Monday, January 14, 2013

Blind Item #4 - Golden Globes After Party

This former A list tweener who is starting to make a name for herself outside her tweener comfort zone in some very good, small roles had enough of this former A list tweener whining all night about her ex-boyfriend. Ecstasy was produced and the whiner was ordered to take three of them by her companions. She did and said it was the first time she had ever taken any pills. The whiner was so easy going after her pill popping that she decided she didn't need to wear panties and left them on a table and she finally got along with another former A list tweener who she has been fighting with for years.


  1. Whiner = Gomez

    Former A list = Hudgens or The Tis, not sure which

  2. V. Hudge, selena, miley

  3. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Selena Gomez and Miley

  4. Gomez did look a bit spangled on the pic lotta posted on the other thread..

  5. Selena for the whiner, lol this pic helped in the last blind too.

    Selena Gonez Weinstein After Party

    1. Lol selena looks so smashed compared to the other girls.

    2. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Thanks for the link you guys amaze me at how fast you find the links AND make them clicky!

    3. @lotta, love the clicky links!! Thanks!

    4. Her eyes are also suuuuuuuuuuper dilated, which is a side effect of e (MDMA).... Not that I would know such things, totally read it on the Internet. Yup that's it.

  6. Selena whining about Beiber and Miley.

  7. And I think enty has revealed a blind that Selena and Vanessa didn't like each other that much in the past.

  8. She's never done Ecstasy before and took 3? Oh LORDY

  9. 3? Hope that girl had some Big League Chew in her purse.

  10. She must have been balls deep if she took 3 tabs, Selena definitely looks like she could be rollin hard in that pic.

    1. You win the internets today.... Had to comment on that. Thank you.

  11. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Sunny that was my thought they must not be as strong as they were in the 90's 3 would of killed me! I get Selena and Vanessa for the two that were fighting and got along but who's the one making a name for herself with indi parts?

  12. Great catch with the link.

  13. @lotta - looks like hudgens is holding something in her hand; pills, maybe?

  14. People still do E? Really? Flashback like it was 2001...

  15. These pic are even better. That's Josh Hutcherson lending her a helping hand.

    Selena Gomez leaving after party1

    Selena Gomez leaving after party2

  16. Selena looks smashed in that pic

  17. Def Selena. and I'm LMAO at Amber's comment.

  18. Look at the first pic, bottom left. White fluffy thing peeking out of the corner of the box - napkin or panties?

    Hangs head in shame for noticing that...

  19. Aww Selena...please don't do this to yourself. That boy/girl person is NOT worth it.

  20. In the first pic, you can make it a little bigger by clicking on it. Am I seeing what I want to see, or are Selena's pupils HUGE? You can tell based on the red eye from the camera.

  21. THanks for the links Lotta, she looks like she had a craaazy night.

    Jolene rave culture is making a big comeback, a couple years ago my friends and I would pop tabs and go to dance festivals once or twice a month. Thankfully we wore out of that stage pretty quick, there is only so much your brain and jaw can handle.

  22. @Cathy, good catch!

    @DBZee... Haha, possibly!

    Glad to help guys ;)

  23. DBZee: it could be.

    Who are the other two women? The one sitting down is certainly attractive (even if she's probably my kids' age--18-22).

    1. @Holiday, the women in the first pictures are, from left: Ashley Tisdale, Sarah Hyland, Selena Gomez and Vanessa Hudgens

  24. If any one sees those panties on ebay, hook me up with the link.

  25. The one making a comeback with small parts could be Ashley Tisdale. She did a stint on Sons of Anarchy.

    I really hoped this was Taylor Swift but the photo evidence supports Selena. Maybe they gave her 3 Xanax instead of E.

  26. Great. Now I'm singing "Rolling balls deep" in my head to the tune of "rolling in the deep."

  27. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Mileys in another country, not the ggs

  28. Jolene, my ecstasy flashback is to 1985-6. Pretty sure I rewired my brain with that stuff. Never cried watching movies before that era. Now I cry watching romantic comedies. Bad romantic comedies. And loudly sob watching sad films. Messing with the dopamine centers of the brain isn't very wise.

  29. Selena for sure! She's even holding Vanessa's hand in the pictures posted by Lotta, now that's a sight to see, I guess E does make people nicer lol

  30. seriously, 3?? ar we sure enty's not embellishing the story just a little? 3 for someone who has never done ecstasy??

  31. Selena does seem to have a bit of "thizz face" going on in that pic of her with ashley tisdale. Ill go with her FTW!

  32. Coulda been a weak mix on the E. I may or may not have come across LSD for the first time in a decade and, in this hypothetical, 2 hits would have been needed to be where I may or may not have wanted to be. 3woulda made it a memorable event.

  33. There was an old blind about a bad girl who was viewed as a good girl & a good girl who was viewed as a bad girl. Good girl was pissed because she got all the flack & bad girl was seen as virginal. Enty revealed it to be Selena (bad girl) & Vanessa (good girl).


    she looks like shes on god

  35. Three? At once? These kids must not be taking the same shit we took 20+ years ago.

  36. I've done E exactly twice and couldn't imagine taking 3 at once. Even my hard core friends didn't take that much. And for a 1st timer? I call BS.

  37. I've taken 4 at once.. once upon a time. It really depends on how weak they are. Her pupils definitely are big. It's her. Man, I miss that feeling!

  38. Selena and josh would make a sweet couple!

  39. And the dress looks way better without any silly pantie-line!

  40. @KellyLynn: thank you. That Sarah Hyland is my son's age, so it's a relief that she's not my daughter's age.

    Pretty, and I don't think I've ever seen her before.

  41. they might've had some diluted molly. that's what the updated version is. very popular with young people.

  42. Selena Gomez is the whiner and I think we can agree that Josh Hutcherson is the guy she dropped her panties for, and good on them both.

    I think the drug passer is Vanessa Hudgens - She and Selena have been revealed as having beef before, and Vanessa has also been caught doing Molly and ecstasy before.

  43. with Josh hutcherson

  44. 1/14/13 - 6:31 PM CST


    It's Dan Schneider's (47) birthday today. Ugh. Maybe Hungry Girl can whip him up some pedo chicken fingers.

  45. Oh I have definitely seen that face before. She looks like a maniac - you can tell when she smiles that her jaws are very, very stiff.. Someone should've passed her some chewing gum haha. Hopefully she had a good night!

  46. Selena spotted with BARBARA PELVIN at Golden Globes after party:


    i'd say this item is not so blind anymore
    selena is ROLLING if i've ever seen it
