Saturday, January 12, 2013

Blind Item #4

Just remember that if you are one of the many that get a chance to have sex with or pay for sex with this former B list primarily television actress and now a reality standby, that the reason she split with her most recent husband is because she gave him the herp. Probably got it from her first husband, but no one is for sure.


  1. Pamela, although I thought she was former A tv

  2. So, does this mean that a recent blind is not about Pam? It was the one in which the TV/reality star never really had a life-threatening disease, but she can bring it up as an excuse whenever she needs to.

    1. No that blind is still about her...most def.

    2. Yeah, I'm pretty sure that Enty came up with this blind from the comments on that one - someone mentioned that Kid Rock was actually furious with Pam because she gave him Hep C. Which, have you seen him? They haven't been together in a long time, he'd show some signs of Hep C by now.

    3. And I totally forgot about Rick Solomon, oops!

  3. @jp that one could still work for Pam as it was about (we presumed) the Hep C and this one is the herp. Maybe she confused them when she went public ;-)

  4. Pam (claimed to have) had hep C. Now herpes? Geez, what a drug regimen she must be on.

  5. Has Pam had two husbands? Tommy Lee and whom?

  6. Oops, forgot about Kid Rock.

  7. Yeah, I wouldn't call herpes "life threatening" so it could still totally be Pam.

  8. Look at Pammy's matrimonial background:

    Rick Salomon (6 October 2007 - 24 March 2008) (annulled)
    Kid Rock (3 August 2006 - 1 February 2007) (divorced)
    Tommy Lee (19 February 1995 - 28 February 1998) (divorced) 2 children

    WTF knows who infected who with what? These three (as well as Pam) are all walking petri dishes of funk.

    I'm thinking it's someone else.

  9. I would have been more shocked if she didn't have it

  10. I think it's someone other than Pam. Who else is a reality fixture?

  11. Isn't this what I said in the last blind about Pam! Kid rock beat her up and divorced her when he found out she had 'hep c'. but it wasn't hep c that sent him violent. It wasn't herpes either. Way bigger. I've worked in Hollywood a looooong time. it's a small talkative town. waaaay bigger than herpes.

    1. Are you saying that she's HIV+?

    2. I'm not saying anything. but kid rock didn't contract it. And there is a very long list of HIV+ actors and actresses on this town. Rock Hudson and magic weren't the last to get it. I can name 5 off the top of my head right now.

    3. Dammmmmmnnnn

      I might've kicked someone's ass too! Regardless if it was male or female I'd probably lose it. That explains a divorce after six months.

    4. So then I it wasn't hep C that sent him violent and you have worked in Hollywood for a very loooooong time and it is a very small and talkative town, then what exactly are you implying. I didn't infer any "speculation" from your comment. You pretty much said that you knew exactly what happened and that it wasn't hep c. So then just say what it was.

    5. Magic wasn't a hollywood actor.

  12. @hollywood dime, from that, I get she has AIDS...

  13. My understanding of it was that Kid Rock flipped out over the Borat movie & that was the reason they divorced.

  14. Let's not forget that 1 in 4 Americans has the herp and that regular STD testing does NOT in fact test for it. You have to specifically ask for the Herp test.

  15. @hollywood dime, I see. With all the stories that we hear of people sleeping around, I think most don't usually use condoms... so really, it's not difficult to guess a lot of people have so many STDs, even HIV... *sigh*

  16. Just pay a little more attention to 'cancer' a lot of them that have contracted it also develop cancer. and they usually die from that complication. remember no one dies from aids. They die from the complications and they never have to talk about their HIV status.

  17. I really do not think Pam has AIDS. Not buying it.

  18. That's just scary considering all these naive starf*ckers who probably don't bother insisting on protrction. And I always figured Pammy had the herp, like Mago said, look at her personal relationships..

  19. I'm not going to pay attention to those with cancer just because they may have HIV/AIDS. They shouldn't be looked at any differently if they actually do have it.

    1. I never said to look at anyone different. I also never asked you to believe anything I've said. why do you have to? I'm a stranger on a gossip blog. all I said is there ate many times that a star has passed away from cancer, that cancer was in fact a complication of aids. Now do with that what you will. but to infer that I'm saying judge people with either of these misfortunes is incorrect.

    2. People have certain issues regarding topics of different blinds. Mine is in regards to HIV/AIDs. I recently lost someone to it, so I supposed it is a sensitive topic still. My intention was not to jump down your throat, and I do apologize for coming off that way. I suppose I should have worded my comment differently, but unfortunately there is no edit button!

    3. @puggle I've lost family members to aids and cancer. They are both vicious heartbreakers. I understand where you're coming from.

    4. Now I feel really bad, after rereading your comments! Argh! Anyhoo, sorry again. Think first, comment next, good way to go!

    5. Pneumonia is the most common cause of aids-related deaths. Nate Dogg, for example. Had three strokes in two years and then died of pneumonia. His body had completely shut down.

    6. Good point, Katie. I'm sure he'd been in contact with someone Eazy E had been with.

    7. All the theories about how Eazy E was infected are crazy! The lipstick alley threads literally say that he pissed off some music executive and they literally stuck a dirty needle him. Crazy stuff.

    8. That reminds me of the move Adebisi pulled on Oz, sticking some man with a dirty needle. What a horrible thing do actually do to someone.

  20. Wow! Thanks for the insight hollywood dime! Listen to Egyptian Ankh. You need a specific herpes test to know if you have it. Otherwise you are only tested to see if you have a current outbreak?? Isn't that how it goes - anyone?? I forget the specifics.

    There are 8 different types of herpes. We leave the hospital with most of them when we're born. My personal suspicion is these are the cause of the "common cold" and many headaches where you just take an aspirin and call someone in the morning. I'm suspicious like that.

  21. Furthermore, to divorce someone for herpes is lame. If you never break out you won't even know you have it.

  22. I know, __-__=__! Who knows if she even knew. Around that time, I thought he would have known about her Hep C diagnosis (I think that is around the time she came public with it). You would think he would use protection anyways, because of that.

  23. Anonymous12:36 PM

    Paris wonky valtrex = rick solamon

  24. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Pammy is B List primarily television, reality stand by, she's a hooker now, most recent husband was Kid Rock ( I think) wouldn't have been surprised if Pammy had the herp, and I'd be surprised if he didn't already have it himself.

  25. Who are some ppl who've gotten sick or died recently? All i can think of is Bernie Mac.

  26. I totally forgot about Rick Solomon! Dude gets around.

    Hollywood dime is correct. I don't personally know about Pammie's status, but various cancers and pneumonia are the common complications of HIV+ status. My mother had AIDS and ultimately died of colon cancer. She also had various skin cancers, infections, and pneumonia several times. The whole time, she rarely told anyone that she was HIV+. I've been an internet gossip freak for a long time and with celebrity medical situations you should always read between the lines.

    1. How awful for you and your poor mother. My deepest sympathies.

  27. I thought Kid Rock already said that he was mad that she aborted his kid and claimed it was a miscarriage. He's talked about that.

  28. Hollywood youve always had good insight without being a braggart or a name dropper. I also like you're not shoving your opinions down anyone's throat. Take it or leave it style. Imma taker.

  29. Kid Rock wouldn't have been the more recent hubby.

  30. @brady88

    Bernie was sick befoer he came to hollyweird. He had some type of blood disease. Not uncommon in african american.

    I heard that Farrah F. was HIV+.

    1. Heard the same. She died of rectal cancer

  31. I don't doubt Hollywood Dime, but wondering if she would be insurable for all these shows. I thought they screened for STDs before you could be cast.

  32. if you have a STD you should be telling our partners before engaging in any sex, oral included IMO, but at minimum insisting on condoms including during oral sex, it gets trickier for women because go to your basic drugstore that is not in large urban area with a large lesbian population and try to find dental dams, which is the female condom and not many men or women are going want to go there, how many men refuse to wear condoms in the first place

  33. I definitely immediately went straight to Farrah after that comment... interesting then, that she's connected to RFO!!!

    WHERE'S HMMMM?!?!?!

  34. Reality standby seals the deal for Pammy.

  35. I guess I just have to ask, and I'm not being snarky, does it matter if someone died of AIDS? As they're dying or not infecting others without disclosure, is it anyone else's business?

  36. Is ANY gossip anybody's business, really? *shrug*

    IDK - I question myself every time I read this blog... and yet, we're all here...

  37. The only thing that works against the pam theory is the sound that this is a person only married twice....and if pam divorced in 2008...thats not that recent. But she has been rotating reality shows lately and has been elluded to as being paid for sex. This would be jucier if this was someone not as widely expected. But im coming up clueless on someone else....

  38. Natalie Cole ,possibly HIV

    Still believe Farrah's AIDS related.

    The old dude from The Hobbit diagnosed with anus cancer,the same as Farrah.

    1. Ian McKellen has prostate cancer, not anal cancer

  39. the commentaries are pathetic today!

    now Farrah Fawcett is died of HIV+ ,Pam Anderson has AIDS and don't forget Britney Spears,JCVD&George Michael too!

    1. George Michael has admitted that he has not gotten an aids test in over a decade becaus eye is too fearful of the results. He has been sick for years. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

  40. nothing on Toni braxton& her lupus???
    and Michael Jackson?? Tupac?

  41. Pam and Kid Rock split up years ago. This is someone else. And how did everyone start talking about AIDS? This mentions herpes.

    1. Well, if you can see al the aids related comments, then surely you can see how they originated.

  42. Anonymous3:36 PM

    So what does all that mean for Brittany Murphy???

  43. petri dish of it Mango.

  44. This comment has been removed by the author.

  45. If it is Pam, she needs to keep it to herself. 1in 4 people, really? Wow! That's terrifying.

  46. Def Pam A. But this was totally from Home Improvement era. So totally Tim "the tool man" Taylor. & Wilson as the 2nd hubbs. That's y he was always hiding behind the fence.

  47. I'll just add that people already infected with Herpes have an increased chance of contracting HIV. Especially if they are having an outbreak, however minor, oral or genital, that is all the "in" the HIV virus needs. Very scary indeed. And, I'll just add that sometimes condoms do not protect against certain STD's.

  48. If it's a small town, wouldn't everyone already know how had what, and then they'd use condoms?

  49. Prostate cancer is actually fairly common in older men, to the extent that most of them die of something else long before the cancer would have gotten them; since it's usually a slower-growing cancer, a lot of doctors tend to not treat it aggressively in men 70+ or so, feeling that the potential side effects of treatment don't balance out the likelihood of it growing fast enough to be problematic.

    If you're sleeping around a lot and not using protection, then the odds of picking up an STD are that much greater, but considering that you could be a virgin who ended up w/STDs after the first time you had sex if you weren't being safe (or, in some cases, even if you are), I do find myself wishing that we could stop using STDs as a way of slut-shaming people, because it does play a role in people not wanting to ask for safe sex (their partner might wonder about them, or see it as insulting--"what, you think I have a disease?") or not getting tested or treated (because, of course, "nice people" don't get STDs). I can't be the only one who remembers the old PSAs from the '70s that showed a variety of people--from a newborn baby to a sweet teenage couple to elderly people--while " for everyone..." played in the background, can I?

    Remember, having an STD doesn't mean you're a dirty, disgusting person; knowing you have one, or suspecting you do but refusing to be tested, and having lots and lots of unsafe sex, however, means you're both careless and uncaring with regards to your partners' well-being, and that's what deserves to be criticized.

    And yes, between 1 in 4 to 1 in 5 (or 20-25%) of us in the US have genital herpes (aka herpes simplex II), and around 90% have oral herpes/cold sores (herpes simplex I); there's also a lot of cross-pollination, if you will, due to the popularity of oral sex. Statistically speaking, most of those reading this have I, and a whole lot have II instead of/as well, so this isn't some bunch of diseased pariahs we're talking about. (In the interests of full disclosure, I checked into my status the last time I saw the GYN, and at least according to my records, I'm fine w/regards to II; I do, however, sometimes get cold sores, and I suspect that came from my first boyfriend, since I never had that trouble before I was with him. Just in case you were wondering...) Think of it like this: you wouldn't cough or sneeze in someone else's face if you had a cold or the flu, and safe sex is pretty much the same principle at work.

    (Oh, and if you need dental dams but can't get them: (1) cut the tip off a regular condom, then cut it up the side and spread it out; or (2) go get some good-quality Saran Wrap and use a layer or 2 of that. Putting some lube on the parts in question before using the dam, I'm told, makes a big difference in sensation for the receptive partner. No, this isn't from personal experience--my social life is rather dull, alas--but what I've picked up from my friends w/more interesting lives, and from plenty of reading. Just think of it as my public service for the day... ;-)

  50. Forgot about George Michael,truly believe he's at least HIV+

    Hillary with those blood clots prolly needs to get tested.Ain't no telling what Bill brought home to her.

  51. Robin the Mad Photographer Well said!!!

  52. Okay, this makes me a bad person, I know, but given that this is an anonymous comments section, I really wish HollywoodDime would name some names. :-)

    Yeah yeah not my business, but hey, I'm sitting here alone in a snowstorm and I'm bored, what can I say?

  53. This has got to be Pam, didn't Rick Solowhatever, "date" Paris Herpton?

  54. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Thanks Robin The Mad Photog, well said. I don't think it's that big of a deal to have herpes, as long as you tell your partner and use protection, medication etc. Beating and divorcing your wife for not telling you and giving it to you seems extreme and just goes to show how much love and acceptance was in THAT relationship. Considering she's making her living now primarily as a prostitute you'd think being HIV+ status would put a crimp in that kind of living. Especially since what I've read about guys with money think they can name their price and have it however they want it. If you catch my drift.

  55. Whomever said something about Michael J. or HIV do not read these blogs to often. Toni has Lupos and that's a fact. Look it up. We all know how Mike died. Tragic. If you are running around HIV+, celebrity or not please use protection and inform your partner of your situation.

  56. Wow. There's a novel in the comments today! So much to think about and I am going to go buy my teenaged daughters some more condoms.

  57. There was a good blind item that Britney was HIV+,the reason for her meltdown a couple of years ago.

  58. Sorry, I had to come out from lurking and jump on here to say I don't believe the blind about Pam Anderson faking her Hep C.

    One of my good friends' Mom is one of the top nurses at UCLA medical center and treats Pam for her Hep. C all the time. The Mom also says she couldn't be nicer and won't allow anything mean said about PA in her presence.

    It's someone else faking their disease.

    But does she have herp? I believe that. Especially if the stats that 1 in 4 in Los Angeles have it...

  59. Didn't know Pam was married to Rick Soloman. Speaking of Soloman...
    Shannon Dougherty. Wasn't she married to him, and didn't he cheat with Paris? Maybe she got herpes from him, who got it from Paris, which is why she egged her car?

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