Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Blind Item #4

This aging actor is still an actor I think. Been a while since he was in anything although he does get his chances ever couple of years. Used to be a B list. A+ name recognition with his very very big role. Big drinker. Huge drinker. Waiting at the airport the other day, our actor waited in line while sipping whiskey from a pint bottle. Cracked the top when he walked in the airport and finished it off right before going through security and heading to a bar near his gate.


  1. What happened to the rankings spreadsheet that JSierra made? I had it bookmarked but it's all empty now :(

  2. Gary Busey? I got nothing.

  3. I was thinking someone like Ray Liotta but a bigger name.

  4. or who's the guy in My Cousin Vinny?

  5. Nick Nolte, except he's been in some stuff lately. Otherwise I'll put him down 110%.

  6. Nick Nolte? Based exclusively on the 'big drinker' part. Otherwise, no idea.

  7. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Nick Nolte? Although can't think of the big role.

  8. Not the Hoff please! There was a pic from his vacay at Richard Branson's Necker Island how does he look so good in his swim trunks still if he's a big boozer?

  9. Val Kilmer? No idea

    1. I like the Val Kilmer guess.

    2. Good guess. He used to be so hot. Sigh.

  10. Scratch that, I see he's had several projects in the last few years and has a number lined up in coming years. In that case, no idea.

  11. Hmm this is a good one...I'm thinking someone older? Nick Nolte is in a new movie that just came out and was in Warrior a year or two ago, so this is prob someone that hasn't appeared for a while. And....that's all I got.

  12. Sean Connery? When was the last time he was in a movie?

  13. Sean Bean with his fear of flying.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. Connery retired a couple of years ago.

  16. Any one in the Daily Mail?

  17. Joe Pesci - except the only thing he's done in a while is that silly commercial.

  18. Lotta email me and I will send you a hard copy! I think people can make their own changes on the Google doc so it wouldn't surprise me if some smart ass went in and wiped everything out.


    1. @JSierra - pretty sure you can lock the sheet so everyone else can only view it and you can make yourself the only one who can edit. I use Google Docs for work ;)

    2. You should also be able to see the edits and roll it back.

  19. or Robert Duval, someone like that level?

  20. Robing Williams all the way.

  21. Count Jerkula did you mess up the Google doc!? The "Boobs" "Butt" headings say it all.

    1. LOL omg that's hilarious! I emailed you by the way.

    2. Ha, JSierra, haha, thought it was the "senior" self described reader:)

  22. Mark Hamill is a great guess. Val Kilmer had several big roles.

  23. Hahahhahhaha!!! I love that you went to Count Jerkula first. I don't think he'd wipe it clean, but I can see him or FSP changing the titles.

    And I say that with all the respect in the WORLD, gentlemen.

  24. Hamill works quite a bit, but I think it's mostly voice work. Kilmer looks terrible, but he appears to be working as well.

  25. Wasn't me. I'm not sure where this Google doc is, I would like to see.

  26. Pranskters! Isn't there a way to lock Google docs?

    I'm thinking Ray Liotta because he's terrified of flying. Nothing in the DM to hint at it. We'll have to wait for random pics I guess.

  27. Pierce Brosnan? He's only a B list and played James Bond.

  28. Hey I need that spreadsheet again please someone, someone that is not Counting on Jerk- ula!

  29. I was thinking Mark Hamill. I saw him in the credits for an episode of Chuck, and after the show was over, I had to rewind to even find him. He looks really old and bloated, and I wouldn't be surprised if he were a problem drinker.

    But, other than that one role big role, was he really B list?

  30. Nick Nolte Or Jack Nickolson

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Nick Nolte and Jack Nicholson are A list...or at least were at one time. Jack is a legendary A list.

    Mark Hamil is a good guess...but I don't think he ever made B list. He disappeared after the Star Wars trilogy. He does look old and bloated though.

    I'm still thinking Pierce Bronson. I had heard he was a drinker. He was always a B list. Never really made A list, even though he did play James Bond.

  33. Definitely the Hoff, his one big role being Baywatch.

  34. Burt Reynolds and Robin Williams were complete and total A lists. They carried movies on their names alone. The person in question was a B list at the height of their fame. In other words, the character they played was the only reason the movie did well (A+). They as an actor were only a B list and couldn't carry a movie on their own if it weren't for the character they played. For example, James Bond will always do well and be an A+, no matter who plays them.

  35. Not Nick Nolte. He was nominated for an Oscar just last year.
    Bear in mind the actor could be a former TV star as well. I'm voting for the Hoff. Sad.

  36. No one in the DM that I can see. I wouldn't say Mark Hammil had A name recognition & I think Pierce Brosnan has been in more movies than to call out the one BIG movie role (Bond, Mrs Doubtfire, Mama Mia). So I think it's not either of those.

  37. Don't forget Michael Madsen. Known alcoholic, more or less blacklisted for his behavior. Known for Reservoir Dogs and Kill Bill.

  38. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I'll say Al Pacino, although that would make me sad.

  39. I thought Peter O'Toole as well.

  40. Peter O'Toole was A-list. Ditto Nolte. Tops. I think most of you are too young to remember when Nolte was scorching hot. Ditto O'Toole opening film after film and costarring with the tops actresses like Kate Hepburn in Lion in Winter. Like Lawrence of Arabia. Anyone remember? And Nick Nolte in The Deep and 48 Hours. Cape Fear. Prince of Tides.

  41. After reading these guesses & re-reading the blind, I'm onboard with the Hoff.

  42. In all honesty, I didn't really read the blind through before I guessed. Hehe whoops.

    The reason I went to Count first was simply the boobies and booties, but I think that would be giving him too much asshole credit. I think deep down he is a big softy. Now that I said that I must suffer the wrath of the Count! Just as long as it doesn't include Shorty Mac *shudders*

    I really don't care who messed it up, I had no clue how to make it in the first place. But I am more than happy to send out the attachment again for those who want it!

  43. Ok. This person has an A+ very very very big role. That would be Yoda, Darth Vader, Han Solo, Chewbaka, Princess Lea, Indiana Jones, Dirty Harry, James Bond, etc on that level...those are very very very big roles. Pierce Bronson playing a role in Mrs. Doubtfire, is not an A+ role. His role in that movie is not even close to A+.

    What A+ very very very big role did the Hoff ever play? Knight Rider? That's not very very very big role. Kit the car was actually A+ very very very big role, Hoff was the cars side kick.

  44. Not Mark Hamill. I've met him a number of times and he's a happy, friendly man... married to the same woman since the late 70's. It's been a few years now, but he never smelled of alcohol, was always present, clear-eyed.

    It would take a long time to build up a tolerance to that much whiskey; he would have been a boozy mess when I saw him last.

    Plus, he still works a lot, mostly cartoons -- Johnny Depp, Brad Pitt, etc. when they do cartoons, they sound like themselves. Mark Hamill is a full-on voice actor. Again, if he was a serious boozehound, nobody'd hire him any more.

  45. Joaquin Phoenix - turned rapper for a short time? I don't know if he is 'aging'. Seems to be a big drinker though.

  46. Just seconding Zeeky's not Hamill comment. I've never met him, but I watch a lot of children's programming, and he does a lot of voice work. And I agree - seems like if he was a sloppy drunk, he wouldn't get hired.

    1. I love adventure time

    2. @ astro - our current fave is Regular Show - ye-aahhh!

  47. I was thinking Nick Nolte, but just to throw this out there - Arnold Schwarznegger is in the DM twice, and one of the articles was about him flying to London to promote his new movie. It said "the 65 year old actor looked in need of a good night's sleep."

    I know he's been in a couple of films lately, though.

  48. Keanu. Doesn't act too much anymore, just every couple years. Has spent most of his time producing, doing a documentary and jamming with his band. Was recently (a few weeks back) seen stumbling out of a bathroom at LAX.

    Big role was Neo in the Matrix movies.

  49. Can't be Peter O'Toole either, I think. He's not aging, he's old.

  50. I know this seems like a long shot, but the first person who came to my mind was Mickey Rourke, w/the big role being in The Wrestler, which got him an Oscar nomination; he does seem to manage to get a fairly decent role every couple of years or so, although the last one to come to my mind was Whiplash in Iron Man 2. (Which reminds me of a great anecdote RDJ told back when the latter movie came out: it seems that Mickey liked having music in the background when he did some of his action scenes, and there were only a handful of pieces he was using at that point, over and over and OVER. So there they all are, on the racetrack in Monaco, Mickey's walking along w/the whips, etc. out, and what comes booming out of the PA at that moment? "They told me I should go to rehab/I said no, no, no"...)

  51. I was wondering why when I finally checked out your rankings list, @jsierra (btw, are you former Idol top tenner Jessica Sierra???)it was blank except for Boobs & Butt. If you save it as a PDF, people can't change it.

  52. Just tossing this out: Danny Devito?

    He's a HUGE drinker, hasn't done much of consequence in the last few years. Big role, was on Taxi.

    1. @Malibu - Danny's on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, FWIW.

      And that show is the shit - you should check it out if you like to laugh, and aren't easily offended :-p!

  53. Yo, JSierra, is it ok for anyone to email you for a copy of the spreadsheet? I'm fascinated by this.

    Oh, and my first thought was Mickey Rourke too.

  54. Not Peter O'Toole:
    because 1) he is old as shit and 2) he still works (he does theater in the UK.) or at least he did until very recently.

    I wonder if this is Brendan Frasier, he ballooned so fast and at the same time just dropped off the map. Something happened there.

  55. The dude? (I wish not)

  56. Mark Hamill was in that bad accident after either the first or second Star Wars and had extensive plastic surgery as well as other surgeries. I saw him on Chuck,he looked awful, but then again,Star Wars was 30 some odd years ago. Heroes either die, or they get old.

  57. Mark Hamill is Skips, oh my gosh

  58. Keanu may fit. Not that it's a crime but I have seen him drinking bloody mary's at 6am. You know, during the week.

  59. joey, matt leblanch

  60. Jeff Bridges? The Big Lewbowski?

  61. I second Harrison ford @unknown

  62. I second Harrison ford @unknown

  63. Am I the only one who thinks this is bs? You cant get through security with an open bottle. I have tried. And failed. And my friend tries every time because she is cheap, bottle, soda, etc., airports around the country, Nope.

    1. Not only can you not pass security with an open bottle; you can't get through with more than 3.4 oz. A pint surpasses that.

    2. Not only can you not pass security with an open bottle; you can't get through with more than 3.4 oz. A pint surpasses that.

  64. Love the Hoff guess.

  65. I still have a copy of the original list. JSierra, do you want me to email it back to you?

  66. The actor finished the whiskey off before going through security, ladies.

  67. There is the Spreadsheet question.

    No, I didn't mess with that. I downloaded it the other day when I saw the link, but it aint me to ruin something that someone put that much work into.

    Don't worry JSierra, my wrath only involves some spanking and hair pulling. I'll even let you choose the spanking implement: open hand, riding crop, paddle that has "SLUT" on it, or a piece of leather belt. Also, I won't leave a mark. Just redness and some soreness when you sit the rest of the day, to remember me by. Your safe word will be Enty.

  68. Will this all be happening in your red room of pain Sir Count?

  69. Kloie I have it saved on my computer, thanks anyways though! I need to update it with the recent reveals. And finish the second half of the photo book deal. I am starting to think that CDAN is my job. Hey Ent! I work for no less than $50/hour!

  70. Also, anyone who wants the spreadsheet feel free to email me for it!

    Sorry for the obnoxious multiple posts everyone.

  71. Oh you lil tease. Calling me Sir. I love it. Something like Master conjures thoughts of being forced to say it, but Sir is a sign of respect, out of your own free will.

    For that, when the spanking is over, and tears wiped away, I'll give you a nice rub down.

    You will make a fine pet.

  72. Ok. No rhyme nor reason except gut on this one...Tommy Lee Jones?

  73. Not Mark Hamill, he does TONS of voice work.

    No way Harrison Ford who is permanently A list and has more than one huge role.

    @JSierra, you can lock people out of making changes to Google docs

  74. How about Kiefer Sutherland. The role being Jack Bowers in 24. Was a huge hit while it was on the air and his drinking troubles are well documented.

  75. Mickey Rourke, obviously

  76. My guess is Richard Gere based on, Big drinker. Huge drinker. Which is pretty similar to Julia Robert's line in Pretty Woman when she speaks to the sales rep about commission...
