Saturday, January 26, 2013

Blind Item #3

You would think that after being with someone who has been sober for so long that this A list celebrity would have kicked her coke habit. She did for awhile. In the past year though she is right back to snorting coke as much as she can. She limits herself to only nights she goes out, which, considering is almost every night is a lot. No word on whether her current boyfriend is partaking since she tends to go to the bathroom and do it solo.


  1. Hmmm whose the sober A- Lister??

    1. Sorry, The A-lister is the coke user, and the boyfriend is sober? Im confused.

  2. Replies
    1. Great work, Derek! I would have never guessed KP.

  3. Russell Brand (as the sober one)

    Katy Perry (A lister)

    John Mayer (current BF)

    1. I think this is the trio. Too bad... I'd hate to see such talent wasted.

  4. Anonymous10:19 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Is Olivier M sober? Hahahahahahahaha!

  6. Anonymous10:20 AM

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  7. Yep, Katy Perry. Easy.

  8. Anonymous10:22 AM

    Katy Perry! Wow you guys are good. Girl has issues....

  9. Isn't that why she and Brand broke up?

  10. @Kloie From what I gather, Katy married him because she wanted an edgy bad boy. But once they got married, she found that he wanted to do yoga and start a family, and she wanted to do coke and go out all the time (and not start a family)

  11. I don't think John's doctors would recommend the coke drip to help his voice which he is barely just getting back. I don't think John is a drug guy, just a male whore who likes to play mind games.

    I thought she looked strange at the innaugration, but couldn't see her eyes hiding behind those dark, dark, glasses.

  12. I love Russel Brand, I will happily start a dirty hippy yoga family with him.

    Katy Perry annoys the ever living shit out of me though.

  13. JSierra - I have a mad crush on Russell too. Can't explain it, but it's there.

  14. Damn, y'all are good. It made my head hurts the first time I read it.

  15. @timebob

    Oh timebob, did you ever nail John Mayer!!

  16. Who hasn't nailed John Mayer?

  17. Dia I think it's the accent, facial hair, and height. A lethal combination for my vagina.

  18. timebob is not gay or straight timebob is not man or woman timebob is just timebob

  19. +3 on the Russell Brand love! My bestie gives me grief for it so it's nice I have some back up! Yay!

    Katie is a mess of a girl, isn't she? Not Lohan mess but still a mess.

  20. Absolutly Katy Perry.

  21. Yes Katy. Weren't there blinds before about her on coke? And how her and LOLhan have a mutual friend that Simon douche and they go out but Katy will blank her in public?

  22. when I see Brand, My heart sees This ,this guy and my heart squeezes. Too bad Brand is a manHo but addicts switch to a more socially acceptable focus in early recovery. It can take years to adjust the brain/behavior. I wish him luck. (I switched to sweets and regained my booze fluff with chocolate, for a time,lol.)

  23. OMG Katy Perry has the WORST taste in men EVER. John Mayer looks like he's dying of the consumption half the time and Russell Brand gags me out from head to toe. YUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!!

  24. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I think there was a Ted blind about her being a coke head a while back can't remember if it was before or after she married Brand. This is definetly her. I too kind of like Russell Brand the only thing is he looks like he would smell bad. I don't mind the hair beard combo along as its washed. I think he would've settled down for her.

  25. ^Strawberry Snort'em (Snort'um?)
    Anyway, yeah, Ted made it out that that was Katy. :(
    I also think Brand is hot. Get Him to the Greek was so funny and he was so hot in that! I do think he broke Katy's heart though.

  26. I love Russell, he's funny, and smart. Very up front about being an addict. I like his stand up in small doses because he is too hyper. If this is Katy, I can see why they broke up. I don't see John as a coke person, more a bong guy. Too laid back for the coke.

  27. Katy Perry! I hope I got this one...I don't like her much at all. Mostly because I really like Russell and hated how everyone always said things like Katy dodged a bullet by leaving him. I'd like to think it was the other way around!

  28. lol

    How the hell would a gossip site, or anyone else for that matter, know that someone is doing coke if they do it by themselves in a locked bathroom?

  29. LOL Sav...not very worldly are you? As any (former or otherwise) user can tell you, bathrooms are the venue of choice in public places (restaurants, bars, parties,etc.) to get your snort on. Going back and forth constantly is the tip off among other mannerisms.

  30. Also post-bathroom sneezing fits, nose-blowing, nose-wiping, checking for stray powder in pocket mirror, speed-talking. Compulsive cleaning (probably the only benefit). One had a small cocaine habit after one of one's catastrophic events.

  31. I have a problem of constantly sniffling sometimes, pretty obvious that I haven't just been fixing my makeup in the bathroom all night.

  32. I love Russel Brand in Forgetting Sarah Marshall. So funny!

    Was surprised when Katy married Russell, she seems so dull and plastic.

  33. Question...doesn't the effects of this drugs only last a few minutes? I never understood why people enjoy it so much.

  34. seriously, you guys are awesome! great guesses - ALWAYS!

  35. Do you all remember Katy Perry when she first came on the scene? She has lost a LOT of weight since then and was hanging out a lot with Lindsay Lohan for a while. Of COURSE she does coke.
