Sunday, January 27, 2013

Blind Item #3

This former B list tweener television actress who has made it a habit to appear in this space was recently informed she would be fired from one of the jobs she was counting on and would not get another job she was counting on because it has come to the attention of the producers that she is out of control and needs rehab. Maybe this will finally be the push she needs to get to rehab. Her money is draining quickly because of her unemployed, homeless boyfriend. Our actress is turning into the stay at home version of Lindsay Lohan without the arrests. Oh, or crazy parents.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I thought she retired again.

  3. Doesn't Bynes have enabling parents?

  4. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Bynes certainly does sound like the best guess. I was going to say Miley, but Liam's not unemployed. I read Miley's recent interview on Celebitchy and she sounded pretty grounded all things considered.

    1. Miley has never been B listed, has a $130 mil fortune, and new album out very soon. This is Bynes.

  5. She's the Man is equal to Lilo's Mean Girls. Great movie, but pretty much their only one.

    For something different, how about Ashley Tisdale? Her bfs are normal people for the most part, which would make sense with the unemployed, homeless bit. Amanda hasn't worked in at least a year it seems, and especially after all her stunts who would hire her? Ashley has kept it more together and would have jobs lined up.

  6. Anonymous10:24 AM

    I thought when u retired from those kid shows (Disney/ Nickelodeon) u were financially set for life.

    1. Not if you make stupid decisions and have people draining your money with nothing on the horizon coming in terms of endorsements, appearances or successful business ventures a la Jessica Simpson.

  7. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Bynes is the most obvious answer except that I thought she made a big deal about retiring, and moving to NY to become a fashion designer. She wouldn't need to rely on her next jobs, and I don't believe would be talking to any producers. Jeannette McCurdy makes more sense for this one.

  8. I totally read this as Demi Lovato, but I'm usually horrible at these things.

    1. Anonymous12:10 PM

      @mom i read this as demi too

    2. Same here. Wonder if she's losing that gig with Simon after all...

  9. too...Demi Lovato

  10. All things considered, Miley is starting to look like a peach. Out of her peers, I never would have figured her to be the one with her shit in order.

  11. Oh, my guess is Demi Lovato. Remind me to never name a kid Demi.

  12. money goes so quickly, these people are just clueless and must have the worst financial managers or none at all to understand it goes like water. Espically, living in NYC. NEW YAWK IS EXPENSIVE YO!

  13. Demi's parent ARE crazy (estranged abusive dad and stage mom) but her stepdad seems normal. So yeah. Demi's my guess too

  14. who's the unemployed homeless boyfriend?

  15. But isn't Demi living in a sober house?

    1. Anonymous12:12 PM

      @lindsey i've heard that was just a grab for publicity

  16. I thought Bynes was a former A list tweener, not B.

    I hope it's not Demi, I really like her.

  17. And on the Demi thing...isn't she living in a sober house an (as of now) still employed on X Factor?

  18. Also, Wilmer, douche that he is, isn't unemployed or homeless.

    (lol, I really don't want it to be Demi)

  19. I read this as Demi with the job being X Factor since we know for a fact LA & Brit are out and not a word has been said about Demi's status with the show.

    What if it's Ashley Tis, she's the only one we ever see in the DM with her no name boyfriend.

  20. I personally don't believe that Demi is living in a sober house. It's totally a PR spin.

  21. There's a topic on her imdb about some dire tweet(since deleted) Jenette Mccurdy posted about her Sam & Cat spinoff. Maybe about her being release/fired?

    1. @Ingrid - is there really goss going around that Cat and Sam's been cancelled/scrapped? This tweener mom needs to know!!

    2. As of Friday, 01/25, they were doing a photo shoot for Sam and Cat (the correct name - sorry). I'm only mildly ashamed that I know/care this much about Nick's programming.

  22. Wasn't Jenette McCurdy the New Year's reveal to the blind item about the tweener having sex & doing drugs with her unemployed (former iCarly writer) older boyfriend? If so, she fits.

  23. Throwing Taylor Momsen into the mix. Former B list tweener, she's been in this space before, maybe trying to line up acting work since the band ain't cutting it?

  24. I think Demi Lovato and Amanda Bynes have been revealed as former A list Tweeners.

    When I think B list tweeners, I think someone like Ashley Tisdale. Anyone know if she got fired from her SoA gig?

  25. Anonymous12:14 PM

    i hope it's not ashley tisdale, i like her lol

  26. This isn't Bynes. Bynes is single.

    Jeanette McCurdy for sure

  27. I wouldn't consider Bynes the stay at home version, since she has gotten into trouble and her weird behavior has been noticed while she's been out.

  28. Bynes was a television AND movie actress, so this doesn't fit her at all.

  29. Ashley Tisdale does a lot of voice over work for Disney- Phineas and Ferb is a huge hit with the kiddees.I don't think you can be that out of control and still show up for a regular job.

  30. What is a "sober house"? Is this an official thing, like a dry house on college campuses?

    If it is, it would fit the blind - the "stay at home" part, anyway. Seems whenever Amanda leaves the house, things get a little out of hand. And she wasn't arrested for her last offense, right?

  31. How can Jenette McCurdy's boyfriend be homeless... isn't he a writer for nickelodeon?

    Did some research on Ashley. Is it possible that the voice-over is the "work she is counting on" that she might be fired from?

    I read that she was cast as the lead for "Left Behind" which is a popular book series. This could also possible be the other job she was counting on.

    Take a look at her "rocker" boyfriend and tell me he doesn't look skeevy. I think if we hear about her dropping out of any projects due to "scheduling conflicts" we may have found a winner.

    1. Anonymous2:37 PM

      @lotta from what i've heard, once iCarly was done so was his job. don't quote me on that though, i'm terrible at tween gossip -_-

  32. sober house is like a cross between a half-way house and outpatient rehab. It is for people who want to be sober and have done rehab but need a constant minder. they have a zero tolerance policy on drugs/alcohol.

    there was a spin off from Dr. Drew's Celebrity Rehab called Sober House, it was where they went to live after graduating rehab.

  33. Jennette McCurdy had a HUGE meltdown last night on Twitter. I think we have a winner...

  34. "Having so much fun working on a new animated movie!"

    "hey guys, i might be dropping out of snowflake and not doing sam & cat due to some bullshit that is going down. people suck and people lie."

    "hey guys! trying to get my voice removed from snowflake.. will keep you posted on progress. xoxo"

    I wonder if celebs or their handlers don't realize that tweets are archived.

    Speaking of twitter... share your handle!

  35. Holy cow, prolixe! Good catch! I looked at her twitter, but couldn't figure out WTF she was replying to - lots of peeps sending her support, I guess. Good grief, that's sad, huh? My kids will be bummed if she goes the way of Demi Lovato, et al. Mitchell Musso (played Oliver on Hannah Montana) is another former Disney kid who lost his show recently due to his issues.

  36. Thanks Prolixe! When I looked all I saw was the voice removed from Snowflake bit.

  37. Im on board with the Jennette McCurdy train.

  38. Please be Amanda. She really needs help.

    On another note...I thought she had retired from the business.
