

  31. It takes the body some time to adjust to medication, especially anti-depressants. Been there, done that!

  32. Is the A list celeb friend a male or female? Is the A++ boy bander gay or straight?
