Monday, January 21, 2013

Blind Item #3

What former A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee told his wife that she should leave the event they were at together because people would be mobbing him and as a star he needed to give them his full attention. Sounds so oily, but that is what he is. His wife left and he spent time taking photos and gathering as many phone numbers from models as he could. He was telling them he could give them some acting tips.


  1. Costner is at Paris FW stuff hanging out w/Oliva Munn. Gross.

  2. Oily is the key word?

    1. Costner wanted to use his Waterworld machine to clean up the Gulf oil spill.

    2. Good catch, seaward. Wow, I didn't remember that.

    3. seaward yes!!!!!!

  3. Costner is a total sleeze, so what Amber said. Didn't he get busted groping a masseuse on his honeymoon or some such foolishness? And is he on wife #2 or #3?

    As a wife #1, I'm not a fan of dudes who keep trading in for newer models.

  4. OMG, I totally forgot that Costner also fancies himself a musician, fronting a "country rock" band called True West. Man, he's got the full compliment of middle aged douchenozzle attributes!!

    1. My bad - his band is Modern West. Remember that so you don't accidently go see them.

    2. Frufra-I DID accidentally see them... When "Swing Vote" opened, he premiered it in the city I live in because he had lived here briefly. People paid $150 for the primo tickets. Then the downtown area was shut down so his band could play. A friend and I were fighting through the crowd to get to a bar but we couldn't move. It was so wrong...

    3. Oh, no SallyT! Nightmare! I about DIED last year when I saw an ad for Modern West in the paper - apparently, they were playing the Tribal Casino circuit.

  5. Costner is my Ambien (and not in the zany Tiger Woods sense either). That man can put me to sleep in minutes

    Good job on the Costner call, ladies (please say "ladies" in a creepy dude voice. It's how I always intend it)

  6. I'm new to this site but am in LOVE with the blinds and the latest round of reveals. Keep them coming, Enty!

  7. I suppose that is the reason to become a star?? Unlimited telephone numbers!

  8. But Costner's not married any more, right?

  9. I think he is still married to Christine Baumgartner...but remember when he and Elle Macphereson were together?

  10. Anonymous9:21 AM

    Costner is still married to the 2nd wife.

  11. So funny, I was reading this and thinking...Kevin Costner. Immediately. What a joke.

  12. That's right. I was thinking Dennis Quaid and his on again/off again Kristine Buffington.

    1. Buffington sounds like a James Bond surname! Rhoaaw! Pussy Galore, anyone? (channeling the jerkula ;).

  13. Modern West sounds like an after shave from the esteemed House of Stetson.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I was thinking Brolin but looks like Amber has it. And thanks for warning us Frufra. We'll just refer to it as Modern Waste.

    Welcome Nosy!

  16. Isn't it funny how Tom Cruise still has a career but Kevin Costner doesn't?

  17. Kevin Costner for the win!

  18. Tom C pays quite the price to Co$ for protection from his public/private behavior. Costner can' t be bothered, but he did win GG this year, and rightly so. Tommy gets his prizes from Miscavage.

  19. @Nutty_Flavor- I love Tom Cruise :) Not as a person, but in movies. I was totally in love with Maverick <3 Lol.

    Hi Nosy. Good to have you here :)

  20. Going by the hacked phone pics, Olivia Munn is a freak. If I was Costner, I'd take a shot at it.

    When I think Academy Awards and "oily" Adrian Brody is what comes to mind. Don't know if he's married though.

  21. i guess the blind item is about Kevin Costner and his wife but apparently his wife stayed with him at Versace show and at the party:there are some pics of them together in the french gossip blogs

  22. Am I the lone wolf here? I must confess my crush on Mr. Costner.

    I loved him in Silverado and so many others, but that was the first role that sucked me in. Field of Dreams?!? And yes, I am the one person who liked Waterworld. It was cheesy. I know this.

  23. I didn't realize he dated Elle MacPherson. What's wrong with her???

  24. I don't know if this BI is legit--although it seems highly plausible--but the "oily" hint was very clever.

    The idea of Costner giving "acting tips"...oh man. He's not a bad actor, actually, but he knows nothing about the craft of acting.

  25. Um, why is Costner at Paris FW?

  26. Kevin Costner-DOUCHE

  27. @dia, I liked him in Field of Dreams, too, and Bull Durham.

    But it wouldn't surprise me that he's a dog.

  28. Modern West is actually pretty good - their music was featured throughout that Hatfield & McCoys mini-series --- which I believe Costner just one a Globe for, no?

  29. Modern West is actually pretty good - their music was featured throughout that Hatfield & McCoys mini-series --- which I believe Costner just one a Globe for, no?

  30. Is it impossible to believe the guy honestly wants to help others?
    It's very sad that the worst intentions are always assumed.

    1. A famous actor offering acting lessons is like the seedy guy in a bar that asks whetherfif he said you had a divine body if you'd hold it against him. Really, Steppy, one simply must know their irl memes! Tut tut.

  31. You have got to be kidding, Steppy.

  32. Kevin Costner is insufferable. His recent acceptance speeches at award shows are so disgustingly self-indulgent.

  33. Costner is a complete pig, so this is probably him. A friend worked on one of his films, and he had a steady stream of African-American prostitutes sent to his trailer in between shots. Not too unusual in Hollywood (for Tim Allen, it was Asian prostitutes), but disgusting because he always cultivated this all-American family man image (although another friend's kids went to the same school as Costner's and said he was a total stand-offish prick). Bleh.

  34. I actually like his band more than I like his acting. He's got a great group of musicians surrounding him.
