Thursday, January 24, 2013

Blind Item #4

This A list all movie actress might drop to B list if she does not do some movies soon. Apparently since the day she found out she was pregnant she has never had sex with her man again. That was years ago. This is an actress who is desired by millions. Interesting.


  1. Angie? Halle? Portman?

  2. I like the Portman guess. She is said to be taking hiatus from acting so her hubby can dance in Paris.

  3. @Rhino Oooh, I like it! It reads like someone who only had one kid and who is still together with her significant other. I think you got it!!!

  4. Her hubby has just been named head of the Paris Opera Ballet, a very prestigious job. He will now be one of the 5 most powerful people in the world of ballet.

  5. Angelina - her last movie was in 2011. Malificent (sp?) is in post production. And I just find her annoying.

  6. Is Portman really desired?

  7. I think portmans a great guess, I just honestly can't believe that's her husbands baby in the first place. He's a dead ringer for Darren Aronofsky.

    1. Yes he is. Looks just like his son with Rachel Weisz.

  8. I don't think Natalie is desired by millions is she? Plus, she didn't find out she was pregnant years ago. I'd say Nicole, but we all know that can't be right, ha.

    1. Nicole doesn't exactly come off as a firecracker in the bedroom, does she? More like a cold fish.

    2. Millions of Star Wars fans.

  9. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I'm thinking it could be someone who doesn't have any children...someone who was that wigged out by getting pregnant may have not gone through with it. I say that as someone who would be totally wigged out by getting pregnant.

  10. Natalie did not have her baby "years ago". Read people!

    1. The blind says they stopped having sex when she found out she was pregnant. If Natalie had her baby in June of 2011 she found out sometime in 2010 so technically THAT IS YEARS AGO PEOPLE!

    2. Hmmmm. Years ago to me would mean five to ten years back. We are barely just into 2013, 2010 is a couple of years back. Maybe Salma. Her kid is about five.

  11. There must be more to this blind to make it so "interesting."

    Maybe he told her he was shooting blanks in order to lie about paternity of another. When she got knocked up it was clear he was a liar.

    Am I reading too much into this?

  12. I think portman is pretty but Desiree by millions?? Eh

  13. Portman has a few films in post production...

  14. Meant dseired...damn autocorrect

  15. Natalie Portman is so beautiful, she can do no wrong in my eyes. She does sound good for this blind though.

    Maybe she has a really great dildo.

  16. @Nutty_Flavor - The phrase "5 most powerful people in the world of ballet." is making me laugh for some reason. I'm picturing ballet as a mafia/Illuminati combo organization.

    Portman comes to mind for me too.

  17. Well, if it's her, I hope she remembers that once a cheater, always a cheater.

  18. Anonymous9:52 AM

    Can't be Angie since they had twins after their first kid.

  19. I like the Selma guess, she is desired by millions and had her baby years ago.

  20. Salma is a great guess but is she A-B list?

  21. Portman is desired by millions of nerds. She's what Olivia Munn wishes to be.

  22. This can't be Portman. Her baby is only 1 1/2, not "years ago" as this blind references. Plus she has three movies in post-production & two in pre-production. She took a break but is definitely working again.

  23. @Feisty--HAHAHAHA!

    I'm with @TheEntrepeneursWife: this seems like there's more to it. Surely she would know that sex leads to babies--why would getting pregnant in and of itself turn her off of sex with her husband? I mean, it could be Portman, but there's still more to it.

  24. @feisty, well that one guy did just have acid thrown in his face....

  25. Good point, Erin B. I thought NP had her baby longer ago than that.

    Just realized something: the blind does not say she HAD a baby, just that she'd gotten pregnant. Hm.

  26. How 'bout Monica Bellucci married to Vincent Cassel, to keep it interesting. She's my #1 most beautiful woman in the world.

  27. @Brandy I was actually wondering the same thing and found she wad voted #1 Most Desirable Wife...while she was pregnant at the time. IDK who votes for these things, Star Wars nerds? I'm sure THEY find her desirable.

  28. Has Penelope Cruz been in anything lately?

  29. Penelope Cruz had a kid in 2011, and I believe she's currently pregnant.

  30. Salma, although is she really A list? She is smoking hot and hasn't had a movie out in quite some time. Savages is the last thing I can recall, she was the best part of that film.

  31. Salma has been working non stop. Has to be someone else.

  32. There are a lot of people posting who seem to think that once you become pregnant you have the baby the next day.

  33. An odd mingling of topics in one short blind. I sat here trying hard to grasp the connection between not making movies, being pregnant years ago, and foregoing sex - until I realized there isn't one, lmao


  34. Not everyone gets pregnant the old fashioned way. Angie may not have slept with Brad to get pregant with the twins and then just decided she was over him.

    1. I still think those twins were ivf.

  35. Natalie Portman is a knockout! I can see her being desired by millions. Hell, I'm a straight woman and desire her!

  36. If Natalie Portman had her baby in June of 2011, she got pregnant in September of 2010, which is 2 years, 4 months ago. Assuming "the day she found out she was pregnant" was sometime in the second month of her pregnancy, it's still 2 years, 2 months ago, which qualifies as "years ago."

    She is desired by millions of nerds the world over.

    1. Thank you @sweetiebird, I didn't realize you had touched on this topic already.

  37. @New Girl - That could make sense. According to the BI reveal, she's not really into Brad and "settled" for him, anyway.

  38. I am loathe to call Jessica Alba A list but I think this is her. Has she been in anything in the last three years?

  39. @not that I think its definitely Angie, but they may have had twins due to invitro. All the families I know that have had twins was due to fertility treatments. And I'm talking about moms in their 20s!

  40. Enty usually refers to Alba as C-list actress with A-list name recognition.

  41. Yeah, the five most powerful people in the ballet world.....FEEL THE SCRATCH OF MY TUTU, BITCH! I WILL CUT YOU! :) LOL

  42. I like the Portman guess

  43. @Elisha - What? When/where? That sounds way more interesting than the blind.

  44. Whew! Thanks Darmyst. I can now breath easier knowing Jessica Alba ain't nowhere near A list. Hmmmm, there are so few A list actresses, this should be easy but I can't think of anyone.

  45. @Feisty- crazy story.

  46. Tori it only matters what years ago to Enty means, it can mean 5 to 10 years to you but 2 to Enty.

  47. What about the Goop? Does guesting on Glee mean she's not all movies anymore?
    Though not sure about the 'desired by millions'...I actually read that as 'detested' the first go round!

  48. While Portman may be beautiful to some, I don't think Enty would use that as a clue for her. The line "This is an actress who is desired by millions. Interesting." sounds like someone who is known a lot for their sex appeal. Salma Hayek sounds like a good fit. Maybe her marriage is of convenience and money.

  49. I find it hard to believe that millions desire Natalie Portman. I would think desire as someone that is sexy. I don't think many would find NP sexy, but that is my own personal opinion.

    I like Selma Hayek.

  50. Anonymous11:44 AM

    @JSierra, I looooove your avitar!

  51. Can't be Natalie Portman she has like 4 movies already in Post production including Thor 2

  52. My guess was Salma but then someone pointed out her being very busy. And seriously, have you see her husband?

  53. I just don't see Natalie for this. She took a normal length break for having the baby & hasn't been on an extended hiatus. Plus she won the Oscar two years ago so would she really drop in status that quickly? I could see Salma more just because of that ugly paternity suit. Maybe she knows he's a letch & cut him off.

  54. Long time lurker, first time poster. I took the "interesting" to mean that there was no real interest on her part and she was just having sex with him to get pregnant and have a baby; thus potentially securing huge child support payments, or fighting off lesbian rumors? So once she got what she wanted she never had sex with him again bcs his purpose had been served. Would make sense with Salma and Mr. Moneybags, especially since she has a difficult pregnancy, so she may have wanted to play it safe or was not zble to have sex for medical reasons. BUT they didnt get married until WAY after Valentina was born. I doubt he would have married her if she was not puting out for so long. Same with Portman. They got married after the baby was born.... Why would they get married if she already had what she wanted and wasnt giving him any.

  55. Just to add to the discussion re: Natalie Portman's sex appeal: she was #8 on Maxim's Hot 100 for 2011, for what it's worth. I'm not convinced that she's this blind, for what *that's* worth (which is nothing).

    Selma is not "all movies" if you count her recurring roles on 30 Rock (6 eps) and Ugly Betty (7 eps), plus a ton of TV she did at the beginning of her career (though I can't really figure out the criteria behind Enty's ratings).

  56. Id say Selma. She is desired by millions because her husband is a millionaire.

    1. She needs to do a movie soon or she will be a Blist tv actress.

  57. Natalie Portman just filmed a couple of movies, and has made a few guest appearances after having her son. She's hardly on an extended hiatus.

  58. Wouldn't Natalie Portman be listed as a major award winner/nominee?

    I think it's Angie.

  59. Julia Roberts.

    1. That's who struck me too. Either her, or Sarah Jessica Parker.

  60. Topper Angie has been nominated for two Academy Awards and won one.

  61. @ MissMoPR - Welcome! Your post makes sense; she got what she wanted and cut him off. But if she's not making movies, does that mean he's a producer, director, or someone powerful in Hollywood?

    Re Natalie Portman: I don't think it's her because I don't see her as someone desired by millions but in relation to Enty's "all movie" criteria, she is one of the actresses who comes closest to being truly "All Movie". As far as television is concerned, she's done one Sesame Street and one Simpsons ep total.

  62. Anonymous5:40 PM

    The reason its says "interesting" is basically saying that she just wanted the child to come out of sex. Once she had a child there is no reason to continue having sex with the male when she probably prefers females. Amy Adams.

  63. I was thinking Megan Fox. Desired by millions for sure but not sure that I would classify her as A List although she is in magazines etc. a lot

  64. ok. Not Salma or Natalie. How about
    - Kate Hudson (Is she an A besides Glee (I know, she did tv) she hasn't done a lot lately.

    -How about Uma Thurman(sp=?)

  65. Julia Roberts? I don't know why but she comes to mind.

  66. Another long-time lurker here. I also believe it must be someone who hasn't had more than one child. But to say all twins are the result of ivf is just ignorant. Twins run in families - your chances are better if there are twins in your mother's line.
    Multiple births involving three or more are more likely to be the result of ivf.

  67. Amy Adams desired by millions? I don't see that, but I'm not a guy.

  68. Firt time poster,semi so, I'm going to go off the mark, and say Jennifer Hudson. She was considered an "A" list avtress, but hasn't had anything for quite some time. She won an Oscar, had a family tragedy, had a whirlwind romance,had a baby, and lost a ton of, she's considered desirable by millions, due to her weightloss success. And all the articles you read, you never hear about her and her husband being intimate or in love. He's a Harvard educated professional wrestler.

  69. ^ Wow! I'm glad I btohered to scroll all the way down. That is a great guess!

  70. I'm on the Portman train (woo woo!) for three reasons:

    1) "From the day she found out she was pregnant, she has never had sex with her man again." Uh, yah, because it was Darren Aranofsky. And I'm not convinced that Benjamin Thousandfeet was ever really girl-oriented.

    2)"That was years ago" ... when she found out she was pregnant. Two is a number of years. "Years" doesn't necessarily mean five years, though Enty may want you to think that.

    3) "This is an actress who is desired by millions." Of...? Men? Women? Doesn't say. Interesting. Black Swan afforded Portman an opportunity to be same-sex appealing. (In theory.) And while that same-sex appeal criteria might also work for Angie (and better), Angie had a second child after the day she found out she was pregnant. So I'm thinking she's had sex again.

  71. Salma Hayek is a good guess!

  72. I'm going a slightly different way with this one. I wonder if she even HAD the baby...perhaps she got pregnant, had an abortion, and has not had sex again because she's afraid of getting pregnant again.

    I don't have a guess on who it might be, but the blind doesn't say anything about there being a child born

  73. I think this is Sarah Jessica Parker. And desired by millions refers to her fake column she wrote during the Sex and the City series.
