Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Blind Item #4

Why the rush to file for divorce? Well this married B list female athlete/celebrity wants to take her relationship public with her new guy who she started seeing while she was still with her husband. She thinks if she rushes she can make it look like they didn't get together until after the split.


  1. Definitely Danica Patrick

  2. Anonymous9:43 AM

    I agree with the Danica Patrick guess.

  3. Hmmmm....Lindsey Vonn is a great guess. After a visit to the googles, I realized Danica has been separated for a while now. I haven't really heard much about Lindsey. Annnndddd...there was an article in DM on the 12th about her.

  4. Lindsey Vonn - seeing another skier?

    I have heard from people who follow Danica's that she's probably more interested in another woman.

  5. If Danica has been separated for a while, then she makes perfect sense. Still means she met the guy while technically married.

    Lindsay Vonn announced her divorce months ago. I remember reading it on People and here.

  6. Lindsay Vonn's divorce was finalized last week.

  7. Wasn't Vonn linked to Tebow when he was in Denver?

  8. Laila Ali just to be different and completely out of left field.

  9. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Why do people cheat so much? Are there really that many assholes out there? If they cheated with you, they'll cheat on you.

  10. How about the olympic swimmer Natalie Coughlin? She's married, but pictures of her cozying up to fellow swimmer Nathan Adrian came out of London, and since then they've been photographed together quite a few times, most recently at the Golden Globes.

  11. @Anna - IMO there are likely multiple reasons. A big one being that people confuse lust and love. You may meet someone and be super attracted to all of their positive qualities, temporarily ignore any bad ones, F like rabbits, and 6 mos later realize you made a mistake. Also, people change. I think people sometimes settle down with what they think they want or what they should want, and later realize they have no idea WTF they want in any part of their life. They don't always handle things honorably, and may just get caught up. Others are just jerks. They may have emotional issues that a) don't allow them to actually be attached to their partner, and b) cause them to lack empathy and foresight about how it will affect their partner/family. Etc, etc. That was probably rhetorical, but whatev.

  12. This is Danica, and her new guy is Ricky Stenhouse, Jr. She just filed yesterday.

    Only problem with this is that anyone who's been paying attention knows they've had something going since at least early last year.

  13. That bitch always looked like a whore, I never trust women that like to participate in male dominated sports...don't trust them

  14. I wouldn't call Danica Patrick an athlete.

  15. Good explanation(s) Amber!


    People want excitement. Once you're in a relationship, that "new/exciting/rush" feeling fades at some point. Might be after a few months, might be after a few years. It always goes. The only way to get it again is with someone new. The only way to be with someone new is to end your current relationship or to cheat. Many people accept that the "new/exciting/rush" feeling fades and accept it, staying with their partner because of all the other good things (trust, love) they have. Others break up or cheat.

    I'm sure actors, in particular, have a problem with this. They live by their emotions...that's what acting is.

  16. Lindsay Vonn is the one who pings my gaydar.

    Danica not so much.
