Friday, January 18, 2013

Blind Item #4

This foreign born actress who is probably a B- in her own country and maybe a D here but with B list name recognition makes her money on red carpets and hotel bedrooms now. Her biggest client ever paid her $35K for two nights. With a check. That bounced. Always should be cash. Our actress went ballistic when she found out it had bounced. Caused a scene where she was and almost got tossed out of the place where she was.


  1. again a Pam anderson blind item?

  2. To be different, Bai Ling?

  3. Sophie Monk.

    Pamela Anderson isn't more famous or higher graded in Canada than in the US. Bai Ling hasn't done anything in China for ages.

    1. She was my first guess. She's known in Australia and she's in the tabloids a lot, but I have no idea what she's appeared in as an actress.

  4. i change my guess for Sophie Monk :no idea who she is but she's in daily Mail today and she has an argument with her manager

  5. I know of a black Porn Whore that took a bad check from Lenny Dykstra. She even posted a pic of it. She also claims that they did not have sex, but alluded to him noticing her in a pegging video she did. Good looking broad, crazy as the day is long.

  6. Sophie Monk est un ancien mannequin australien, qui s'est fait il y a quelques années injecter du collagène dans les lèvres au point de de faire passer Emmanuelle Béart et Loana pour des personnes normales.

    Enty a à plusieurs reprises fait des allusions sur le fait qu'elle travaillerait comme escort, notamment autour du Festival de Cannes (il parle souvent de Kelly Brook, de Tara Reid et d'elle à ces occasions).

    Et pour la petite histoire, je ne crois pas qu'Enty repompe ses articles du Daily Mail. Soit il profite de ce que publie le Daily Mail pour publier des articles en rapport avec ce qui est déjà sur leur site, soit il travaille avec le Daily Mail (qui doit forcément prendre des conseils auprès d'avocats histoire d'éviter les procès en diffamation) et il a droit aux anecdotes des journalistes ou aux passages qu'il leur fait supprimer avant publication.

  7. I'm going with Sophie Monk too (didn't she have some rant recently about that Australian tv show she started her career with?). What I find funny is that this sounds likes Charlize Theron got discovered (ranting at a bank teller).

    1. No that was Melissa George

    2. Ooops. You're right. I get those d list Australian actresses mixed up. I still think its Sophia monk though

  8. @Angela, that is awesome. Now, if you could only translate it... lol

  9. Thanks, Angela, I guess high school French class was worth something after all.

  10. @White Lilly
    As I could speak directly to a fellow French-speaking person (not a fellow Frenchwoman, as I'm actually a man), I just summed up to her who Sophie Monk was, and the various allusions by Enty that Monk, like Tara Reid, Kelly Brook, Estella Warren or Lindsay Lohan, made a living by being an escort. There were various clues and half-reveals around the Cannes festival.

    Then, I made my own theory about the DM connection (but I wasn't aware Monk was in it when I posted my guess). People think that Enty now takes his stories from the DM. I think that he may be posting BIs in sync with what the DM publishes (to give us some kind of a clue) or that he's a side job with the DM, to give a quick check if stories could be legally viewed as defamation. Which would give him access to some juicy details either by the journalists themselves or in the unexpurgated version of an article before the deleted some stuff for publication.

  11. For those who skipped high school French class:

    Sophie Monk is a former Australian model who has injected so much collagen into her lips over the years that she makes Emmanuelle Béart and Loana look normal.

    Enty has repeatedly alluded to her working as an escort, particularly at the Cannes Film Festival, similar to Tara Reid and Kelly Brook.

    In this case, I don't believe Enty is stealing from the Daily Mail. If he were, he should either cut a deal with the Daily Mail or the the Daily Mail should sue. But it could be that he's got the rights to some ancedotes that the journalists had to delete before publication.

  12. @Angela and @Nutty_Flavor, thaaaanks!!!! :)

    English was my second language in High School. :D

    Wait... Angela, you're a guy? How crazy because Angela is a girl's name in Brazil. So please, don't hold it against me if I ever confuse you for a girl! ;)

  13. Doubt it is Pam just because of the ratings. She's probably not even considered Canadian up here in Canada. LOL

    Sophie Monk is a good guess.

  14. Definitely Sophie Monk. She has higher name recognition from dating Benji Madden and a few other guys but generally she's just a whore now.

  15. Yep, I'm a guy. And I actually took this alias because of Brazil.

    I was part of a team for a game that had settled on a Z-grade French movie for a collective name, Les Brésiliennes du bois de Boulogne. (Brazilian Girls from a Paris park infamous for its transvestite prostitution). Looking for a personal alias, I saw that the poster proudly promised "the Transvestite Angela York" in the cast, so I took Angela as a name.
    Needless to say, from the kinda-NSFW poster, there was no real Brazilian in the movie:

    The director had actually managed previously to shoot a movie supposed to be taking place in Thailand in the Paris area, with prominent French comedy actors even taking Asian parts...

  16. @Angela, man, I can't believe this, so awesome! lol

    I've seen a few movies like that, that the director pretends to be somewhere where he's not even close, lol

    Well then, Angela York, glad to know Brazil has inspired you on your alias. Although, in this case, it is more French then Brazilian, lol

  17. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I'm on board with Sophie Monk

  18. If it's Sophie Monk, that saddens me. She was on Australia's Pop Stars show and was actually very sweet and, believe it or not, the heavy one in the group. She then lost a ton of weight and did a lot of stuff to her face.... And here we are! She comes back here to do radio (Australia) and tends to polarise the audience as she speaks like a Queensland bogan !!

  19. What's the world come to when you can't trust a john?

  20. @ Count J - How much was the check for? The one that the porn whore posted? If it's $35k we have a winner.

  21. a chick who does porn will never be b list.

  22. I realize that this is a gossip site, but count jerkula has really brought down the level of the discourse to a horrible low. count, can you please stop assuming that everybody is at your level? using words like 'black' and 'porn whore'? really? it doesn't make you seem hip or cool, just ignorant. there are alot of teenagers I'm sure who read this site. try being a bit less profane. this isn't a strip club.

  23. I think this is Bai Ling.

  24. Estelle Warren was mentioned,that one might just stick(!).

  25. @ Mango: It was for 2k, if I remember correctly. It was like 3 years ago too. She still maintains a website to shame him. I wonder if he has internet access in prison?

  26. @annabella9 With respect, when you post something admonishing another poster who likes to shock people, you've guaranteed that he or she will continue trying to shock people, and derailed the discussion into "the rules" of posting, followed by the inevitable question of whether or not there should be any (e.g., "it's a free interwebs," etc.). If you wish people would ignore Jerkula, lead by example. Me, I'm with the 33% - 50% who secretly kind of enjoy his crassness. (Also, teenagers? Please. Teenagers have heard it.)

  27. Melissa George did a interview pretty much telling all us Australians to "be quiet". She went on to rant that she wishes people would stop mentioning the first TV job she had that made her famous, and she wishes she was in paris or new york.

    Basically she came across a a pretentious snot noodle who overestimate her talent. In Australia, we dont have a lot of time for that kind of Diva so she got a HUGE amount of negative press pretty much smacking her down.

    Sophie Monk i would agree for this blind. There has been a lot of whisperings about her...other job, and she seems to have a "friendship" with a pretty well known DJ in australia..and i got a big vibe that he was hirng her for other things that dont involve a monologue. :)

    - Amanda (feeling a bit fiesty because she has had sugar)

  28. @D.K. Kurtz: Believe me, if the term "black" some how offends her, she is not worth the trouble engaging.

    1. LoL,there was a story about this black prostitute who was suing the Moonlight Bunny Ranch because of racial dicrimination:there weren't any black hoes employed there.

      Some stuff I just can't get behind.

  29. First time poster - No way is Sophie Monk considered a B list actress in Australia. Give us some credit!

  30. @annabella9

    You aren't alone, annabella9. This is a general celebrity and news site. If Count Jerkula really wanted to talk about porn, he would be in an adult porn forum, where this is everyday content. He just likes the attention of being a shock jock.

  31. Yeah, mentioning a porn whore in the comment section of a blind about a celebrity whore is too much of a leap. What the hell was I thinking?

  32. Enty used to do Full Frontal Friday and maintains that link on his/her FB page and it' s archived here on the web site. So, Enty supports Count J, imo.

  33. @Count Jerkula

    You could post the same comment as another person, but somehow when you say it, it sounds as if came out of a toilet bowl.

  34. Oh gosh, take your pick, it can be anyone

  35. @ Tuxedo Cat: If we had signatures here, your last comment is what I'd use. Thanks.

  36. Hey, you're more than welcome.

  37. The Count is a barrel of laughs. Love it!

  38. The Count is a barrel of laughs. Love it!
